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I'm finished! Wow...I probably should have started earlier. Sleep soon! Enjoy the chapter! (19,000 Words)





Woot! The UK readers thank you for this awesome saturday gift.


Thank you!


When we first met ksmvr in the story i realy didnly like him, and then later when he got kicked out of the hive i didnt dislike him anymore but i didnt realy like him either, and now after this chapter id be interested in seeing more chapters from hos point of view.


Dead Gods that was amazing! "Dominance"


So that was a VERY interesting piece about Ksmvr, we always knew that he was specially made by the Queen, but it didn't really hit me until now that he was supposed to (temporarily) fill the shoes of Klbch. Ksmvr flavored I Can't Believe it's Not Centenium!


Dominance was clearly the best line in the entire chapter. I laughed right along with Pisces for at LEAST ten seconds there lmao


Thanks! That was a great chapter :)

zoli bassoff

The fight with Ksmvr and the bandits was great. The creative use of tactics made the battle fun and engaging. Thank you Pirateaba. I got a good laugh of him just walking up to the bandits and asking them if they were the bandits.