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Early chapter! Also, in my defense...I tried. Even so, I'm an oathbreaker. (11,600 Words)




Celine Liu

Omg. You're so creative. I adore you; I adore your writing.


I wonder who is Erin’s mysterious player.And I am a little bit worried about what will happen between Erin and the female dragon


It has been established who Erin’s chess/go opponent is. If you need a hint - he also plays with a squirrel. And yep, another group trying to steal away Erin, wonder if this group will have any more luck then the last. Maybe Ferris can send a pink carriage.


I’m loving the beginning of Vol. 7 so far! It’s exciting to see the characters grow and change. I anticipate this might be my favorite volume yet.


Uh oh. The dragon is going to act like she’s a genius schemer but Erin will have none of it.


You did well. And I hope, that you rest well.


I do wonder what enticements Ferris will have to use to get Erin to travel all the way to Manus... if kidnapping is off the table. Then again, he better get in line behind all the people/groups demanding Erin's attention and presence.


Oooooo unexpectedly early, and so loved xxx


Goddamnit. At the end of last year i promised myself that i will not support as many writers as i did last year. I cut Pirateaba abo, because just 1 chapter was not such a long wait time. But the recent chapters just confirmed one thing. Every cent was worth it. Goddamnnit. Those chapters were insane!

Brett Sherman

Loved it... great storyline.


Won't lie, the biggest draw for me is between Erin and the Titan. ARG waiting for so many chapters for them to meet. I both love and hate you sometimes...you tease. lol, Keep up the good work! Oh yeah, you're my first Patreon Artist.

Kyle Aretae

Random question --- I got my wife reading, so I'm reading along with. I just reread 2.23 -- which ends with an intriguing line: "A Named Adventurer began her slow journey as she sailed across the seas from Terandria." Was that ever resolved? Elia Arcsinger is the only one I can think of. I think Belviar was in Izril for quite a while. Can't name any other female Named adventurers who may have started travel to Izril after Gazi left.

Rikk Silirion

Honestly I like the Antinium more than any other race/characters in the series. They are so different, so interesting, and so sad.


COUldn’t help but thinking about the Wandering Inn :’) teary smile.. :’’’’( https://www.letraseningles.es/letrascanciones/traduccionesLO/Maroon5-Memories-Traducida.html

Kyle Aretae

If I remember correctly ... the levels here are getting stratospheric. Goldrank is mostly a 30s thing + items the line is that there are fewer than 1000 people worldwide with levels at 40+. I think we know of a dozen or two. Saliss, Pelt, Gazi, Mars, Belviar, Niers, Foliana, Tulm, Az'kerash, Erin, Magnolia?, Flos?, Orthenon?, Tarkhatres?, Fetohep?, The martial arts guy, Klbkch was once, Xrn?, Feor, Amerys, a couple more from Wistram? Anyone else? Halrac? Elia? Ilvress? Veltras?


Belavierr* I'm 100% sure that Magnolia, Flos, Orthenon, Takhatres, Fetohep & Xrn are above level 40. Fairly certain that Flos is above 50, perhaps even 60 or higher. Martial arts guy would be Orjin, who I presume to be at least level 50. As far as I understand, people like Flos' Seven would be around level 60, give or take a couple of levels. Gazi is the lowest leveled of the group and I imagine her to be around 50. I'd estimate Halrac to be high 30s, Elia low 40s and Veltras low to mid 40s. Ilvriss has been confirmed to be below level 40, probably 35 or so.


Something else that has really caught my eye is that most (if not all) of the highest leveled people in Innworld don't have (known) children or if they do, don't seem to be spending that much time with them. Niers, Flos & his Seven, Magnolia, the Archmages of Wistram, Saliss, etc ...


yeah it seems like they're celibate most of the time or pining after that one person they cant be with


Oh yes, but Relc's highest class is [Spearmaster] at level 33. And Tekshia, the Guild Mistress, was "only" Gold rank, so about level 40 max. I was talking about the highest levelled people, from at the very least level 40 and onwards.


Fetohep is an undead, he lost his levels but retains his skills

Kyle Aretae

This is a basic truth about life. The crazy people who devote their whole life to one thing tend to be pretty crappy / unfocused on other things. you have N hours in a day and K quantity of focus. Spend it somewhere. Ceteris paribus the people who spend all their attention on, say, conquering the world, or being a witch, don't have a lot of spare attention to have a family.

Philip Pleiss

I'm trying to remember how high the last level it mentioned Niers getting was.

Kyle Aretae

In book 2, he's listed as leveling from his games with Erin, and being in the 60s.


Nothing to night 🤨


He's also a lvl 30 Guard, and level 10 Sergeant. He's the highest leveled individual, but his classes are all too separate to synergize.


Niers is like six inches high or something. He left the Fraerling community to become an adventurer etc. where’s he going to find a date? And Rufelt and Lasi are pregnant. Poor sods. Like Relc says, you gotta have a charm to ward against pregnancy....I’m thinking that also explains the archmages...easy pickings...


Did I miss an announcement? These late night posts kill me, I can't *not* read them but it's past my old man bedtime.


The Antinium will also happily carry out a mass-genocide of everyone in Izril if they can manage it. Not merely Conquest , but full and complete Genocide of every sentient living species in every village, town and city. The Free Antinum may not participate but the others are not going to hold back.


I'm so bummed, I waited all day to have time to read Sat. 8 th chapter, but I'm having the same problem as Brian Bell. So I'll have a fun Sunday morning read instead, something to look forward to!

David Eddy

I hope you're OK!...and I'm totally willing to forgive this lapse in your stellar record if you simply promise to keep writing until shortly after the day I die...I'm shooting for another 75 years so plan accordingly!! :))) We are so spoiled by you!

David Eddy

Maybe shortly before...so 74 years and some change :)

Beth Rasmussen

VERY NICE CHAPTER! So much new information! On a lighter note I like how you snuck in a new way to text. ;)