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“Do you think this is ok?” Bard heard Thagar whisper faintly, the touch of his fingers soft and hesitant. The half elf didn’t respond, just looked at his eyes while nodding slowly. He could not say a thing, his mouth felt dry, he WANTED to say something, but could not.

- - - - -

Bard woke up in middle of the night, his body hot before the dream’s sensation faded away and his usual cold body returned to normal. He looked around the tent, to the group he was traveling with and was relieved to see none had woken up yet, they didn’t need to know he had fell sleep in the middle of his watch. Which was...strange, he was not supposed to be able sleep anymore.

The memories from the dream made him smile softly, another dream with Thagar, another possible memory from his former life, catching up to him now that he was finally awake...Or maybe just a silly wish from his brain.

Bard didn’t knew the truth about that yet, his memories were all scrambled and weird after all. He had lived a simple life as a kid; his human mother was a tavern’s owner who had been ditched in her youth by a passing and dashing elf. Bard was a simple half-elf kid, no magic, no special stuff happening...The only weird thing about him was that he was...empty, he didn’t talk, he didn’t smile, his memories didn’t stuck well...Even his mother’s face was something he had to think actively about to remember her.

He had lived most of his life like that. Sleeping inside his own body. Until he...

Well, he died.

As far as Bard knew, he had been killed by someone by the road, a cut to the throat, a quick death. But he didn’t go anywhere, he just woke up days after with a nasty scar on his neck. He was dead, he could not sleep, he didn’t eat, his body felt cold and silent...and yet, he was finally awake. Finally living his life...in a way.

And all he wanted to do was to return to HIM.

“Thagar...” He whispered the name, afraid his group would hear. He had traveled far, to find out why he had been killed, to keep his assassins away from his mother. He had come to terms with his own death and meet amazing friends, people he trusted and wanted to protect. And even then, all he wanted, REALLY wanted...was to see Thagar and ask if his memories of the Half-Orc Knight were real. He saw him every time his dead body decided to remember to sleep. He saw his smile, he felt his heat...He heard his voice.

Bard was going mad slowly on night like these. He was afraid to return home and see there was nothing waiting for him there.

“Thagar...” And if the Half-Orc was real...he knew what he wanted to say, but never could before. “...I love you.”


And there you go! Bard’s story, resumed so much it hurts hahaha. I could not explain all, but tried! And yes, Bard is a half-elf, tough more human than elf, so he covers his pointy elf ears with his hair. Is Thagar real or just part of Bard’s imagination? Is Bard’s name Bard...even when he is a Bard? Probably not. Hahaha. Hope you enjoyed this little text, now you know every scene I draw of this two is one of this poor half-Elf’s dreams.

Next is more Settphel doujin pages and a Settphel nsfw full color pic! Thank you all for the support!



Frootie Smoothie

I'm not really familiarized with your characters but this is beautiful. Bard's story is very heartbreaking and interesting from what I can gather and I hope to know more about him as well as the sexy hunk he dreams of. The art is nothing like what my mind conjured up; there's desire, yes, but there's also an intricate flow of trust and secrecy between them that you placed into it and it's making me uncomfortable (in a good way! LOL) to peep into this moment. I hope that those dreams are accurate memories because otherwise I'm going to cry lol 😭 I had written a comment earlier but the app ate it up, I guess lol looking forward to seeing more! Thank you for the double whammy of art +fic 💙


Yes, I wanted the scene to be intimate, not only sexy. I like pin ups, but sometimes a complete scene works better in my opinion, bring more to the table haha. It was interesting to write Bard’s story linked to the image, I had to think about it more because I wasn’t sure how to link it or how to even start writing it. But it worked, I hope! Thank you for your comment, if everyone keeps voting for Bard and Thagar, we will see more of their story. ;)