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Influence wasn't something that could truly be felt. It wasn't tangible. It didn't have a taste or a scent. It did, however, have a feeling and a sound, and almost immediately after the conversation with Dowager Irene, our change in influence had announced itself for all to hear. There was no announcement. There was no speech. Yet, all the same, when Morrigan and I returned to the party our presence went from something tolerated at best…

To us being so sought out that it felt as if  we were under siege by those desperate to cling to our coattails, seeking to make use of our privileged connection to the dowager.

The only time we found reprieve was during a dance. “I'm a tool to her. She understands that I have no stake or investment in the future of the Roman Empire, and expects me to do whatever benefits me the most while I am here,” I told Morrigan in Germanic as she pressed her body close to mine, always keeping an eye on the crowd that surrounded us. “Thus I am safe to use. The only danger comes from the fact that we are pagan, but with enough success, that stain will wash out in their eyes.”

“She intends to become Empress,” Morrigan replied as we circled the dance floor, her head lightly resting on my shoulder. I expected that I would be dealing with some stepped on toes, but Morrigan was proving surprisingly adept at the formal dances. Though, I wasn't sure when she had learned.

I frowned, “Through her son?” I asked, feeling a little… these Romans were a strange folk, but to marry your child…

Morrigan huffed at my tone, “In a sense. The bond between them… T'is not normal. I've often witnessed the link between parent and child -- it is almost always a shining gold. A natural thing for a parent to love their children and for children to idolize their parents. However, between them…” she trailed off before she looked up at me, her voice soft and almost lost in the music around us. “T'is cold. She plots against him. Not necessarily to bring him harm, but she intends to rule through him. Power will have to be pried from her hands with force.”

I hummed in response, the news not exactly surprising me. I had noted how she tended to speak for the Emperor, but it seemed that I had underestimated how deep her intentions ran. “You sound like you approve,” I noted, making Morrigan's lips curl in a cutting smirk.

“I respect those that seize power,” she admitted freely, and I heard a subtle dig at me. “The boy is just a boy, lucky enough that his father sat on the throne before him. She, however, married into power. While her husband was playing the fool at war, she was here, ruling. And she intends to keep doing so.”

It left a bitter taste in my mouth -- a parent conspiring against their child. It reminded me all too well of the conversation I had with my own mother.

“She has popular support as regent. People know her and like her. Or they want to fuck her,” Morrigan continued as we continued to dance. “Michael is loyal to the throne. Completely and utterly, but he is out of favor -- Irene is an iconophile, and he is a staunch iconoclast. The ravaging of his territory has also weakened his position at court considerably. The only reason why he is still around is due to his connections with other iconoclasts amongst the nobility. They wish to see one of their own near the throne, and Michael is one that can be controlled.”

“And as far as he has fallen, Tatzates has risen,” I noted, seeing the gluttonous man recieve another toast with my expanded vision. He was all smiles, feasting and drinking with excess as he basked in his position near Dowager Irene. A position of trust.

“Exactly so. He's loyal to himself and himself alone. I have a number of people that are connected to him -- spies, and co-conspirators. Though, it remains a mystery what the conspiracy is,” she continued. “I suspect that he intends to wed Irene for legitimacy in a bid to become Emperor. She is still young and fertile. She should be able to produce children.” Morrigan elaborated on my thoughts and I fought off a frown.

“I don't like him,” I admitted to her.

“I would be shocked if you did,” Morrigan replied, unsurprised. “But he’s more useful to have as a friend. Especially seeing as he is likely to be the war master in the coming war with the Abbasids. He’ll use you as a way to prop himself up, but he won't try to destroy you because you pose no danger to him and he has no ideology to speak of.” She spoke sense, but I still didn't like him.

As we danced, Strategos Tatzates caught my eye and raised a wine glass to me. I caught the gaze and inclined my head to him before continuing the dance. He was fat, vain, slothful, and greedy -- but he was ambitious and cunning. I trusted him nowhere near as far as I could throw him, but Morrigan had his measure. He wouldn't act against me unless it was in his best interest to do so.

“He has connections to the Abbasids in some capacity.” I was certain of it. Even to smear mud on a rival, enabling an enemy nation to raze part of your nation's heartland was incredibly shortsighted. Especially when it could only end in war.

“We can't prove it. Michalis is building his network, and even if I see a thread connecting him to the Abbasids, I can't tell what exactly it means,” she pointed out.

“If I am to deal with him, I need leverage,” I said. I couldn't just believe that Tatzates would always view me as beneficial to him. “Something binding and irrefutable. I want to have my boot on his neck for as long as we’re in this nation.” It would mean making an enemy of him through blackmail, but if he had done what I thought he did, and I could prove it… he could hate me all he liked. It wouldn't change a thing.

He could try to fight against me, but why take the risk when I would be leaving in a few short years? I didn't care what happened to the empire once I was gone after all, and made no secret of that.

“It'll take time, but we have places to start. And I imagine we'll have an opportunity in the coming months,” Morrigan agreed. Then she sighed, ‘T'is almost a shame to leave. These people are godless, but they are richer than the dwarves themselves.”

I wanted to argue that-- the dwarves possessed all the wealth buried under our feet and the finest of craftsmen in all of the world. Yet, it was hard to believe any could be richer when the Romans were all but beating their wealth over my head. “We'll have opportunity to take it with us. There is a war to fight.”

Morrigan hummed, pleased with my response. Then she spoke up, “Tatzates and Aetios are in league. It runs deeper than a mere mutual benefit,” Morrigan pointed out and I tilted my head to see where Aetios stood, talking with Staurakios. Both men were smiling, looking upon each other warmly, but I could tell that they'd rather be drawing steel than conversing pleasantly. “He might be a place to start unraveling any scheme. He certainly possesses no loyalty to the throne. The thread all but marks them as enemies on his side. She sees him as nothing more than another eunuch.”

As they danced, Morrigan simply unraveled the allegiances of the court. She more than proved that she should be here, and I knew all the information that she provided would be useful. It wasn't enough to just know who my friends and enemies were in this land. I had to know the enemies of my friends and the friends of my enemies. Or, even the enemies of my enemies, I thought as my gaze slid over Staurakios.

“That one is loyal. Deeply loyal. He has ambitions, but they're tempered to his loyalty to Irene. Not the throne. Tatzates and Aetios both hate him, and it seems for more than just his position and influence,” she added, following my gaze. The music began to die down, telling me that the bout of dancing was coming to an end. Then she made a sound of amusement, “Speaking of hate, it seems that news has spread amongst the middling nobility and wealthy merchants.

As the song ended, I followed her gaze and my eyes settled on Chares. I hadn't seen him since the party at his estate, and it would seem that the past months had not been kind to him. His hair was stark white, wrinkles had set in deeply into his face, and his gut seemed larger. His face was an angry red as his gaze met mine, his nostrils flaring as he struggled to swallow his fury.

“He intends to kill you,” Morrigan pointed out, bringing her hand to my lips for me to kiss.

I did so. “I would be disappointed if he wasn't,” I replied.

Then there were the sounds of a bell ringing, bringing everyone's attention to the throne that the Emperor sat on. Unlike all the times I saw him before, he was shaking with visible excitement while his mother placed a calming, but controlling, hand on his shoulder. It was she who spoke, “On this first day of celebration, we have feasted thanks to the glory of God. Now, let us celebrate our people! The citizens of Rome shall compete in the Hippodrome -- races, contests of strength and speed, and we shall gaze upon the wondrous beasts that roam the world.”

That seemed to be some cue, since it seemed to be expected, as everyone began leaving the palace to head to the Hippodrome. It wasn't that far away. Barely more than a five minute walk. Yet, all the same, people loaded themselves into carriages or had servants carry them.

The very first to leave was the Emperor, with everyone else following him and his mother. They were followed by the Strategos and the eunuchs.

“They can't even be bothered to walk,” Morrigan voiced my thoughts out loud, grabbing hold of my arm. I just chuckled as I started, joined by my guards as we left the carriage that we arrived in where it was.

“It is expected for you to be carried,” Michalis seemed to appear from the crowd of people as they waited for their carriages to be pulled up for them. “To walk from destination to destination in a time of celebration is a sign… of… well, poverty, Lord Siegfried.”

I frowned, pondering that for a moment before I shrugged. “I don't care,” I decided, and I could tell that while Michalis was annoyed by the decision, he wasn't surprised by it. And it also seemed that he deemed us worthy company because he followed behind us as we began to walk the long stretch of road that seemed to be sealed off by guards to prevent any peasantry getting in the way. And, in no time as all, even at a subdued pace, we were practically racing by the line of carriages.

“The meeting with the Regent. It went well?” Michalis asked, trying to hide his face from the carriages that we were walking by.

“As well as it could have,” I answered, still finding myself annoyed with him. I understood his position, and in the end, he was the one that would continue to live in this empire, but I still found it distasteful how he presented himself. Too much awareness of the opinions of others.

“Will she side with us?” Michalis asked the pointed question in Norse to ensure that no one else heard it.

To that, I pursed my lips. “Outright? Now? I wouldn't wish to test it. The… relationship is too new and I haven't solved any of her problems yet, so it would reflect poorly if I introduced one right now.” I admitted, and that was perfectly reasonable. “But, if Chares makes the first move however, then that could change.”

“She'll have to defend you to prevent herself from looking weak and to secure her interests,” Michalis said. “Well, we’re in luck in that case. Chares has been slandering you to everyone that'll listen, but with the Regent's favor even if they do believe the filth that leaves his mouth, they won't care. At least, not enough to stop them from making deals.”

Politics. I hated politics. “Are you ready to make your move?” I asked him, sensing it in my gut that it would be happening soon. I couldn't have Chares at my back while I was at war. And I couldn't let him make any friends with any of my enemies -- the ones I knew about, or the ones that I didn't. No… no, I had to deal with him before the celebrations were over.

I couldn't just wait for him to do something. I needed to force his hand.

“Do you have spies amongst his people?” I asked suddenly, catching his attention. Michalis hesitated before he nodded. Perfect. “Have one of them poison me.”

Michalis nearly tripped over his own two feet. “You- what?”

“I'm immune to poisons that I ingest,” I said, not missing a beat. Iron Stomach would see to it that u would survive whatever he threw at me. “And no one would reasonably suspect that I would have myself poisoned. So, I'll point the finger at him and he'll lose the initiative.” An investigation would likely be required, and I imagine they'll uncover a few secrets. But, my real hope was that it would provoke him into acting rash. If he snapped, or even better, tried to kill me in earnest, then I had legal grounds to defend myself. I could challenge him to a duel, take his head and be done with it.

I snorted in amusement, realizing why the plan seemed so familiar.

I had tried the same thing with Grimar by hurling every foul insult I could think of to provoke him into challenging me to a duel. Only then, I had been exactly what he called me -- a dog barking, little more than a feral animal. And now…

Now, I understood. I would never care for politics. I would never care for plotting or intrigue. They simply weren't who I was. I would forever be reliant on Morrigan and my mother to help share the burden.

But, like it or not, it was a weakness I refused to tolerate.

“That… that could work,” Michalis muttered, giving me an odd look as he swallowed his questions. “It would need to be subtle. I could make it seem like it came from Chares to the servant…”

I looked to Morrigan, who smirked dangerously at my plan. “T'is most fortunate that I brought some with me. I foresaw our need for it… though I did not expect who they would be used on.”

“Tomorrow, then,” I decided, glad for the chance to rid myself of an enemy. He was no Horrik or Thorfin, but he was an enemy all the same.

It was as we approached the Hippodrome that I noticed that Morrigan was looking up at me with a smile. I met her gaze, cocking an eyebrow at her. “What?” I asked, not quite sure what I did to make her so happy.

“I prefer you like this,” Morrigan informed in no uncertain terms. “T’was not a side of you I got to see much of in Francia, stuck in Frankfurt as we were. Focused. Driven. On the cusp of destroying your enemies… I like it a great deal,” she all but purred with such complete approval that it honestly caught me a bit flatfooted. I don’t think that Morrigan had ever expressed outright approval for anything that I’ve done before.

So, it was a welcome change.

Our arrival didn’t go unnoticed, especially by the high nobility that we began to walk by with little issue. I didn’t need sharp hearing or expanded vision to see and hear their muttering distaste. But, it mattered little. I had no intention of being polite. If they didn’t want me to step on their toes, then they needed to move their feet out of the way.

Luckily enough, our approach didn’t go unnoticed by the one that truly mattered. “You are a strange man from a stranger land, Lord Siegfried,” Dowager Irene voiced from her position on a grand palanquin carried by a dozen strong looking servants. They were slaves, but they were dressed in clothing that made the lower nobility look like beggars. “No other would dare to walk out of fear of being perceived as poor.”

Dowager Irene looked down upon us, her child the Emperor paying us no mind as he waited for the great doors to open to the Hippodrome. Even through them, I could hear the roaring of a crowd. I had only caught a glimpse of the Hippodrome in action during the funeral of Emperor Leo. I was eager to get a longer look at it.

“Wealth is a matter of perspective. To them, a hundred tons of gold is a substantial amount. To me, it is an errand,” I boasted and I saw amusement dance in her green eyes. “So, let them call me poor. I would like to see them keep calling me such when I purchase everything they own, give it back, then buy it all back at twice the price.” Boasting wasn’t something I normally did. I preferred to let my deeds speak for themselves, and there was never a true need for me to.

Things were different here. I had to do things differently. I had to be different. I came here to learn after all… it would just seem that I would be learning a great deal more than what I expected to in a library.

Dowager Irene laughed brightly as the doors swung open, almost drowning the sound out in a sea of noise. All the same, I heard the words that she said next. “An interesting perspective. I would hear more of it. Join us in the imperial balcony,” she instructed and it clearly wasn’t a request.

I swallowed a smile. I could practically see Chares bursting a blood vessel the moment that he heard of this.

“It would be my honor.”



Good chapter. I like how Siegfried is developing his political acumen and playong the great game. In the game of thrones you either win or die unfortunately for his adversaries hes playing by a different rulebook.


Hi. I didn't see it mentioned anywhere on the patreon, but is 'Legends Never Die' now on a 2 weeks rotation ? Or did I miss something ?