Bloodfields and Klbkch (Patreon)
Hey all! Before the next chapter, I thought I'd post some artwork by Enuryn the [Naturalist] to tide you all over! As you may recall, you voted on the 4 images he'd draw, the winners being Ashfire Bees, Faerie Flowers, the Blood Fields, and Wistram Academy.
Two of the images have already been shown in earlier chapters (and I should really update Fanworks soon!), and the Blood Fields is recently done. Enuryn is working on Wistram and it will be a bit of time yet, but he's also redone his first character sheet of Klbkch!
I really like it all, and I've been giving Enuryn the descriptions for the images to work off of. Not Klbkch--but the Blood Fields are based on my descriptions, as are the nasties lurking about! It's my hope that Enuryn might be able to do an entire bestiary or encyclopedia for Innworld, but that's a big dream! For now, we're doing it sheet by sheet and I'll add these to next chapter's comments!
Hope you enjoy them; I think there's a need for a dedicated fan-run site for all the amazing art, because I can't keep up with writing and adding them to Fanworks! Plus, I'm starting to break the page with all the uploaded images. In any case, I'm amazed at all the talented people who're willing to contribute to the story! See you on Saturday!