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'Tis I! Your author! And here is a shorter chapter than average! You laugh, but it's true! (17,600 Words)





Wow today your early but 🙏


You gotta admit, that is pretty funny.


It was a pretty great chap


You have me really worried for Mrsha and Numbtounge now.


Thank you!!

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

that cliffs so sharp I could cut myself..... sigh cliffed again, and like a cucked husband I'll just keep coming back.....sigh

Kyle Aretae

I was hoping/expecting to learn about the Garden of Sanctuary. Also hoping it would be something like this. Well played


It would be awsome if Erin or marsha would move the ashe fire bees in the sanctuary. With apista as the new queen

Kyle Aretae

I'll have to borrow the first half of that. "that cliff's so sharp I'm bleeding". Thanks


Oh I am loving this


I'm starting to get really, really, angry about how Bird is being treated. He almost started a continent wide war and killed everyone in Liscor just as the start. And all he gets is nothing bird related for a week or two!? The damage he may have caused is incalculable considering Erin was slowly getting Liscor and Pallas to accept the antinium. Pirateaba, I love your writing, but Bird can't get away with this. If Erin had to spend time in jail for using a skill, Bird's trespass and violation of the antinium treaties should merit more than a light scolding! Erin should be struggling to keep Bird from being executed right now, and Bird should be in prison or dead. You built up so much tension with the wyvern fight and Bird being in Pallas, then his outrageous lie in front of the whole world; you had me ready for there to be an actual war, or for bird to be summarily executed, or for some grand legal battle! And then, nothing! Worse still, this section - and Bird failing to understand bthe gravity of what he did, because he isn't that stupid, I remember when he shot an arrow at that one good ranker and how distraught he was when he realizes he did something bad - has made me dislike Bird a lot, and question Liscors intelligence. If Zevara had cut him down when he came through the door, only Erin would have cared, and it would have been entirely reasonable.


Burn the eretic! All hail Bird The Hunter,favorite son of the free Queen!


Don't forget how young he is!


"If Zevara had cut him down when he came through the door, only Erin would have cared" Also the Free Queen. Bird may not m be a prognugator, but I don't think the war threat was fully a bluff.

Bruno Salque

A good point, but for me, Bird is the "autistic son" of Erin (and Lyonnette, and Pawn?) and has real trouble considering everything.


This has got to be the most short sighted and disastrous outcome possible. First, it has already been established that the drakes are not ready to fight the antinium. And while most of them do not know that Az'Kerash is lurking in the background waiting for an opportunity, they do know that Tyrion Veltras is out for revenge. Drakes killed his wife, so they do know for sure of his reasons. So while the drakes and humans together pushed back the antinium in previous wars, they are now at each other's throats currently. And they believe that aside from the Free Hive, all the other hives have been steadily increasing their forces since. And while the drakes have been somewhat confident that they would maintain their aerial superiority if war does start, Bird just greatly disabused them off that notion. For all they know, Bird is just the 1st among countless others. Which he is, since Klbkch started forming the archer groups. Which Liscor's council, and thus all the drake cities, does know. Next, Bird's "bluff" isn't really a bluff. Even if Chaldion or Grimalkin or whoever else knows for sure that Bird is lying, then they would also be smart enough to know that the other Queens will have to start a war even if the Queens also know Bird is lying. Because it's a matter of showing weakness. If the other Queens do not start a war when "Bird the Prognugator" is threatening it, then they will show the entire world that the antinium are not united anymore, and the drakes might take the opportunity to wipe out Liscor's Hive. Or, they would show that they are not ready to die by the thousands and hundreds of thousands like before, which is their war strategy the previous wars. Either situation would show a huge weakness to the entire world, because everything is on vidcast. And remember, the Free Queen knows that Bird has something in him that makes him a True Antinium. She might start a war herself just to get his body, to either resurrect him, or to replicate his success. And as shown, the Free Queen's stock has gone up through the roof all because of Bird. And thirdly, Erin would punish Bird like an autistic kid, because she knows that Bird is like an autistic kid and she considers herself his parent. If your kid does something bad, like steal a toy, or bully a girl, would you chop off his hands or castrate him? o.O That's why everyone in the inn that knows Bird is taken aback by Klbkch's "punishment", even Zevara and Relc. The smartest thing that everyone would do is to deescalate, then gather information. War is won with accurate intelligence. Or rather, starting a war with dumb information is just dumb. I think that Erin's Garden of Sanctuary would be the location for the Izril Peace Talks. She already has made good impressions on Liscor, Palass, and Salazsar's higher ups, already has an invitation to the Gnollmoot, already talking with Wistram's mages, has Klbkch's ears, and her goal, probably peace and a United Izril, is what Magnolia wants. And she is still a Friend of the Goblins. And she might form a connection with Laken through either both being Earthers, or through Pebblesnatch. And Manus' dragon already wants to take her measure. And Ilvriss (I think) already foreshadowed this when saying that Erin is no Zel, but she might yet be if she levels up more. Which is someone capable of uniting all drakes, or as Zel and Magnolia wanted, all of Izril.


I think the simple answer is the best. Chaldion saw one outcome, and pushed all things he could toward it. That outcome involved bird's major incident being seen a minor misunderstanding by most, and pretended to be by the rest due to there being far more to lose than than to gain. Or maybe, Pirate just really likes bird. I like him too. :D

Peter Jørgensen

Somebody do not understand mental health or morality Bird the Vladerag just doesn't understand


Beside Zevara have proven herself to be an exemplar follower of law and common sense. As she have refused to take excessive action again the minotor and Erin. Doing as you speak would be completely out of character.


Well paksheet, first: I don't think the antinium care about showing weakness because they don't really understand the concept of caring what other races think. Second, Liscors queen might love bird, but she also can barely stop herself from killing him and picking him apart. She would certainly not go to war over him because he wouldn't be Erin's guard otherwise. Birds duty is to prevent Erin's death at all costs, including his own life. He is far less valued than the other individual workers who have entire retinues dedicated to their defense. Thirdly, yes Erin punished him in the same way you would punish a heavily autistic child, but you don't give heavily autistic children with little understanding not consequences weapons and duties which require them to kill. Bird is a toddler with a gun in the middle of an incredibly volatile situation, the sheer danger he represents is mind blowing.


Listen up Peter Jorgensen, you are an asshole. A disagreement about how fantasy characters are treated is no reason for personal attacks. Especially because you know nothing about me, so read this carefully: I have diagnosis of ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. My personal ethical and moral standards are a blend of utilitarianism and enlightened self-interest philosophy. And speaking as a person who has dealt with mental illness for their whole life, and as someone who has a moral philosophy that attempts to balance the idea of the greatest good for the greatest amount of people with the self interest of individuals: I say again, Bird should have been executed for his crimes or at the very least much more severely punished. Bird, especially with a bow, is a danger to himself and others and cannot be easily restrained or reasoned with. Erin has a rule against killing goblins, yet bird tried to kill the redfangs on sight. Bird shit an arrow that could have kill Halrac, not realizing he would have killed a lesser individual. Now Bird almost started a war between the antinium and the Drake's; a slap on the wrist and no hunting for a week is not an appropriate punishment! He shouldn't be allowed to hunt or leave the next ever again at the very least, and the safest and most logical thing to do is have him executed.


Vladerag you made a good point, but I think you fail to take, in consideration a very important point. That is, that we as readers have a far better understanding of the mentality, way of thinking and political situation of the antinium. The drake have absolutely no idea of what bird truly is or his importance. They're not going blind, but are very near. You do not want to make big move when you feel like your standing in a minefield. Also, as unpleasant that this sound, Bird and Erin are to be allowed some lay way in how much it tolerated of them. Simply because they are high level. This world is too dangerous to throw away such an effective fighter. I imagine some are thinking, what if they had come at Liscor. He would have been one of their best defense.


Vladerag. During the Goblin Lord's siege in Liscor, the queens revealed they were already enough prepared to start the Third Antinium War right that instant. And while they don't care or understand what the drakes think, they saw Bird declare he was a prognugator, and that killing him would start a war. If the drakes do kill him, the queens might see it as a declaration of acceptance. Do you think the queens would tell the drakes, sorry, that's just a rogue antinium, ignore what he said. Or ask the drakes, so does this mean war? They'd immediately mobilize because they're already ready, and assume that the drakes are already mobilizing as well. And I didn't say the Free Queen would start a war because she wanted to rescue Bird, I said she would start a war to recover his valuable corpse. Sure she let him stay at Erin's inn where he can die anytime, but if he did die there, the corpse would return to her. If Pallass killed Bird, the drakes might not return the body in order to study a dangerous threat to their fliers, and the FQ would definitely not tell them she wanted his corpse back. I doubt it would be hard for her to convince the other hives that Bird was a valuable, high level Individual, capable of pushing farther into the dungeon solo than multiple teams of gold rank adventurers working together, and most importantly, he was also a True Antinium. That he was not actually a prognugator is even better for his value because it meant he could be replicable. Erin said she felt that staying in the inn has made Bird find his true childlike self, but he wasn't like that when she first met him. So she reminded him of that, then gave him the worst punishment for him she could think of. While banning him from birds for a week feels lenient, I think Bird was more distraught over it than when he was being beaten up, or when he thought he was going to die. So while I doubt anyone can make him understand completely, Erin reminded him that he is able to and should act more "normal" when he is not at the inn, and that actions have consequences. Although I do think that Erin is giving Bird too much leeway without giving him any instruction. She has never given him orders on who not to shoot, or orders to shoot to incapacitate only, or even why he shouldn't kill a sentient being. And she should know better than to assume he knows this stuff. But all these are secondary, the drakes are the real factor in why Bird wasn't executed immediately. They are not ready to start a war with the antinium, especially with the revelation that maybe the antinium can now counter their ace, the oldblood fliers. They are even less ready to start a war with the threat of Tyrion in the horizon. So while I get that you really hate Bird, I don't understand why you think it's a good idea for the drakes to execute him immediately. You said you try to balance the idea of greatest good for greatest amount of people, and that logic demands Bird's execution. Then with this reasoning, Bird should NOT be executed. First, starting a war that you are not ready for, and that is avoidable is clearly illogical. Second, Bird has commited a single actual crime for the entire duration of TWI, entering Pallass, and he did so in order to kill birds (which resulted in lives saved). He has not yet actually killed anyone he shouldn't. Halrac and the Wistram team didn't die, and killing goblins is not actually a crime. On the other hand, he has defended Erin, the inn, Liscorites, and Pallasians many times already, through face eater moths, raskghar, greydath, Wistram's team, crelers, wyverns, and more. So just looking at the facts, there's more benefit to the greatest amount of people in keeping him alive. Thirdly, the law is not set in stone. Important individuals like Saliss and Erin break them all the time. And while Bird is no Saliss or Erin, he should be considered as the representative of the entire antinium race that instant, as he is the only one there, and he is on international tv. The law should also be flexible enough to accomodate large issues, such as possible war. If you allow a single criminal to go free, even if he end up killing more than a thousand people in the future, in order to prevent hundreds of thousands of death, then I believe that is for the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. If you really want to kill Bird, then the best and most logical way for the greatest amount of people, would be to wait until he actually kills someone he shouldn't, then execute him cleanly. It has been stated over and over by so many different people that Named Adventurers are all dangerously insane. But everyone permits them to exist because of the good that they "could" do, that is, until they commit an actual and unforgivable crime like Regrika. I don't think Bird's case is any different. Sure he is unstable and dangerous, but he is also high level which is valuable in Innworld. And while he has harmed several characters in the story, I blame Erin more for this because she has not actually taught Bird anything. She just said, you did wrong, apologize to Halrac. And? When he shot at the Redfangs because they were hobgoblins and not goblins, nothing either. Then when Bird kept shooting at Montressa's team even when they were already unconscious, Erin didn't say anything either. And after so many incidents already, still nothing.