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It's technically two shorter chapters? Since when did 20,000 words become short? Ah, well, savor these days because soon...well, the chapter will still be long but they'll be more spaced out. You know what? I don't need to rationalize this message. I'm just writing a super long note here because I think it might fit the chapter and because it might throw you off and wonder 'what the heck is pirateaba writing here?'...only to realize you've wasted your time. Enjoy! (45,800 Words)









Oh my God God bless!!!! I just finished the interlude with Saliss and I am so freaking excited to read more oh my God!!!!!!! It literally just ended and oh my God I don't know which God or devil listened but thank you!!!

Natalia Torres

Yes I am excited to read ir

Nolan Bowling

It is now officially Tuesday.

Peter Bruckback

Thank you! Looking forward to it! Also, the “Liscor’s Finest” poster from your store is awesome ^.^


Though I never was a fan of the ship, I gotta say I feel bad for [him]...


Thank you for the chapters


Blimey, Harry!!

Marco D

Pls try not to spoiler others before they read the chapter

goldenseal50 .

Okay, only 3 days until Saturday. I can wait. I think.

Patrick Borosky

Hmm…anyone else thinking that we are getting an “E” chapter next after this chapter?


Wooooo back to winstram politics i wonder what else he is thinking :p


Are we not getting the password for the new chapter??


If anyone watches "The Masked Singer" guess what their theme was for March 19th 2024? Billy Joel... Whoa!


Pirateaba, how do you choose the fan art to put beneath chapters? Is it that you just use stuff people who watch your writing streams send afterwards? Cus throughout the last couple of chapters, in my view, they spoiled what the next chapters are about or other stuff. And boy...this chapter's art needs to be put underneath spoiler tags.