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The chapter is out! I made the previous one public so if you didn't read the bonus chapter--go read that! Enjoy this one--I worked hard on it! (45,000 Words)





Jordan Drummond

Let’s go can’t wait to give it a read


Our weekly bread


Well, that was amazing.

random bypasser

How do l get access to play the full song it only plays 5 seconds of it for me?

Nikolaus Sheehan

An amazing Nerrhavia, the Immortal Tyrant chapter. One hell of an epic opening followed by revelations and her goals. I look forward to the eventual her and Erin in the Pavilion of Secrets. That song was awesome.

Marius K

Cool chapter. Sadly had no idea anymore who any of the gnolls are. Maybe a character summary would be nice for viewpoints we haven’t seen in a while? With the slower chapter releases, the time between some viewpoints can extend to weeks or even months, makes it hard to remember the significance of characters or what they do etc.


Listened twice. Goosebumps.

David Alden

I think I found a typo towards the end of the chapter, I will mark it with a pair of asterisks on each end like so **example**. "The complete honesty took Yisame off-guard. She would have never said that—**butr** she meant every word, of course. Perhaps the [Ambassador] head would be sent if that was enough! But why had she even admitted…?"


Amazing chapter, lovely song. Damn Nerr put herself or def took advantage of how The blighted kingdom just fires nukes at everyone to make it so she might get the Title relating to saving gnolls.


I voted for the piano. I was right. But I did also vote for the Princess. Would but the multiverse open someday

Jordan Drummond

Word count of Volume 10 so far 703,041 Word Count of TWI so far 13,404,472


https://tomlehrersongs.com/# has all his songs :) Free, released by the man himself, for all of us to enjoy. Poisoning Pigeons has always been a favourite of mine.


One thing I'd love for web novels to do is automatic wiki linking. Something like, you toggle it on and it links all place And names in the text to the wiki. Maybe even do it dictionary style like Kindle and Royal Road, except it pulls the first paragraph of the wiki. It's especially hard with The Wandering Inn since there are just so many characters.

Arwen Lostlorn

'Twas pretty fun seeing Nerrahvia after so long, she's a cool villain. I just hope we get back to one of the Baleros POVs next chapter lol, I've been hungry for another Erin POV for the last two months :p.


So more words than aprox 135 average length novels!!

Craig Carlson

I have been powering through this wonderful story for the last 14 months and this is the chapter where I finally caught up. Wanted to say thank you for writing my favorite story!


Tom Lehrer <3

Jordan Drummond

She seems to be a possible ally of convenience against the gods, but she has her own agenda as well that most the people of inn world probably won’t be to happy about. I think she is to inn world what Stalin was to the rest of the allies in WW2 🤷‍♂️


Welcome to the worst part. Checking every hour on Saturday to see if the next chapter is up


I can’t wait to see someone gut Othius. I do hope his death isn’t grand but a whimper.