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The chapter is done. But here's something to keep you thinking! This is an image from The Last Tide, the comic book about Solca Vis. You...remember that, right?

The comic? Coming out this summer? The progress is going well! And as you can see--the art is very nice! This is all I can show you all, although higher-tier Patreons will be seeing a few more images. Don't worry; you'll see them a bit later!

But here it is. Art, for a story with so many words. The story is being illustrated by  Shane Sandulak, and I really want to share it with you. Look forwards to it and enjoy this little sneak peak! 





MAWR! When is it coming out exactly? How do you define "summer" I mean with global warming and all isn't "summer" more of long term affair now? And the artist's style looks REALLY nice! GOOD LUCK P!

John Koor

How are you going to fit 30k words into a comic book?


Let me know when I can buy this! Where's the pre-order option?


Nice, think there will be any overlap with the main story?


I'll add one more thing, true story, you said she was Filipino? They're probably the craziest fisherman I've ever seen. I was on watch on a ship and we were at least 70 miles off the coast of Luzon. I look out out and see about 6 or 7 guys in (no joke) Sea Kayaks. Apparently they were pedal powered and that's just a way that they fish.


Wow, that darkness looks like [Void]. Seems the InnWorld planet is being slowly [Eaten] ...


Uhh... comic... right! Yeah! I totally remember that! So, this comic is a thing that you... drew? Haha! Just testing you! Of course you... did a thing. Um. Go you! For something!

Ram nevet

Professional drawn comic that will be published both online and physically, which will be released along with a chapter about the same thing (pirate says 20k words that means expect 30k)

Eliot Blane

This looks amazing and I am very excited


I read your comment while envisioning Michael Jackson speaking. It was awesome.

Patrick C

Do you have an idea of when it will come out?