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Maybe, just maybe… this was a terrible idea. The thought did occur to me as I practically skipped my way to Vought Headquarters. This could be a trap. Cinder was clever and she was ruthless. She had enough pieces to put together who Heartless was beneath the mask. If she hadn't… well. Then she wasn't as clever as she liked to think and I was deceiving her by virtue of the fact she didn't think she could ever be deceived by me.

If she was as clever as I thought and she believed herself to be, then there was a fifty fifty chance that this was a trap. She was luring me in with the promise of T and A, where the Seven would jump me. Or she was hoping that I would end up pussy whipped and more inclined to do whatever she wished of me in the hopes that I'd come crawling back for more. With Cinder, it really could be one or the other. I wouldn't know until I stepped into the room.

And that was part of the excitement. The danger, the risk… it was the spice of life and I loved it. Even if this led to everything blowing up in my face, it would be well worth it simply because it made the game more fun. The only downside would be if I died.

So, with a wide smile on my face, I stepped into Vought Headquarters. For the second time -- they gave tours, after all. It was pretty much the first thing I did when I first came to New York. It was every bit as impressive as I recalled -- a massive wide open lobby was lined with every member of the Seven, past and current. People in suits and dress suits walked every which way. If I had to say if one thing changed, it was the sense of urgency. There were a lot fewer smiles floating about now.

I liked to think that was because of me.

Heading to the front desk, I was greeted with a practiced smile. "I'm here to pick up a security clearance badge?"

The woman behind the desk smiled at me, "You're expected, Mr. Raine." She said, sliding a badge over the counter. Vincent Raine. One of the assumed names that I gave Cinder once upon a time. Taking it, clipped the badge onto my button down and headed for the elevator. Pressing the top floor, the badge was scanned before I was able to ride the elevator up. And I'm pretty sure I stopped at every possible floor between the ground and the top.

It was enough to let my mind wander about all the terrible things I could do while I was inside of the building. I couldn't do them now -- there wasn't a point since I could have the Seven watching me every step of the way. But, if I ever came back…

I was all smiles when I stepped out on the top floor. My hands tucked into my pockets as Starlight was standing in front of the elevator with her arms crossed and a scowl. Her eyes narrowed into slits the moment that her gaze landed on me. My smile widened when I saw her.

She knew.

“Hello, Starlight. Fancy seeing you here. Nice to see you again,” I greeted her and her lips pressed into a thin line. I wouldn’t come out and say it. But, I sure as shit would imply it. The casual greeting, the implication that this wasn’t our first meeting… ohh… she was fuming mad. The lights flickering was a good enough indication of that even as she turned away from me.

“This way,” she bit the words out and all but growled when I began to hum a tune as I trailed behind her. My heart started to pound as she led me to the Seven HQ. A place that I had only seen in comics and movies. As far as the world was concerned, this was where all the important decisions were made -- not the white house, not the Senate, or the Supreme Court. That anticipation was compounded by the fact I didn't know if I should expect a fight or to get laid. And, honestly, I wouldn't mind either one.

Starlight led me to the office where two bulkhead doors slid apart to reveal…

Cinder Fall in all of her glory.

Despite the message she sent me, she stood in a pair of high heels and clad in red and black underwear. Seems like it wasn't a trap. Or maybe it was a honey trap. "Cinder. You look fantastic," I greeted with a sly smile, drinking her in. All of it in. The 7 shaped table, the seven chairs, the walls lined with monitors… the great view of New York City, and the scantily clad member of the Seven giving me a smoldering gaze. "We have the Room, then?"

My awareness expanded to a good chunk of the building around me. I became aware of office drones, drama, but nothing that screamed trap to me.

"I thought it might be more enjoyable for you to undress me yourself," Cinder replied, her voice low and seductive. Her golden gaze flickered to Starlight, "Wait outside." Starlight didn't seem happy. I knew her and Cinder had a thing. Lovers quarrel?

The doors closed behind Starlight but I could feel her glaring daggers at my back as I stepped forward. "I think you were right about that," I confessed to her, stepping to Cinder, who stood at the heart of the table.

Her smirk was downright seductive, knowing exactly how to play a man. "Then come claim your prize." She bayed me, as I took a final step closer.

I knew her game. Sex was all about power for Cinder. It was something to win. Whoever came crawling back to the other was the loser, and Cinder didn't strike me as someone else who liked to lose. That was fine. It was what I liked about her. It would just make my victory that much sweeter when she did come crawling to me.

Reaching out, I pulled her to me in a searing kiss -- my tongue invading her mouth with a low growl that reverberated up my chest,surprising both of us. It made my intentions known. Cinder quivering slightly in response, but it didn't slow her down as she began to pull at my button down with little gentleness. While she worked on undressing me, I passed my hand down the smoothness of her midriff. Her abs tensing under the palm of my hand while her tongue dulled with mine for domination of the kiss.

The touch of her lips interrupted by a low guttural moan as I clutched at the curve of finely toned ass, picking her up to seat her on the table, and wrenching her legs apart. It wasn't in her nature to be so easily dominated as she proved when my button down came off and raked her fingers down my back. Even as she kissed feverishly at the base of my neck, leaving a trail of possessive hickeys that marked me for anyone to see.

My hands ran up and down her smooth thighs, feeling them lock around my waist. I wasn't idle, not any more content to let her take the lead. Tracing the tips of my fingers over the border of her panties, I pause just only a second, building her anticipation and feeling her entire body tense. Without further flourish, I pushed my fingers under the fabric and cupped her snatch.

Cinder let out an appreciative moan, licking my carotid artery while my fingers stroked her. She was wet. Absolutely soaked. For all of her cool demeanor, her slick folds were evidence enough that she had been anticipating this.

The heat felt like it could sear my hand with enough time, her juices that flowed freely from her nether lips doing little to quench that searing heat. Cinder gasped and pulled me close to her, her breath tickling my ear. Her soft gasps were like music as I flicked experimentally at her engorged nub and ran my fingers along her drooling slit.

"You're so good at this," Cinder whispered in my ear. She really did know exactly what to say to stroke the ego, but it rang a little hollow when you knew that was her intention. Her body, however, was a little more honest. My fingers rubbed small circles into her clit, making her hips buck eagerly against my touch with each slow movement. "Fuck! That's-"

That last bit sounded a little bit more honest. Cutting her off, I kissed her hard, my tongue battling with hers once again. Cinder seemed to appreciate the out for what it was but she wasn't content to be outdone. She could feel herself losing the battle. Cinder was more sensitive than I thought she'd be.

Her hands worked on my pants, stroking my length through the fabric. She moaned in my mouth, making a show of how big my dick was. To answer the move, my hand shifted in her panties and with a single action, I slid my middle and ring fingers into her snatch that wept with arousal. Her walls clenched around my fingers, tightening as I ground my palm against her clit. With my free hand, I did a snapping motion to her bra to undo the hooks.

Pulling back slightly, breaking the kiss, I removed her bra entirely. Her breasts were a good palmful -- nothing outrageously huge, but perfect for her frame. Both tits were capped with rosy red nipples that stood at attention. Cinder's pale flesh was flushed and her breasts rose and fell with each breath.

Leaning in, my lips wrapped around one of her nipples, lavishing it with attention while my other hand reached up to her black mane of hair. Grabbing a fist full of it, I slightly pulled back on her head, forcing Cinder to expose her throat, which I left a trail of hickeys up and down. I firmly had the lead and, try as she might, Cinder was getting swept along for the ride. She knew it too, despite her struggles to contain her breathless moans.

I focused on her. I had more than just my physical senses to read how she responded to my touch. I was getting better at touching what couldn't be seen or felt, my awareness was sharper. However, touching something like emotions still seemed to be a bit beyond me. Instead, what I did manage was to feel her growing excitement. A coil of pleasure was being wound in her gut that was tightening and tightening, waiting to be unleashed. I could also feel where she wanted to be touched and where would stoke the flames, so to speak.

With my power, I brushed her clit as I ground my palm into it- "Fuck!" Cinder yelped, her body tensing as her eyes flew wide open. She seemed to like that. All the more reason to keep doing it. "What are you- that's- Oh~!" The moan that escaped her despite her best efforts to swallow it down was a song in itself.

I think she was ready. Pulling Cinder back, she nearly fell before I pivoted her, pressing her stomach into the 7 shaped table. Cinder gasped when I gave her ass a swat, her cheeks bouncing at the strike, then again when I pulled her hair. A clear sign of domination and Cinder just accepted it. She pushed back against me with her hips, a token effort of resistance. The breathless mewl seemed almost approving as I crushed the token display, firmly holding her in place.

Slipping down her panties, I took a moment to appreciate how the thong slipped from her shapely ass, only loosely connected by thin strands of arousal, revealing the glistening treasure below topped by only a thin line of soft, dark hair. Slowly, I drew away, letting Cinder watch over the curve of her shoulder as I undid my pants, letting them fall around my ankles, and letting my cock stand tall and free. It fell, slapping wetly against her waiting sex, prompting a guttural moan from the woman. A primal sound of want.

Slowly, every second punctuated by the increasingly needy breathless moans that shivered up and down through Cinder's slender frame, I eased my length past her nether lips. Her folds parted around my head, accepting inch after inch. Her slick walls had been hot before, but now they seemed scorching as they clenched around my length. Cinder let out a grunt of exertion, her hands vaguely reaching back, but with a single hand, I took them both and held then at the base of her spine.

Once I was half way up to the hilt, I began to roll my hips back and forth, each slow, deliberate motion drawing a tiny cry of pleasure from Cinder's lips. Testing and experimenting. Cinder knew that I all but won, and she was determined to be a sore loser.

Each soft gasp and low moan that escaped her was an encouragement to deliver each thrust with more force, playing with my ability to stoke the flames of her pleasure. And, I think, I knew just how to do it. Each reaction that she gave was pointing me in the right direction. It was building to something. In a way, it wasn't that different from what Stormlight had done with her lightning -- she provided an extreme example for me to work back from.

And, as far as feelings go, an orgasm was as intense as I could hope for. Especially a good one. Slowly, I was poking and prodding this new thing, trying to draw it out. To make it grow.

It was working because Cinder slowly lost control over herself. Her moans became more desperate until she was moaning like a wounded animal with each long, sawing motion of my hips. Her ass rippled with every thrust, turning a cherry red from the constant impact while the wet sounds of her sex and flesh striking flesh filled the air. With every few thrusts, she tried to tug her arms back to break my grip, but based on how she moaned loud enough to impress a porn star, I knew escaping my grip wasn't her intention as I thrusted harder into her with every attempt, punishing her for each playful attempt at escape.

Letting go of her hair, delivered a hard spank to her ass, earning a look. The dim, half-lidded looks she sent over her shoulder expressed everything I needed to know.

'You win. I give up.'

That was more intoxicating than the sex, if I was being completely honest. It was the feeling of winning. Of victory.

Rocking back upon my heels, I leaned into the work of my hips, leveraging myself deeper into her sopping cunt. Her folds quivered around my length, a long, drawn-out gasp of pleasure rolling along her back, filling the room with the sound of slapping flesh. As I did, I finally managed to get a hold of that thing I was touching with my Room. An orgasm. Cinder's orgasm, to be more precise. When it finally began to swell to its peak, I grabbed hold of it.

A devious smile tugged at my lips. It was almost like a piece of bubble wrap -- the pressure built and built and built until the plastic snapped and popped. Only I wouldn't let it pop. Her orgasm grew and grew and grew, doubling in size, then tripling. And the larger it grew, the easier it was to manipulate. I was almost so lost in my experimentation I nearly missed the effect it was having on Cinder.

Cinder sounded genuinely pathetic as she strangled a whine in the back of her throat. She was desperately meeting my hips with small thrusts of her own, fighting to relieve the tension.

Grabbing her by the shoulder, I pressed her back to my chest, grabbing one of her breasts to roll her pebbled nipple between two fingers while the other went to her chin, forcing her to look back. "You know what to do," I whispered into her ear.

I could see the naked need in Cinder's eyes as well as the defiance. There were tears in her eyes like she were about to cry out of frustration as she bit her lip. Her expression crumpled when I shifted the angle of my thrusts to hammer at her G spot. It was then that I heard it.

"Please…" Cinder whispered between clenched teeth. "Please let me cum." For her, it was the equivalent of screaming at the top of her lungs.

So, I gave it to her. I let go of her orgasm and Cinder came undone. She just folded like a house of cards.

She let out a stuttering, strangled moan, her entire body trembling like a leaf before she curled into herself. Her silken walls clenched hotly around my length, as arousal dripped down it into a puddle on the floor. It was almost fascinating to see her become undone within my Room -- it was like seeing a firework show in her brain. However, I didn't get to pay too much attention to it as my own orgasm stole my attention.

I felt myself coming close, a tightness in my balls, and I hammered deeper at her convulsing sex that wept freely with arousal. Every thrust was punctuated by the heavy slapping of Cinder's ass against my hips, drawing all of my flagging focus into the rhythmic jackhammering of my hips, fucking the moaning woman with all the ferocity I could muster. I could feel my own orgasm with the Room, and this one was easier to touch now that I knew how.

I wasn't so masochistic that I would edge myself. Instead, I… massaged it, I suppose you could say. Shaped it like clay with the intention of making it powerful.

Letting out a bestial growl, I buried my length deep into Cinder's sex, the frantic contractions of her orgasm massaging my cock. I braced myself for it, but I had wildly underestimated the power of the orgasm because my vision seemed to go white while my balls tried to empty themselves into Cinder. It was genuinely something that I only thought existed in hentai because I felt my cum fill Cinder before seeping out of the air tight seal she had around my cock to spill onto the floor.

Cinder seized up from head to toe, her trembling with the animalistic pleasure, before falling slack in my arms, utterly spent. my fingers dug into her soft flesh, my cock still throbbing from the most intense orgasm of my life, my mind completely blank beyond the mindless pleasure of orgasming. Cum audibly plopped onto the floor, Cinder's womb utterly stuffed and could contain no more. It felt like lightning racing down my spine, and it was only when my balls started to ache, I realized that I forgot to breathe.

It occurred to me, the thought feeling like it came from far away, that I probably knocked Cinder up. Unless one of us was completely sterile, she definitely got pregnant from that. The thought made my cock twitch before I slowly began to extract myself from Cinder. When I left her body entirely, I heard her grunt softly, laid out on the table as milky white cum flowed out of her twitching pussy.

I don't think I should do that again, I thought, taking in a deep breath. That was way too dangerous on my end. With a single shot, I felt like if I tried to cum again, I'd get nothing but air. As I gathered myself, I saw that Cinder was completely out of it, outright drooling on the table and unresponsive beyond a mild twitch as she struggled to come down from her orgasmic high.

"That was fun, Cinder," I told her, commuting the sight to memory. "We should do it again sometime. It'll be a reward for good behavior," I added, getting dressed, feeling as smug as a man could be -- I fucked a beautiful and powerful woman into submission and gave her an orgasm that she would never forget. I had every reason to be smug.

With my balls aching and feeling tired, I got dressed and headed for the door. Starlight stood outside of it, seemingly startled when the doors slid open. I tossed her a wink as I strode by her, "Take care of her for me, yeah?" I asked, waving over my shoulder as I headed for the elevator.

I felt even more proud of myself when I sensed Starlight's disbelief when she saw Cinder's state.

It really was good to be king, huh?



Huh, I guess Starlight is about to get her own blackmail.