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Argh! I did it again! I really AM back! (26,300 Words)




John Koor

Woo hoo!


Mitty thank you Aba! Look out for your fine hands


All of the yes. All of it. I love the direction and can only be pulled back into your wonderous story. This chapter is why I HAVE TO keep reading your book. I'm simply not a fan of tragedy, it's not something I like to read, no matter how well written. However, chapters like these, so full of life and detail, they make the tragedy bearable and quite nearly force me to continue. That said, perhaps the tragedy is why moments like this are so powerful. Thank you for your work and good luck.

Emmanuel Martinez

Ikr! This chapters is one of the best examples of why I fell in love reading this novel. The detail, the life, the stories. It's so interesting to see all of it progress, first individually, then as a whole. It's very satisfying to read! Keep up the good work, Aba! What an amazing chapter!


I'll be back to re-read this on a crappy day =D


I dislike Lism's blatant homophobia but on the plus side, woo for subtle representation


Thank you!


Burned through the archive in a couple of weeks, an excellently written story with a hot pile of interesting characters, well done.

Ground Control

Huh so weird was just wondering why it feels like haven't read a chapter in forever. As it turns out, I forgot to read this one!

Alan McBrayer

Grrr chapter is posted on website, but no password on patreon