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This message was meant to go up a little earlier because I'm currently out of state, but I am coming to learn that I can't trust Patreon's systems -- with the latest update, none of the 'collections' I made have appeared and the timed release hasn't worked the two times that I've used it. 

In any case, the announcement is that there will be no updates next week due to a few reasons. The most relevant one is related to what was supposed to go up on Tuesday in regards to Legends Never Die. Basically, I'm not satisfied with the current arc and with the feedback of the Biggest Tipper Patrons, I've decided that it needed to be reworked a bit. What I've come up with is something I personally believe will be much stronger, but it will require me to rewrite a few chapters in the backlog. 

Additionally, with Halloween coming up, I have a few plans with family to help me decompress from a few hectic weeks. I won't say that I'm feeling burnt out, but I do think a break will help recharge the batteries before I reach that point. 

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you have a happy Halloween. 



Happy Halloween, take your time and sort whatever you need too


My friend it has been a year since gone native has been updated. Are there any news about it?