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Emperors! Maybe I should have made him a [Baron] instead? Nah, that'd never work... (11,100 Words)

Password: farmperor



John Koor

How is Laken familiar with the eye of providence and it being on money? I would think that to a person born blind, they'd really know nothing more than that the bills have president's faces on them and the value. It just seems like some odd information for a blind person to know, kind of like if he somehow could tell you all about national flags without having ever seen colors.


Being blind doesn't mean ignorant. As Laken comes across as a pretty educated and cultured person, I've assumed he received a rather good education. And if he went to a school specifically for the blind, they would have various models and tools available to assist in covering such topics.


Especially with modern technology, the blind are taught many things which they did not have available previously. For example, the advent of 3-D printers has done wonders for the creation of multiple models for tactile learning which were not previously available. I do not find it beyond the realm of plausible that Laken would know all about iconic (or semi-iconic) symbols used by our country. As for the aside about [Baron], I for one agree - it wouldn't work. One of the main appeals for me specifically is that he is an [Emperor], and despite humble beginnings, I can foresee him integrating with the other regions and growing in power to eventually challenge anyone... Loving the story - please keep up the great work!