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“Oh, shit, he’s fuckin’ dead,” I muttered, cupping my hands over my eyes to see some poor sap get launched into the air by a legitimate sea monster, shattering the raft that he had been trying to row away from the tiny island we found ourselves on.

The massive creature threw its bus-sized head back, opened wide, and just let the screaming man fall into its gullet while hundreds of thousands of gallons slammed back into the ocean around it. The sea monster, a towering building-sized fish covered in pale yellow scales and seemingly made up of nothing but a slender neck thicker than a dozen trees, swallowed in satisfaction and simply vanished underneath the deep blue ocean.

That sea monster was the reason why I didn’t try building my own raft. I had seen it circling the island on occasion in the couple of days I’ve been stuck here. Upon seeing the massive fin that could have only belonged to a huge fuck-off sea monster, I wisely decided that I would never dip so much as a pinky toe into the ocean for the remainder of my life. Looks like some idiot decided to take his chances.

The island itself was a half-decent place. White sandy beaches dotted with palm trees becoming denser as they moved inland before growing into a dense jungle. Lots of hills and steep cliffs, though. It was for the latter reason that I spent the night on my little beach that was wedged between two straight shelves of rock. The first day hadn't been spent idle -- made a little leaf skirt since I woke up on the beach bare ass naked, made a small crappy shelter that I spent the night in, harvested some berries that I'm pretty sure weren't poisonous, and I made a massive SOS sign.

I had been waiting for someone to see it when I caught a glimpse of someone else trying to escape the island.

As far as getting dropped off in unknown locations with no explanation, I couldn’t really complain. It looked like the kind of place that someone would pay out the nose to vacation at. I might have even been one of those people if anyone asked me, but instead, I woke up on the sandy beach with absolutely no clue how I got here. Just a memory of jacking off, pissing, going to bed, and waking up stranded on an island. Absolutely nothing in between. I’ve even searched my stretch of beach for some signs of a shipwreck in case I had been kidnapped or something. There was nothing to find.

Well, maybe not nothing. Holding up my hand, I saw a black band on my ring finger that was marked with the Mardi Gras Comedy and Tragedy masks. I couldn’t take the damn thing off. I had tried. More than once even. I think I’d sooner take off my finger than the ring, even if I could roll it. On the other side of the ring was a name. My name, I’m guessing. Or whoever this body belonged to, because it sure as shit wasn’t my original.

There had been a lot of panic the first day. But, after sleeping on it?

Well? What could I do? Scream? Cry? Shake my fist to the heavens?

It was what it was. No point in crying over spilled milk and might as well embrace my circumstances with open arms.

“Am I alone on the island?” I wondered to myself, looking out at the perilous ocean, a gentle breeze brushing over my skin. “I’m gonna be so pissed if I am alone again,” I muttered, just sitting in the sand with my hands on my knees. The ocean was a vast plane that seemed to start at the tide and go on forever. A full day and I hadn’t seen any kind of ship. It wasn’t like I didn’t get why raft guy had tried his luck. Maybe it was too early to give up hope, but it seemed increasingly unlikely that a rescue was incoming.

I ate all the berries, I didn't have any fresh water, and I didn't know how to fish. My time to wait for rescue was shrinking with every second. If I didn't get what I needed to survive… well… I wouldn't.

I lingered on the beach for a moment longer, torn between action and inaction. The island was mostly left unexplored on account of me being boxed in. There might be a path through the jungle, but I hadn’t tested my luck with it on account of how many snakes, pissed-off monkeys, and other dangerous animals I heard throwing down throughout the night. It might actually be safer to try climbing the steep cliffs, even if it could end with me breaking my neck. Here, on my little beach… it was safe. Familiar. I was reasonably sure I wouldn’t die. In the jungle, that became a question.

But, the prospect of other people was too tempting.

A sigh escaped me as I stood up, brushing sand off of my butt and back, before looking at the jungle that contained nothing but looming dark shadows and questionable noises. I scratched at my palm skirt, finding the thing only a little better than being nude. Taking a quick look around at the edge of the jungle, I picked up a decent whacking stick. Shrugging to myself, I braved the jungle.

And immediately found it creepy. I wasn’t an outdoors guy. Sure, I enjoyed the occasional camping trip, but those trips came with the reassurance that if I screamed really loudly, someone would hear me. That reassurance wasn’t here. If I tripped on a root and sprained my ankle -- that could be a death sentence. Worse, I had absolutely no clue where I was or what I would find. My best guess was I was somewhere in the tropics, but that came with a question on how I got here.

Now, despite this place being creepy, I found myself… having fun as I went deeper than I ever had been before. I felt like an explorer seeing stuff that no one else had before. It was a neat feeling even if it did come with flinching at every noise that was a little too loud. I bashed through a spiderweb with my stick, idly looking around to make sure that the vines above were actually vines and not snakes, and making sure I didn’t step in quicksand or anything.

“This isn't as bad as I thought it’d be,” I admitted to myself. The sounds that came from this jungle were horrifying and cost me a night of sleep. I thought it’d be jam-packed with creepy crawlies and monsters of every description, and while I could hear countless insects, the occasional howl, and so on, it seemed like a normal jungle as I walked through it.

Yet, when I heard a shout echo through the air, my attention snapped to the source. It sounded far away, so very distant, barely more than a whisper, but I heard it all the same and I knew exactly where it came from. Hesitating for a brief second, I stood motionlessly before I threw myself forward.

And I could move.

This wasn’t my body. It wasn’t the first time I noticed it, and it wouldn’t be the last. I was a little taller, a little buffer, but more than that, I was stronger. Faster. A day of hard labor didn’t leave me tired. I had just underestimated it because when I darted forward, I sped through the dense jungle like a speeding bullet and felt as light as a feather. My body responded to my lightning-quick impulses, letting me swing off of a vine, kick off the trunk of a tree, and sail through the air when the ground was proving too rough.

I didn’t know what was done to me, only that it was awesome.

My worries were forgotten as my heart beat at my ribs like a war drum, filling my veins with that oh-so-sweet adrenaline that pushed me further and faster. Through the limited light that managed to get through the thick canopy above, I saw the source of the shout -- both who caused it, and why they were shouting.

Redhead. Deep green eyes. Lightly tanned skin. Looked to be in her later teens -- nineteen at the oldest and sixteen at the youngest -- wearing a black long sleeve that left her stomach exposed, green canvas pants, and black laced boots. Her eyes were wide as she was crouched low, one hand on the dirt while she looked up at the thousand-pound silverback gorilla.

That was shadowboxing right in front of her.

“What the fuck?” I said, announcing myself, landing nearby between some trees. The girl’s eyes darted to me, making the gorilla that was on his hind legs do the same. I looked at the gorilla only to see his nose flaring, throwing a picture-perfect three-hit combo -- Right jab, left jab, kidney shot. The thousand pounds of pure muscle lightly bounced on his feet, throwing a few more jabs in my direction as he growled menacingly.

So fucking cool. This was awesome. I mean, I was going to die to a gorilla that could box, but… well… yeah, if I had to die, I wanted it to be at the hands of a boxing gorilla. I’ve made my peace with that.

“Don’t approach it!” The girl warned, throwing out a hand. “It’s territorial. If we don’t go any further, he’ll leave us alone,” she continued, making it sound like the gorilla was a bit of a roadblock for her.

“How big is his territory?” I questioned, making her lips thin.

“Big,” she admitted. “Seems like it’s in the ballpark of thirty miles, give or take. It follows along the coast.”

I was about to throw some hands with a gorilla. I didn’t know why this was my life, but I was so not complaining. I didn’t even care about the kidnapping or whatever. This alone made whatever was done to me absolutely, one hundred percent worth it. “There are others on the island. Just saw a guy get eaten by a sea monster. We need to find the others and fast before we get picked off one by one,” I voiced, stepping forward. The gorilla's eyes narrowed threateningly, throwing a lightning-quick four-hit combo -- two left jabs, right hook, uppercut. All the while he lightly bounced on his feet.

Rolling my shoulders -- fear of death didn’t feel like I thought it would. I thought there’d be more… you know, fear. All I really felt was excitement that I was about to fight a gorilla. Even if I died horribly, of all the ways I could have gone out, this would be what I’d have wanted. After all, it said something about me that my first reaction to a boxing gorilla was to throw hands with it. “Ding, ding, motherfucker,” I said, darting forward and throwing a jab at the gorilla, only to get dempsey rolled like an idiot when he proved shockingly agile and countered with a meaty fist to my side.

I’d compare it to getting hit like a truck, but I’m pretty sure a truck couldn’t hit me hard enough that I shot off a good dozen feet, my back slamming into a tree so hard that it splintered and shattered the trunk. All the breath was knocked out of my lungs, my ribs felt like they had a fist-shaped bruise… but I was fine. Every organ in my body should be pulverized, my ribs should have the consistency of broken glass, and I should absolutely be dead or in shock as I died -- instead, I was mostly fine.

“Sweet,” I breathed. This shit had nuts in it and it was wild, but I really couldn’t bring myself to care. As the tree began to fall, I reached out with a hand and effortlessly flipped on top of the falling tree to run along its trunk back towards the gorilla. The gorilla dodged out of the way of the tree, looking up at me just in time to catch the axe kick that I sent down at him after doing a flip for flair. The gorilla, who I was just going to name Ippo, after Ippo Makunouchi, threw his arms up in an X to catch the heel of my foot but it seemed both of us underestimated how strong I was.

The tree had been an old one. Thick. It’d take two of me to wrap my arms around it. Yet, my axe kick still had a greater impact between the two of them. The ground buckled under Ippo, a crater forming as if a meteor had struck the ground instead of me kicking down. His arms buckled, letting me slam my foot on his collarbone. I breathed in sharply, feeling the awe-inspiring strength flood my body -- through my veins, in my muscles, and tendons. My body felt light.

I felt like I could do anything.

Kicking back, I flipped onto the trunk of the fallen tree, narrowly avoiding an uppercut thrown at me. Landing lightly, Ippo threw a lightning-quick uppercut that just narrowly missed my chin. Backing off half a step, Ippo landed heavily before going on the offensive. His fists were fast. Blurs, really. And it wasn’t like time had slowed down in any way, yet all the same, I was easily able to avoid them as if they were moving in slow motion. Pulling his own trick against him, I dempsey rolled one of his jabs to deliver a counter to his gut.

Ippo grunted animalistically, but was still in the fight. With a growing grin on my face, I traded blows with Ippo. Impossibly, I found that I was faster, and even with my lighter attacks, I could hit harder. With each landed blow, almost as if he were human, I could feel Ippo’s desperation growing and his attacks becoming more desperate. He nearly abandoned all thoughts of defense in exchange for overwhelming me with attacks so I couldn’t punish him for them.

I was forced to retreat a step. Then another. And another. But, my pride wouldn’t let me take one more. Digging deep and ignoring all basic self-preservation instincts when it came to fighting a gorilla. Mostly because it felt like I lost the right when I willingly stepped into the ring with a half ton gorilla -- I chose to take a square hit against my forehead. I felt the shock race down my spine as he delivered a powerful blow. My poor brain. Totally worth it though. “You're open!” I shouted, countering with a powerful right hook that got him square in the temple.

His eyes rolled up and any tension left his body as Ippo went slack, knocked unconscious. He fell from the tree trunk, landing heavily on the side and I wasted no time throwing my hands up to the sky, “CHAMPION!”

I fought a boxing gorilla. And won.

In this moment, I could say with complete and utter certainty that in the game of life, I was winning.

“What did I just watch?” The girl muttered, mostly to herself, doing a polite golf clap seemingly because she didn’t know what else to do. There was an expression of muted awe, though. I gave her a wide smile, so thoroughly pleased with myself.

“No idea,” I admitted, hopping off of the trunk and landing in front of her. Her eyes narrowed a fraction at the blatant superhuman action. “But, I won. Should open up the inland. You know, provided we don’t find more aspiring martial artists. Got a name?” I questioned her, pointedly taking a step back that seemed to put her at ease. Her dark green eyes ran my length, sizing me up. It was a little difficult to make out her expression, but with how her eyes darted away, I’m guessing that she didn’t feel too confident about her chances.

She nodded, “Kim. Kim Possible,” Kim introduced herself, and that was… quite a name. Made me feel insecure about my own, to be honest.

“I’m Cassian Kaine,” I answered -- one of the things done to me was that I couldn’t remember my name. I just had what was inscribed on the ring. Sure, getting my name stolen was… weird, but, you know what was also weird? Waking up on a planet that probably wasn’t earth in a body that also probably wasn’t mine. If the supermassive sea monster wasn’t enough of a hint then Ippo was. That wasn’t normal. I wasn’t normal. I threw on a friendly smile, and to my relief, Kim did seem to be put at ease. The tension left her body.

“Kaine, then,” Kim decided. “Do you know anything about where we are?” She questioned, earning a shake of my head as we began to explore further inland.

“No clue,” I admitted. “I woke up here a day ago. Stuck to the beach I woke up on until now. I was waiting to be rescued, but that doesn’t seem likely.”

Kim nodded in agreement, “I’m the same. I woke up on the other side of the island, did a little rock climbing, to get a signal for my phone, but I didn’t get a single bar. Do you have one of these?” Kim questioned, holding up a wrist that had a small black bracelet that seemed to meld nearly perfectly to her skin. In response, I held up a similar-looking bracelet that was bound to my ring finger. “I don’t know what it is. Just that I can’t take it off without taking off my hand too,” she continued.

I knew the feeling, but I barely noticed it after the first day. "I’m in the dark there too, but let's find the others before we do anything drastic, yeah? They might know something," I offered, having no clue if that was true or not. "You remember anything leading up to waking up here? Because I don't."

Kim shook her head, "I was in the middle of… cheerleading practice before I woke up here," she answered and she absolutely just lied. I chose not to comment on it, though. I would have appreciated more honesty, but it wasn't like she owed me answers. "As far as I can tell, we're near the equator. Hawaii was my guess until I came across the gorilla, but it's not native to the Hawaiian islands. Or the variety of snakes."

"Wait, hold up," I started, giving Kim a very pointed look. "That's what convinced you that we're not in Hawaii? Not the boxing gorilla?" Or the sea monster? I guess she might not have seen it yet, but the point still stood. Gorillas not being native to Hawaii was a really weird thing to convince you that you weren't there instead of, you know, the gorilla that could throw hands in a way that'd make Mike Tyson proud.

Kim looked pensive as we slowly made our way up a sharp incline, weaving our way through thick trees and underbrush. "I'll admit, that was weird, but I've seen weirder? Like a hyper-intelligent mole rat?" She offered, looking at me like I was the weird one.

"A what- okay, we're just going to put a pin in that conversation. More importantly-" I started, only swallowing my words as Kim and I reached the top of a hill that was mostly rough stone. Because of that, we got something resembling a bird's eye view of the island we were on. That, in turn, gave us a picture-perfect view of the mountain that was at the heart of the island.

The mountain that looked incredibly similar to a skull. One that was complete with an eerie light coming from within that made the eye sockets smolder.

"That," I continued, "is a skull mountain. Making this skull island. Holy crap, I really hope I didn't beat up King Kong's kid."

"Who?" Kim questioned, frowning deeply at the sight. What did she mean, who? Who didn't know who King Kong was? He was one of the most famous monsters to exist, right up there with Godzilla. "Never mind, not important -- that's a pretty major landmark. People would drift to it naturally, and if they can't, getting on top of it would give us a view so we can find them. It's also perfect for lighting a signal fire." With her mind made up, Kim began to march forward. I tossed my hands behind my head and followed along after her, idly keeping an eye on our surroundings.

One thing I hadn't realized about Skull Island was how big it was. Minutes turned into hours and the bright blue sky above began to darken as the sun made its descent towards the horizon. The shadows of the jungle got longer and darker. The jungle itself seemed to come alive around us, buzzing with activity. Kim pressed forward, determinedly stubborn to reach the skull mountain before nightfall, but I had a feeling that it was going to be a real close call.

I kept my eyes glued upwards, making sure nothing was going to get the drop on us. It was because of that, I noticed something unusual, "Hm," I noted, making Kim pause as she marked our trail by carving an arrow into a tree trunk. I pointed out what I saw -- high above, it looked like something had been driven into the tree and ripped out.

"That doesn't look that old," Kim observed, finishing up with the marker. "Based on the dryness of the sap, I'd say a couple of hours at the most."

"You really know your stuff," I remarked lightly, giving Kim a sideways look. Kim didn't meet my gaze. Her knowledge went well past the point of being a camping enthusiast and entered the realm of a survival expert.

"Ah, well, you pick up a thing or two watching TV," she hedged, lying through her teeth. "Come on, let's go. Keep an eye out for more of them -- they could be a trail of something we're better off avoiding." She said, trying to quickly move things along to avoid further questions.

She was right about it being a trail. It wasn't every tree or even every other tree, but those same marks could be found on the surface of various trees in the jungle. Almost as if something was launching itself at them. And, based on where the markings were found, I'm pretty sure that we were on a collision course.

It was because of the darkening skies that the source of light in the distance was easily spotted by the two of us. It was more of a faint glow between the trees, looking like someone was trying to keep it hidden but the ambient light was still enough to catch my eye. Kim hesitated, so I took the lead.

"Hey there," I called out, and I heard someone scramble as I approached. They wore palm tree leaves to help conceal themselves, but once they were off, I saw it was a girl. Black hair cut down until it was a few inches short of her shoulders, steel gray eyes with a scar under one of them. She wore some kind of uniform -- a light brown half jacket under a dark green cloak, tight white pants with some off blocky contraptions strapped to them that were in turn connected to the two swords she wielded. "We don't mean any harm. We just saw the fire and we were hoping to run into a friendly face."

I stepped into the light, revealing myself to the girl, who glowered at me. At this close, I noticed that she had a black band around her throat, identical to the ones on my and Kim's wrists. So, why was hers a choker? The girl tensed, her gaze flickering to Kim when she sheepishly did the same. "... You aren't the ones that brought me here," she spoke, making the question sound like a statement.

"Sounds like the three of us are in the same boat," I said, trying to build a rapport. "I'm Kaine, and that's Kim. We also got dropped off here with no explanation a couple of days ago."

Her eyes narrowed, "Then why haven't I seen you?" She questioned, trying to poke a hole in the story. She seemed like a cautious one.

"There was a gorilla stopping us from advancing further inland. We only took care of it today," I answered.

"... Gorilla?" The girl tested the word like it was unfamiliar to her. My lips thinned ever so slightly at that because it was painting an increasingly clear picture.

"The half-ton monkey that tried to fight you for entering his territory?" Kim pointed out, and that got some level of recognition from the girl.

"I went above it," she offered. "You haven't seen any Titans?" She returned the question to us. Kim looked thoroughly puzzled, glancing at me as I crossed my arms.

"Can you tell me what they look like?" I asked and that seemed to really bother the girl. Her swords lowered and her confused expression deepened until it resembled distress.

"Humanoid. Ranging from five to fifteen meters in height. I was with my squad to hunt down the last remaining ones on Paradise when I woke up here," she explained and I shared a look with Kim, who seemed shell-shocked. "Are we beyond the walls?"

"I think," I spoke up, "we should get your name first. Because we have a long conversation ahead of us." I said, that more or less sealing the deal for me. The girl looked hesitant for a brief moment, giving me a careful and measuring look, before offering a curt nod.

"Mikasa. Ackerman," Mikasa introduced herself, her voice flat and to the point.

"Well, Mikasa -- it looks like the three of us are from different Earths," I voiced my theory, getting the expressions of surprise that I expected, but I continued. "I was hoping that you would be a native, but three is a pattern -- all of us were dropped here with no explanation and I know for a fact that this isn't my Earth. We don't have sea monsters or gorilla boxers. I've never even heard of a titan before," I added, and I saw that's what tipped the scales for Mikasa.

"That's… impossible," she voiced quietly, and I saw her understand that was my point.

"Unless I'm not from wherever you're from," I voiced the thought I could see going through her head. "What I'm unsure about is that maybe we're on Kim's Earth," I continued, making Kim still, "But the lack of signal is worrying me. It's completely possible we're out of range for her phone, or it's because the satellites it's meant to connect to don't exist."

Mikasa frowned, her gaze flickering to Kim. "Satellite? You… have a signal flare…?" She questioned, sounding like she was struggling a bit to put the pieces together. That, in turn, convinced Kim that I was right. Her hand went to her mouth, blood draining from her face.

"I have to get home -- my family-" she cut herself off, switching from increasing desperation to iron-clad resolution. "We have to find a way back," Kim voiced.

Mikasa nodded, "We do." Sounded like she had someone to go back to.

"Meh, I'll stay," I voiced without a hint of hesitation, completely throwing the two off. "I'll help you two out -- of course -- but I like wherever here is. Seems fun. Way more than my Earth."

Kim looked sad, "You don't… have anyone that would miss you?" She ventured, earning a shrug from me.

"No one worth giving up this life for," I answered. I had friends and stuff, but I wasn't so attached to my old life that I was going to treat this totally bitching fresh start like it was some kind of curse. Out with the old and in with the new. "I can't make any promises about succeeding, but it won't be for a lack of trying on my part."

Neither girl seemed to know how to process that, but the general impression I got was that they were varying degrees of thankful. "So, Mikasa, what have you been up to for the past few days? And what's that?" I asked, deciding to move on from the topic. It wouldn't be the end of it, but I knew that they would need some time to process the news. It might take longer because, unlike me, they wanted their old lives back.

Mikasa made the decision to sheath her swords, and Kim took that as permission to take a seat by the low fire. "I've been trying to find a path up the mountain. One that didn't require my maneuver gear," she paused for a moment, her gaze searching my face. "I… have only been here for about eight hours, but I thought it best to conserve fuel and climb up," she volunteered the information while taking a seat by the fire.

Eight hours?

I looked to Kim, who was giving me a concerned look. “I’ve been here for a day and a half.”

“Huh. I’ve been here for two. Just woke up on the beach. I’m guessing that it was the same for you two?” I asked, earning nods from both of the girls. That was interesting. I hadn’t seen anyone coming and going from my little cove, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. It was odd, though. Why dump us in different spots? Why the time delay? Did whatever ‘they’ did to us affect us differently, so we woke up at different times, or did they come back to deliver us one by one?

Questions, questions.

Distracting myself, I glanced at her equipment. Based on the name, the hooks, gas canisters, and the mount on the small of her back… seems like she used that to traverse the jungle without touching the ground. I had no idea how those physics worked, but it seemed a little late to be calling foul on how this world functioned.

"Find a way up?" I asked, taking a seat by the fire. Mikasa nodded while Kim sat in sullen silence, her mind far away.

"It's not far from here, but it will require climbing," Mikasa informed.

Figured, "Well, Kim's a decent climber so we shouldn't have anything to worry about, right Kim?" I questioned, trying to draw her into the conversation. No such luck, though. There was a long beat of silence and I offered a smile that was more of a grimace to Mikasa, though she looked understanding. "In any case, sounds like we have a long day ahead of us. Wanna take watch in shifts?"

Mikasa offered a small nod, "I'll take the first one," she decided, making it clear that she didn't quite trust us yet.

Eh, fair enough. It just meant I got to go to bed first.

Rolling over, I used my arms as a pillow and the hard ground as a bed. "Night," I told them both. And I was out like a light.

Someone was fiddling with my dick. Shocking, really. Neither Kim nor Mikasa struck me as the type to molest a guy in their sleep, but here we were. My palm leaf skirt wasn't offering much protection, and my cock was stiffening at the contact. I was feeling pretty conflicted, honestly -- if they had woken me up for some fun, I'd be down for it, but just grabbing me by the dick when I was asleep? That was a bit suspect, to say the least. And holy shit, whoever it was had small hands. Tiny hands. Downright minuscule, really.

The more aware of how small the hands were on my dick, the more the fog of sleep rescinded, leaving me more awake. It didn't take long for other things to be pointed out as odd. Like, for example, I didn't feel the ground. At all. More than the alarm that I was getting molested in my sleep, it was that fact that made me snap my eyes open and look down.

Down at the ground that I was a good dozen feet above. Mikasa looked like she had passed out on watch. Kim was curled up in a ball. Both sound asleep around a burnt-out fire.

Mikasa was asleep.

Kim was asleep.

I was flying.

Who was touching my dick?

Trying to be subtle about it, I looked down at my crotch to see the source of light clinging to my erect cock. It was like a shimmering aura of light, but looking beyond it revealed a… girl? Blonde hair, a green dress that looked like it was a leaf, pale yellow skin, and bright blue eyes. Oh, and she had a pair of wings that were fluttering as she used the entirety of her body to jack me off. She was in the ballpark of two inches tall, but she seemed comically small in comparison to my dick which she couldn't even wrap her arms around.

"A… fairy?" I muttered, just kinda… yeah. This was happening. I was getting jerked off by a fairy. While flying. Weird, but I'm not sure that this wasn’t a dream.

At the sound of my voice, the fairy stilled, her gaze snapping to me. She looked like a kid that just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, but that expression seemed entirely too innocent for the sight I was looking at. She blinked. I blinked. Her wings fluttered as the shocked expression faded as abruptly as it arrived, replaced with an expression of… hunger. She let go of my dick and darted for my face, grabbing me and it felt like she was giving me a barrage of kisses just under one of my eyes, making me sputter.

"K-Kaine?!" I heard Kim exclaim, waking up. Or, more likely, never falling asleep. She looked up at me and I did my best to angle my cock away from her so they wouldn't get an eye full. Even if it did mean she got a good look at my ass. Wait- was I the only one that didn’t come wearing clothes?! Kim's shocked shout woke Mikasa up, making her leap to her feet.

I aimed an uncertain look at the two of them, and I was pretty sure that the fairy was dry humping my face, "Looks like we don't have to worry about climbing the mountain."


Here is another commission story that has been in the works for quite some time now. One Piece is one of those settings that I've been waiting to write in for some time now, but I just never had the right story to tell. So, over a year ago I was approached to do a commission using the WC and a few other ideas that I had been playing around with.

First things first -- this story is a commission. As of right now, it's once or twice a month. It should be up on Thursdays or Sundays.

The story will follow Kaine and his crew. The build will be posted down below, but I feel like it's worth clarifying -- Luffy and his crew will have their adventures, and there will be some occasional overlap, but for the most part, the focus will be on Kaine and his crew. The plot itself will be a mix of canon, movies, and some original stuff. The length of the story mostly depends on the commissioner, but I foresee that it could go the distance.

Another thing of note is that there will be some PvP, just a little different than what the creators of the WC intended. Probably. For me personally, the hardest thing to sell about PvP using the waifu catalog is that you have what amounts to an OC with a harem of waifus throwing a wrench into your MCs plans. So, rather than an OC, I've decided to use other waifus and natives of the setting.

Who they are will be revealed in time, but there aren't that many. And some of them won't become relevant for a while because one of them is in the New World. Another small difference is that rather than killing the contractor, the goal is to beat/seduce the other crew -- some crew members could end up joining Kaine's main crew, or they could become a subordinate crew in his fleet.

Which leads me to my next point -- this is a Questionable Questing story only. So, I'm leaning into the smut. I'm not sure I would call this a porn story per se, but it's going to have a happy helping of it.

As for the build, here it is:

Starting World: One Piece

Starting budget 225

Walked-In as Acnologia of T8 -0 [225]


Under Jolly Roger -60 [165]


Tempest Jewelry -10 [155]

Basic Tempest Runes -10 [145]


Sticky Fingers -5 [140]

Zenryoku Zenkai -20 [120]

Home Perks

Pocket Space -5 [115]


Athletic free [115]

Martial free [115]

Performance free [115]

Covert free [115]

Template Stacking I[Acnologia has Yoriichi Tsugikuni (Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer)] -20 [95]

Soul -10 [85]


Information -25 [60]

Stress -5 [55]

Defenses discounted for retinue members +5 [60]

Misc Perks

Sexual Calibration -2 [58]

Fertility Calibration I -2 [56]

Mapper -10 [46]

Companions bought -43 [3]

Takemi Tae(T2)[buy] from Shin Megami Tensei

Higashiyama Kobeni(T4)[buy] from Chainsaw Man

Mikasa Ackerman(T3)[buy] from Attack on Titan

Gotou Hitori (Bocchi-chan)(T1)[buy] from Bocchi the Rock!

Kimberley Possible(T3)[buy] from Kim Possible

Yaoyorozu Momo/Creati(T4)[buy] from My Hero Academia

Tinkerbell(T4)[buy] from Disney

And I think that's it. If you have any questions, then please let me know.


Critical Hit

pretty sure every story is on patreon, but some stories get posted to a bunch of other sites with a delay like Spacebattles or sufficient velocity. This one will only also get posted to QQ because the rules there are more leniant.

ty rogers

What is WC?


Poor Hitori. She’s going to be a disaster.