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Today's chapter is too long. Which is why I'm actively trying to cut it down to size. Read the comments for details. If it's all good, forget you read this. (19,700 Words. Yes, you read that right)

Password: writingMadness




Don’t cut too quickly - I haven’t noticed an appreciable loss of quality in your long chapters... You might just have leveled in [Storyteller]. I’ll report back after I read it!

Parker Groseclose

I love long chapters because they still maintain a high quality and no matter how much I read I still want more. Can't wait for the next update


Thanks for the chapter!


Checking back in; another great chapter! I don’t think length was an issue. To put my critic hat on, I think your typo rate might be a little higher in this one, one more proofread would probably catch 99% of it. BUT - I wouldn't trade that for you working through the night for the sake of a few glitches we can see are oversights. You're punching out a great story at an amazing pace; I (and I hope 'we') will forgive you a few rough edges when the story needs those extra words!


as others have said you may have leveled and gained [longform writing] which makes writing long things easier

Gaspar Diaz

The chapter was g r e a t! I can't wait for Saturday! I need moooore


So this is just a guess but everyone is going to see that one drake as kind of dumb for blaming Erin after she fixed the problem.


Forget dead Gods, Flos or Demon Kings. Lism is the true villain of this story. Screw that guy. He's like the Umbridge of Innverse. Thanks for another great chapter, and don't worry about the length, it was perfect!


Thank you for another amazing chapter!

Michael Schnebelen

Writing Madness is a good password. I definitely think you've got it. I hope there's no cure ;)

Myeong Lim

It's perfect. I love it. Shorter or longer anything is fine.


I was thinking that the people that made Dark Souls should make a proper Liscor's Dungeon game. That would be awesome.


So anyone else refreshing this page way too often this Saturday?


its almost times