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I'm sort of bad at 'short' chapters. But it's shorter? Nah, I suck at brevity. (21,800 Words)




Nick Ramsey

Hurrah! Been waiting for this :D

Nick Ramsey

Btw, about 'brevity' . . who has ever complained about wanting LESS Wandering Inn to read?


Maybe it’s just because I am not a fan of Flos chapters, but I think next time you should take it easy on yourself writing these... Goblins chapters however.... those you might afford some sacrifices to.... hey! I don’t make the rules!



Daniel nadeau

Meh dont care for flo chapters myself. They feel like filler, we know he is going to win and most of the side characters pretty meh.


Every fantasy book needs one overpowered character that wallops the world.


I can’t believe I’m saying this. But If you are ever writing about the kind of Distraction. 500 words will do.


Is it war!? Hahaha!


“He went places, he convinced people to join him with his sheer awesomeness, he made his people level faster, he still has no great plan except ‘I will conquer everythang!!’ And the two kids he has imprisoned are still VERY impressed with him despite all the slavery, conquest, and unnecessary war”


You do realize we have many historic generals in real life where their “great plan” also could be boiled down to “I will conquer everything”? You may feel it is too simple, but it is still realistic.


The most exciting thing about this chapter was that the end note implied that the next chapter is not going to be a [K] chapter


I feel that in this specific chapter you made a lot of mistakes, which you usually don't do. E.g. spelling, weird sentences or referring to Reim as Rhir.


Flos chapters are some of my favorites along with the Horns


I'm sure even Flos himself wouldn't touch Rhir unless it was the last continent left to conquer. Damned crelers.


Shsss please didn’t say she made a mistake because she might say my hand and take along a month of vacation.


It's interesting that people are so polarized when it comes to Flos. His chapters haven't been my favorite, but does it not seem like Flos's story has yet to start. His chapters feel like a precursor to much more. For my part, I will trust in Pirate. It's gone pretty well so far. :D


Part of that is probably how disconneccted Flos feels compared to the rest of the story. Even baleros chapters have several earthlings and the titan vs just 1 maybe 2 earthlings in K chapters and a character nobody else has interacted with. Gazi is the only one we knew, briefly, and she doesnt DO a lot in the K chapters lately.


I'm definitely in the camp that's unimpressed with Flos chapters. I've loved every side-story except these, but I can honestly say there's not a single plotline within Flos that I'm interested in.

Kyle Aretae

In terms of Favorite substories, I prefer 1. Erin + her "family" 2. Ryoka 3. Goblins 4. Toren 5. Niers 6. Antinium 7. Horns 8. Laken 9. Other adventurers (Halfseekers, etc.) 10. Flos 11. Necromancer 12. Magnolia, etc. 13. Trey+Teres 14. United Nations ... 47. The Clown

Kyle Aretae

That said ... I like Flos a lot, and enjoy his story. Less so, so far T+T solo, And Rhir is not tonally good for me.


My rating is related to why I love the series, for while war and conflict are a part of the series, I like characters and storylines that don’t outright chooses violence. So my rating is 1- Erin. 2- Goblins (they just want to survive) 3- United Nation 4- Ryoka. 5- The Clown (i’ll explain later) 6- Niers (only because it ties in with UN and Erin story) 7- Blackmage. 8- Laken. *The reason I like the clown despite the violence in it, is because it’s not a story that glorifies war or violence, while other characters do HORRIBLE and violent acts, they rarely seem affected by it except gaining some cool skills, but in the [Clown] you see the mental and emotional toll it has on people.

Celine Liu

I prefer 1) Erin 2) Ryoka 3) Horns 4 ) Selys 5) Rags 6) Antinium 7) Geneva 8) Blackmage


So long as it's not about Laken I am pretty happy about whatever she decides to write.


Aww. I like the clown. Delving into insanity...

Kevin Choi

No Kind of Destruction. No Laken. Im happy.


Erin, Laken, Antinium, Goblins, Niers