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I dunno. I think I should slow down. My hands really ache after this one...next chapter will be easier! I think. (28,300 Words)




Ground Control

Your weak human body is holding you back, invest in some upgrades and leave your mortal shell.


Don't be afraid to take a little more time if you need to. As much as we love your writing we won't hate you if you take an occasional break now and then; I've known multiple authors who ran into hand/wrist issues because they didn't listen to what their body was saying to them and I wouldn't want that to happen to you!


be good to your hands, pirateAba! Be good to you!!


Are you doing forearm extensor exercises and stretching both flexors and extensors, pirate? And I trust your typing setup is ergonomic as well! Mechanical keyboard may help too if you don't have one! So can getting triggerpoint therapy balls and finger extensor rings with which to release tension and strengthen your hands in the opposite direction for musculoskeletal balance!




Dont [Scribes], [Historians], and [Story Writers] get skills to prevent wrist pain? With as many words as you put down, you MUST have a high enough level to qualify.

Tao Wong

Definitely slow down. I pushed through a LOT of pain, and ended up doing permanent damage. If you have to delay a story, delay it. You put out a ton of great, consistent content. Please take care of yourself.


I woke from a nightmare this morning, I dreamed there would be no release tommarw. Just wondering what that probably means, any ideas?

Donald Smith

Having trouble commenting on the story site. I’d love to see one more chapter to get an after action breakdown from the Titan, and Luan’s perspective. I would also enjoy seeing Luan level up at the end of the day, because this is so different from normal he must have gained some skills.