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Editing! Writing! Hard work! I am on break until June. That's the next month, right? I used to not know which months came in order. And look at what I do for a living! ...Checks out. Enjoy the chapter! (39,500 Words)





Gerelt Tsolmon

That’s why innverse has so many months in a year lol

Jordan Drummond

Word count of Volume 10 so far— 619,041 Word Count of The Wandering Inn so far—13,320,472

Jordan Drummond

“My head server is higher level than you” 🔥🔥

Russell Todd

You are a treasure. I enjoyed this so much!

Jordan Drummond

I spent this whole chapter with a big smile on my face and occasionally laughing out of sheer exuberance! Bravo bravo!


Wait on break again?!?!?! I don't remember if pirateaba had this many breaks before I'm a bit worried. I went back and checked volume 9 and it took a year and a half to make 100 chapters and over 2.5 million words, from the end of December to now is 5 months or so and there has been only 20 chapters and roughly 600,000+ words in about a third of the time of volume 9. About 60 to 65 percent slower that's how many breaks pirateaba has had they really need a schedule or something.

Jordan Drummond

They have written 3 weeks out of the month and taken the 4th week off for as long as I’ve been a patron. this is their 3ed chapter of May. True they used to write 2 chapters per week rather than one but they announced that they were going down to one per week as a means to increase quality and longevity. The pace they were going at before was positively inhuman, and couldn’t possibly be sustained. It’s unbelievably impressive they did it for as long as they did.


Fair it's just that the story is going to end anywhere from volume 15 to 20 and they are now going to be doing a volume every 2 years at the very least so that's 12 to 22 years. I'm hoping it's less than 20

Jordan Drummond

True but I just see that as 15-20 years of being greatly entertained 3 times a month 🤷‍♂️ it will end when it ends I suppose. I’ve been waiting 13 years for Kingkiller Chronicles to finish without the luxury of getting new content every month. 😂

Aaron Hicks

So good! I just wish there were sums for the winners/losers

Jennifer Zen-gineer

What if, and hear me out! They write 1.33 chapters a week… that way when they go on they’re week break they can just plop that extra chapter that’s added up right there in the break week! 🤞🏼🤤

Peppy Clown

i agree that paba should have a buffer zone of finished chapters to keep the updates on schedule while their on break.

Cat Face

Sticks at the end with the flags was so beautiful, not ashamed to say I shed a few tears. Loving a potential Elia arc (pun intended) maybe even a meeting with rags. Awesome chapter Pirate truly beautiful.

Sébastien Kingsbury

Erin is going to flip when she's stuck over on Baleros after learning Elia works at her inn

David Alden

“I almost forgot. Apista! To me!” heh, excellent line.

David Alden

Well, yeah. I mean, this chapter won't be made public until a week from today, so their new schedule seems to be on track. They take a break every month.

Russell Todd

I say this with the utmost disrespect. Y’all drive me nuts. Pirateaba is a freakin’ unicorn writer producing an insane amount of content. They write more in a month than most of the other authors I support write in a year. Please take a moment to reflect on your absurd entitlement and do better.

Ryan hillard

I really enjoyed getting to see someone who had no frame of reference being introduced to just how insane the Wandering Inn is. Elia slowly coming to terms with what was happening was both satisfying and also a nice reminder for the myself as to how much it has changed and how many absurd things happen in it.

Ryan hillard

Is that a spoiler? I hope I didn't ruin it for anyone. I'm sorry if I did... but also don't read comments before these chapters.


For the first time I am kind of disappointed in how something ended up. Specifically with Selys. I mean she is good with paperwork, dealing with people, and dealing with money. She could have been a perfect solution to the whole money issue, or at least part of one. While still being an heiress and doing something more important than being head of the adventurers guild. And the whole part about the will didn't make sense either. I mean was it ever mentioned why Selys didn't become an adventurer herself? And how the hell does a dead person get to dictate who gets to run part of an organization she in no way owns, just runs? Hell, giving Selys a bunch of adventuring gear and the guild with the condition she had to go on an adventure once a week on average could have fit nicely into a class evolution for the heiress class. But instead we get this bs that makes no sense with no hints at it at all beforehand. Hell didn't she take some of Selys gold after she became an Heiress? Didn't seem to bother her then.

Jesper Hansen

Great chapter, loved the vampire interactions hopefully we'll get to see that more later :) Gotta say tho, I'm hating the selys villain arc, I wouldn't mind a self discovery arc, but the whole "I will come back for vengeance" and the intense hate she have for the inn and lyonette is a bit too tiresome


I like it, we always see Erin and the inn turn enemies into friends it is good to see the opposite direction. Tekshia probably has more experience with drakes and she knew were Selys was heading with the gold. Drakes literally have a hoarding phase and that is where Selys is headed. She wanted to fix it, but she was flawed. Selys must have been so very alone after tekshia passed with no one there, especially at her funeral everyone she the thought was her friends didn't turn up. She fell and no one was there to pick her up. No one. She is like Toren.

Deepak Kamlesh

Wonderful chapter. Brilliant artwork.

Jordan Drummond

Are you not familiar with waiting a long time for great series? Stormlight Archive has been being writen for 14 years, Red Rising has been 10, ASOIAF has been 27 years and none are finished etc etc…. And non of those have anything close to as much content as TWI! Series take a long time to write, if you want to read great series than you ought to get used to it, and be grateful they exist at all, and that PirateAba is able to generate amazing content faster than probably any other great author that exists.

Jordan Drummond

I think she’ll understand better than most that everyone deserves a second chance.

Alastair Trueger

At the beginning, when we saw who Lyonette was, I think we all hated her- except for the moments when we saw fragments of the person she could be. Last night we got to see who she is. I can’t wait to see who she becomes. And oh shit, I just saw some crazy ass foreshadowing:


Awesome chapter! I am a thorough sucker for this kind of humour. "Die chair, DIE!"

Stefen Gray

I am super excited for future chapters. I am listening through the whole series again. I am hoping volume 10 focuses in on the new erin, but there is so much to cover I would not be surprised if she is overshadowed. I’m almost at the end of the first audiobook, I look forward to more chapters:)

Stefen Gray

I thought of that one scene from office space with the printer when they started destroying the chair tbh

afgasd adgasd

Ah yes this is what I was hoping for. Gotta complete that impossible task in the quest somehow


Some rather unexpected turns there. And a good setup for the future. I hope Selys comes to terms with herself.

Bill Powell

This was a great chapter.. Now that Magnolia has lost the house Lyonette is going to step right in and take over the north and the south!

Kerrus Magrus

I think the big thing here is that Selys's story isn't over. Ever since she got the Heartflame Breastplate she's just been... idling. Tekshia recognized that- she had fallen into a more drake specific version of nepo baby syndrome, where she just expected that because her grandmother was the guildmistress of the adventurer's guild that she would naturally be her successor. She came up with one scheme- rent out the heartflame breastplate and has done nothing since, hasn't leveled, and has just been idle. And it's okay to be idle. To have a good thing going- but while she might have skills to make her good at managing an adventurer's guild, she was never an adventurer. She never responded to the push to learn that perspective and while she might make a good secretary, she doesn't have the perspective to be a good guildmaster. It's not like being a CEO where all you have to know is how to talk to people and you can just appreciate in gross value by taking a shit each day. Tekshia, for example, was much more aware of the challenges of being an adventurer. Of what they really need or care about, and she wasn't afraid to make enemies or lay down the law in service of that. Selys has none of that, and up until now every previous shot she's had at gaining those things she's turned away from. So yeah it's sad to see her and the inn-family come to blows, it's sad that she's going through a bad time- but this is also finally the kick in the pants to get her moving. Moreover, moving to a different city, traveling- she's setting herself up for all manner of experiences to shake her worldview. To change her perspective on things in a good way. While I don't necessarily expect a lot of Selys chapters, I think this is the start of a journey for her where she'll come back with much greater perspective. And growing out of her hoarding phase.

Fitty Sebum

Pirateaba. If you're wondering at all about how the new schedule is affecting the quality of your writing, it's knocking it out of the @#$&!% park. I *loved* this chapter! It's next level. My 2 pennies.

PearsMan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-20 17:02:42 The below isn’t rlly a strong critic but something I’m a bit weirded out by: I get that she *just* put the final arrow in the goblins king head, but I’m weirded out how quickly everyone moves on from having the embodiment of Anti-Goblin (her class is literally all about that, don’t they have like a bell ringing in their head whenever she’s walking near them?) yes the goblins way after have a scene about this, but I feel like this is what u air at the beginning, not after. And how was she not attacked a lot more, if a groups hopes and dreams was in the king, and everyone knows, thanks to the class n fame n recent events, that’s she’s all about taking down the king and their people, wouldn’t they do more than just the simple things they did? I’m not sure how she convinced them and I’m not entirely with my statement But of all the all the dialogues to skip why was this argument between goblins and lyonette (none of Erin staff really seem to care for more than a second) just kind of glossed over? I really wished this wasn’t skipped over. Lyon had her moment and the goblins had their moment with her, but the dialogue between Lyon and goblins should have been heard for the narrative
2024-05-20 13:37:52 The below isn’t rlly a strong critic but something I’m a bit weirded out by: I get that she *just* put the final arrow in the goblins king head, but I’m weirded out how quickly everyone moves on from having the embodiment of Anti-Goblin (her class is literally all about that, don’t they have like a bell ringing in their head whenever she’s walking near them?) yes the goblins way after have a scene about this, but I feel like this is what u air at the beginning, not after. And how was she not attacked a lot more, if a groups hopes and dreams was in the king, and everyone knows, thanks to the class n fame n recent events, that’s she’s all about taking down the king and their people, wouldn’t they do more than just the simple things they did? I’m not sure how she convinced them, but again this isn’t a strong stance I’m taking Just that of all the dialogues to skip why was this argument between goblins and lyonette (none of Erin staff really seem to care for more than a second) just kind of glossed over? I really wished this wasn’t skipped over. Lyon had her moment and the goblins had their moment with her, but the dialogue between Lyon and goblins should have been heard for the narrative

The below isn’t rlly a strong critic but something I’m a bit weirded out by: I get that she *just* put the final arrow in the goblins king head, but I’m weirded out how quickly everyone moves on from having the embodiment of Anti-Goblin (her class is literally all about that, don’t they have like a bell ringing in their head whenever she’s walking near them?) yes the goblins way after have a scene about this, but I feel like this is what u air at the beginning, not after. And how was she not attacked a lot more, if a groups hopes and dreams was in the king, and everyone knows, thanks to the class n fame n recent events, that’s she’s all about taking down the king and their people, wouldn’t they do more than just the simple things they did? I’m not sure how she convinced them, but again this isn’t a strong stance I’m taking Just that of all the dialogues to skip why was this argument between goblins and lyonette (none of Erin staff really seem to care for more than a second) just kind of glossed over? I really wished this wasn’t skipped over. Lyon had her moment and the goblins had their moment with her, but the dialogue between Lyon and goblins should have been heard for the narrative

Jamie Messier

Eh I love Selys but the story needs another Pursua. If the shoe fits; ‘write’ it!

Jesper Hansen

Haven't Erins goblin staff literally been in battle with a god? I'd imagine facing even the nemesis of your race pales after such an experience.. But they do react, and we don't really hear their inner thoughts.. There's a lot more at play here, their experiences, their levels(and probably class), and their trust in both Erin and Lyonette... At this point Peggy probably acknowledged that they were fucked, and something risky had to be done to secure their life.. Also, I'd rather you called her nemesis, than "anti-goblin", because whatever her class is or what people might think of her, she is one of the characters we've seen who have reflected the most on goblins, and in no way does she seem "anti-goblin"

Jesper Hansen

I think everything you wrote her is fine and makes for a good read... However you are missing the burning hate and vengeance Selys have for the Inn, it's not just that she's feeling a little uncomfortable and abandoned.. She is feeling murderous towards them And that's where I have an issue with it.. I don't mind the self discovery arc, in fact I wish more characters had them as I enjoy reading those.


Yes we know she’s anti goblin, but do the goblins knows? Considering they saw her on the orb planning to destroy their homes? I agree with the rest u said


Loved the art at the end!

Jordan Drummond

Agreed I think her perspective on goblins is far more nuanced than her reputation and class might seem to suggest.


loved the chapter. i am feeling a need for some goblin updates though and really need to see some rags


I too am going back and relistening. I am trying to think of if we actually know what the goblin key leads to and what causes the goblin kings to go insane. I am thinking we got small snippets but I am having a hard time finding all the refrences.

Bruce Babcock

Hoping to see some artwork of the poker game similar to 'Dogs Playing Poker'.

Eric Bruce

The goblins know what the goblin kings do I think there's a big goblin chapter coming though now here me out I think it will be a numbtoung chapter aaaaaannndd I think garia is going to be pregnant add In the king slayer and the weird hints that have been dropped since before the solstice and I see it being a huge thing there was those chapters where garia was looking for numbtoung then some more chapters with him going off the rails disappearing and then walking around shit faced feels like it's gonna be a thing

Eric Bruce

Anyone know if there's a chapter today?


Random red skinned goblin offers you a yallote while you wait…

Jennifer Zen-gineer

I really hope they don’t demonize selys because the story needs another pursua! Selys was Erin’s first and best friend basically. They’ve been through so much

Jordan Drummond (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-06 08:51:20 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣
2024-06-02 01:14:31 If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣

If Pirate releases the next chapter at 11pm ima read it anyway…I’m having TWI withdrawals 😂🤣

Nikolaus Sheehan

10.15 is one of the best chapters of TWI so far...