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Read the warning at the top of the chapter. This may not be suitable for everyone...but I don't recall writing anything I wasn't willing to stream-write on Twitch. Still, I predict...events from this chapter. Hope you enjoy! I worked hard on it as always. 9 hours straight of writing, streamed live. (29,100 Words)






Wow thanks


Thanks for the chapter, I'm ... curious, I guess regarding its content. Hope you stay healthy with the entire corona situation, pirate!


I don’t know if I ever read part 1 . I may have missed it . but it will be interesting.

John Koor

"but I don't recall writing anything I wasn't ashamed to stream-write on Twitch". So everything you wrote had you ashamed!? Damn!


Woah. Long chap! Looking froward to the read 😁😁😁😙


This chapter was great had a shit eating grin for half of it.


Wow where are some places where I could not stop laughing like the antinium, az'kerash and bea. I predicted that Fierre and ryoka had feelings for each other that did not surprise me. I really want Erin💗 Hawk or Erin 💗 Pisces. With a really surprise me with 👸 and the 🐜 😱. I just thought they were just like best friends but that wow.


This was def not my cup of tea, but I trust your vision for the story. But.... let's please not have a part 3.

Joshua Flowers

I like talks about the more biological aspects of the world. Not just sex, but how the different species function and interact. I'm also the type to read every bit of optional lore, so there's that.


I usually skip these chapters, but then it said you may miss important plot points and so I forced myself to read it. After reading it completely, I think that warning about plot points should be removed - there really isn't anything important to the plot.


Drat. Now I'll have to wait for Mating Rituals Pt.3 to learn what makes selphid tits so renowned. :P Thanks for the chapter and hope you feel better!


cross posted: Wow, there is a ton of baggage in this one. So much to unpack... Not your best, but not your worst. You definitely brought laughs, tears, and confusion with this chapter, so thanks for that. I am a bit confused about which parts of this chapter are important to the overall story besides the hive issues.

Gabe Canada

Legitimate character growth for Palt, Geneva and Pawn? Did not see that coming.


It... It actually happened...


" triple thrust " 😂 😂 😂 but wait could pawn use it with the " mini - pawn "? 😂 😂 😂 maybe relc should give more advise 😂


A great chapter! but I really think sex should be intertwined with all the chapters naturally and not have a chapter for it alone. like we don't have chapters JUST for violence. And to all people throwing a fit over this.. grow up! gassing babies didn't bother you but this did!?


I suspect the relationship between Lyon and Pawn + the further individuality development of the antinium in general to be rather important plot points.


Maybe for you sex in stories is the same as violence, but it's not the same for the rest of us..so "Grow up" should be the epithet applied to you. People object to greatly detailed violence - the mechanics of how tissues are town, appendages are chopped off, sexual organs cut off, screaming and pain detailed in great depth, the body’s effusions released on death - that's grimdark and folks object to that also as it bothers them. Romance is one thing - sex is another. Violence is one thing, grimdark is another.


MR2 in addition to other recent chapters in Vol 7 added a new facet to characters and helps to make the characters more real. Pirate did a great job in balancing romantic and sexual humor in a tactful way in other prior Vol 7 chapters (Saliss, Numbtongue & Stronghearts, Goblinhome goblins, Relc, etc.) that enhanced and did not detract from the story. I viewed MR2 as backfilling the void from the first 6 volumes where related content and development was minimal. I hope Pirate continues to develop Vol 7 as he/she has in previous Vol 7 chapters as it has been my favorite so far, particularly in terms of character development.


The sex stuff was fine, it was funny, awkward, weird, uncomfortable, comforting, in some ways real life reflected back at us. Did it need to be that graphic? Debatable, but really reactions I am seeing just reflect our society of today. What stood out to me was the plague in Baleros, coronavirus is invalding fantasy land :) and also that the two dancing Antinium survived. its the little nuggetsand connections like that drive my interest and passion for the reading this story


I'm going to pass just based on the warning. IMO, relationships can be shown and develope without being explicit. Not every scene needs to be published, even if one feels the need to write them.


skipping thru a lot of it to make sure I don't miss anything significant.


Most explicit scenes were with goblins, pawn & lyonette, and Geneva and the Lizard Gigolo man.... the rest of them were mostly harmless if you want to skip through. You're missing out on some comedy gold when it comes to the Antinium skipping the whole thing tho


That was pretty tastefully done without being overly erotic. Not a big fan of detailed smut in fiction. Thinking back on the chapter, i dont think it was about sex at all, but more personal and emotional connection.


Two things that were significant, imo, in this chapter: 1) Lyonette and Pawn taking the relationship in a sexual direction. It’s significant because it adds another layer to Lyonette’s possible abduction. 2) Erin can sense emotions inside her inn. (Someone becoming darker/hateful was immediately spotted). Erin showed this ability before but in this chapter it seemed much stronger. So she might be able to sense enemies even if they don’t outwardly show it. There’s a big correlation between Erin and witches. The emotion sensing/emotional fire/ wondrous fare (seems witchy to me)/immortal moment? (Its a unique skill that the OP witch possesses - probably not a witch related skill but there might be something there) Side note: Erin is still a virgin so she’s still ‘pure’ in the eyes of the faeries. It’s probably important since she needed to be ‘pure’ to make their feast?

Ram nevet

ya, actually in the original draft of the chapter she wasn't a virgin from a experience back on earth, but we pointed out the feast with the fae and the mention of "virgin hands" so it was changed


One of my favorite chapters. Not because of the sex, but because your characters are so real that rounding out the romance parts of their lives is satisfying to finally know. You interwove so many fascinating perspectives. It didn’t hurt that this chapter was funny as hell! You should add more romance details in regular chapters. The only cringe-worthy moments were the zero to kink with the doctor and with Lyon. I’ve wanted to know about them for sure, but hard to wrap my mind around their situations in one chapter. Or maybe I just don’t see what Lyon sees in Pawn. I am glad you don’t go into sexual abuse issues much. It’s so poorly overdone in Fantasy that I’m sick of it even if a great author covers it well. Thank you for this chapter!


Did Ryoka actually spill the beans on HIV? How did Fiere react?