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Hey, it's me! I'm back for a late poll! And a late chapter! I blame it all on stomach stuff--I have no idea what it was, but I'll moan about that in the after-chapter comments. You know how it is! Feel free to share these spoilers or withhold them; they're just a bit extra for you lovely $10 readers since I literally have nothing else to give.

That, and my love. But I'm mainly just hungry right now. So...here's the notes!

EDIT: Now adding more details since I had to write this in a rush.

The Titan's Answer - You know it. We all remember it! The Titan and his game at Daquin! The magnificent fecal-based victory! But what will Umina and Wil ask for? What kind of hijinks (yes, I'm using that word) will ensue as the Titan lets them ask? It's a fun chapter that reveals more of Niers' past. Perhaps not your cup of tea with all this backstory? Let it ride since it might be a regular chapter! But if you HAVE to know what the question is and you can't wait for your dose of Fraerling, choose this chapter!

EDIT: His famous battle with Queravia the Gambler told here! How did she lose? Was he actually in jeopardy of losing? Yes he was. His greatest opponent's defeat revealed!

The 5th Best [Lord] in the World - He's from Rhir. We get a non-clown POV. In fact, this is all about excellence. The 5th best [Lord] in the world is still...5th best, right? Right? We'll get to see artifacts and what Rhir's actually like when you're not a [Clown], and maybe even Richard, our [Knight]! It's all about the drama that is...Rhir. And Rhir's all drama, by the way. The same as last option, but a really good one. Come on, we haven't been to Rhir in ages.

EDIT: Can you make titanium? See Earth's team trying to realize some of Earth's technology with a [Lord] willing to finance their endeavors!

Building a Goblinhome - Another same-as-last time option, although this won't be Rimworld-style. It'll be more of a straight 'where are they now' catchup with Rags and her crew. How has Snapjaw adjusted since losing...everyone? Rabbiteater? Badarrow? Redscar? More importantly, how have they levelled up? That's fascinating to some people!

If you don't recognize any of those names, you clearly don't love Goblins and you need to vote for this chapter. Goblins being Goblins is fairly relaxing. And sad. But also happy, sometimes. And that's what we're here for. They eat a Wyvern.

EDIT: I sold this one fairly well. They eat a Wyvern. Plus, Cave Goblins and regular Goblins all building a home is fun.

Legends of Earthworld - This one's a one-shot in the most truest sense of the side story world. It's about, well, people other than Erin, Ryoka, or the crew we know, doing their thing. I'm thinking around 6 stores--some of which I know about, all SHORT. Just to see how they're adapting and how they're doing. An experimental idea, but one I might write into the story, like all these chapters. Or not. If it appears later, it might not have all the characters I had in mind, but it'll be interesting nontheless! And yes, the the Queen of Pop appears in this one.

EDIT: Queen of Pop! Queen of Pop! And perhaps our [Reporter]? Among others! I might ask for great songs (not just in pop) for research for this one. Shame I can't use any lyrics. Stupid copyright laws.


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