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I...I have no words for this. This is the Titanic of chapters. Read it and weep for me. (24,300 Words)





Thank you!


I'm crying about rats now.


A hard and dark chapter to read. But amazing and well written as always.


Wow. Awe inspiring

Emmanuel Martinez

If Mrsha wasn't exposed to the love and kindness Erin's inn had brought, the white Gnoll would've truly been a 'Doombringer' for friends and foes alike.

Scott Soper

Well, I enjoyed it. Even when you feel like you have a super awkward chapter it's still better than ninety percent of the other stuff out there I pay money to read. Next time you feel bad about a chapter, go down to the coffee shop, put on your entitlement shades, and throw your weight around. You're a famous author, yo!


Once Calruz and the idea of torturing him to death was brought up, I was waiting for someone to point out that they'd be no better than the Raskghar if they went through with that. I'm glad Erin was able to point that out in the end, though I feel the point may be lost on many of the Gnoll.


Jesus, that chapter. Phaw, I'm still angry at all those people. Time for the gym, I think.

Gabe Canada

This is a flumoxing epic. And it's scary you out this together so well so quickly.


I felt this one in my gut. I finished and literally whispered, "Wow". Still feeling it today.


I don't know how much these comments are read, but this was an incredible chapter, and extremely striking. The tonal change was pretty apparent, and the lack of polish was a big plus for me. It was undeniably you, and had heart and intelligence and undeniable quality, but with added weight. Sure the rhyming came off as quirky or goofy, but that's part of what TWI is I think. I haven't really been moved to comment before, but this one required something. Chapters like this are why I read.