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The author is on break. The author is on break! And I'm enjoying it!

I do think this will be good for me. Not that I'm not keeping busy; I'm doing other things I normally ignore in the course of my job, including practicing on the new keyboard, working on prep for Volume 2 audibook stuff, and updating Fanworks. This, however, will determine what the first chapter back will be.

And for this poll, I thought we could use something light. Happy. Relaxed? Well, I can't promise 100% that all these stories will lead to happiness, but they were all conceived as positive stuff. So, vote away and enjoy...in about 14 days! Argh! My break's already passing too fast for me!



I'd rather get back to Erin.


Why would you make me choose between Toren's bar and Goblinhome, you monster

Gabe Canada

Foliana. As in fluffy tailed murder squirrel. Eating things. This will heal my heart. We need this.


Argh Toren's bar is most overdue BUT GOBLINS

Anthony Arredondo

I feel like Toren won't be relevant for a while

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

I feel terrible but I'm voting for everything but squirrel girl. I know her chapter will be fun but I need to know about the goblins and the skeleton, and necromancer and Drake relaxation sounds hilarious


I want to see what the goblins in the High Passes are up to. I feel like Toren can wait until someone from the Inn decides to go into the dungeon again.


I want to see Toren again


While Foliana herself might not be the most interesting, remember the little giant who will surely appear alongside her, and the continuation of that line of plot!



Parker Groseclose

After rereading volume 1 & 2 I'm missing my favorite, split personality skeleton. It has really been a long time since we heard from him. Err I mean her. Them?


omg imagine the scene where toren and erin reunite


Toren, what happened to him, I want to know!!


Unless Toren sees Erin again in this side story i'm not interested.


How is Azkerash the least popular...!


Folina allways eats the food that the people who she kills love. according to the rumors of corse.


Why would they reunite? Erin knows Toren is a killer and she will probably see the undead army Toren is building. She'll recruit the Horns to permanently kill Toren.


Azkerash and illvriss are the big movers and shakers of this world. I would love to hear more about what they are upto. The toren chapter just sounds like itll be some whole long insane thing we're he's tripping out at playing at being an inkeeper. No thanks.


Gotta be toren.


We've had a lot of serious stuff lately. If it's not going back to Erin, then I want something that at the very least probably won't involve the deaths of people I care about. Gotta go with Toren!


Such a close race! Fortunately, I am happy with either. Hope this means a Toren/Erin reunion or a Niers/Erin meeting is in the works for Vol 7


Really like the Toren's bar option, looking forward to whatever gets picked but after rereading volume 1 & 2 I've been missing our old friendly...ish skeleton


I want all 4 of them!

John Koor

Toren! Toren! Toren!

Ground Control

Was the goblin sim a rags chapter?