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Thanks for the messages in response to the blog. I'm still writing. And I can't stop! (But I'll slow down next month.) Enjoy! (37,781 Words)






I did my waiting. 12 years of it!!


Getting a password is like getting a little gift, makes my week every time!

Mista Woodsy

And they say they didn’t level up! Happy Birthday month long wishes Pirateaba🎂… and Herman is right, password = gift!


I wonder if paxere can now level now that shes part Erin...

Sean Coker

Blog shmog. I'll eat my hat if you actually manage to cut your weekly output in half to 30k words per week... More than likely we'll just end up with one 40-50k word chapters each week haha. <3

Gerelt Tsolmon

We all knew that anger was there. We all saw what was there right next to Gazi. That scary girl looking down at the burning shield spider nest.

Sébastien Kingsbury

That would be an interesting twist. Might be something like paxere can level, and Erin stops aging and probably some other side effect? Because part of her side of the bargain was personal power, so maybe a more offensive boost to her witch stuff?


lol Loved it. This is a meeting so many of us have been waiting to witness (yes we have to wait a bit longer) but I have a feeling that a certain Strategist didn't really think things through - we all know you don't mess with Erin's friends! Just my opinion but he might have been a bit more diplomatic - can't wait to see what happens!

Anton Shomshor

I laughed out loud several times! My wife kept looking over… I wish she’d capitulate and just read the damn story. Her loss.

General Corteau

Is the implication here that Hoisq has been sent on a suicide mission by Niers?

Peter Bruckback

Thanks for the chapter. You have a ravenous readership. Thanks for making us a priority. Take the time you need to prioritize yourself as well.


God I loved the lucifen scenes. It’s like poetic balance and dark reflections. Are they devils because they bargain for souls, or do they bargain for souls because they are devils? Who is the damned and who is the devil, when you both balanced the scales with a piece of your soul.



Scott Soper

Yes. To avoid a level 40 employee moving to the competition. What do you want to bet that the Witch of Second Chances notices, and takes off with Neirs' entire army to change this guy's fate? LOL

Scott Soper

Had to reread the Lucifen introduction with Ryoka back in the day. Batman dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight.


I think I saw somewhere this was the place to discuss the chapters but spoiler alert I am wanting a question answered so if you haven't read the chapter, stop reading this if you haven't read the chapter...................... So with the acceptance (Becoming part Lucifen), does this mean she can eventually travel to the goblin afterlife and chill with the crew? Maybe not bring them back but at least set up a wandering Inn in the afterlife to chat up all the goblins and Mr Grim?


You know who else has a deep well of rage, despite being some of the chillest people? Goblins

Scott Soper

> > > > > > > > > > > > The gate to hell and the resort that touches everywhere were the runner-up lvl 50 skills Erin liked. I think auditing and comprehending the current afterlife would be a great mental health goal for Erin, good luck finding the mind healer GENIUS that would come to that conclusion, though. Part of me thinks that after last time Erin may not look at the afterlife if she had the chance. I also wonder if being a part lucifern makes the afterlife easier to travel to, compared to Erin before. None of the current batch of lucifern know the way, and those that have already found their way to Hell were described as "rare". It has to be a future plot point one way or another, though.


i agree and share those thoughts. Just because the current crop doesn’t know how to get there would not stop Erin in my opinion because she “discovered” their summoning ritual that they also had forgotten.