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I mentioned it before, but I have been struggling with Gacha God a bit lately. I've had a pretty bad case of writer's block that I've been working through. I've been chipping away at it and recently I looked back over what I've gotten out and I'm not at all happy with it. It's the most unhappy I've been with some of my work in a very long time, which prompted this announcement.

Temporarily, Ghastly Adventures will be taking over the Saturday slot. Temporarily. I'm hoping that by removing the pressure of 'Oh god, I have to get this chapter out' I can get the creative juices flowing again. I'll call it a month at most. Then, hopefully, I'll be back on track with Gacha God.

Sorry to those that this will disappoint, but after I missed a Saturday update for a second time, something had to change. With a little luck, this will be the change that I need and if Ghastly Adventures does particularly well, I'll look for a way to include it in my rotation. Because I know I have a number of projects gathering dust that I know people would like to see fleshed out, and I've been kicking around a few ideas to give them some time in the sun beyond a snippet in the Idea Pile.

Thank you for your understanding.


Haggeo Gomez

All good brother, keep up the great work, still have my support XD


So what's the status for Gone Native? It's been a year with no updates.