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Cinder strode into the Seven’s headquarters, the large double doors parting for her well in advance. The Seven were seated at the table and if she were ignorant, she would call it an imposing sight. Homelander sat at the head of the table, a gracious smile tugging at his lips. The rest of the Seven were seated at the sides -- The Deep, who looked everywhere but at her, Queen Maeve, who was currently knocking back a cup of whiskey, Black Noir, who sat motionlessly…

The ones of the most interest to her were A-Train and Starlight. Starlight looked down at the table, her eyes clenched shut. Oh, she really was too much fun to tease. Her phone was filling up rather quickly with naughty photos of Annie -- and Starlight knew that if any of them leaked online, it would completely destroy her. A clever touch, Cinder applauded her own wit. Leaked nudes would hardly be the death of a celebrity’s reputation, but a hero begging to be the cock sleeve for the world's first Supervillain?

Cinder fought off a smile as she looked at A-Train. He was currently in a wheelchair, but he still insisted on wearing that idiotic uniform. It was a testament to his durability that he still possessed legs at all. Just as it was a testament to the severity of his injuries that he was still confined to a wheelchair. As for the last chair… either it was empty, or Translucent was sitting in it naked.

Homelands stood up, "Supernova, thank you for joining us. How have you been? Good, I hope?" Homelander asked, giving an easy smile. She responded with a smile, taking the offered hand when she crossed the distance. He was careful with his strength.

"I've been well. Thank you for recommending me for this task force, Homelander. I really do appreciate it," She replied, tilting her head and fluttering her eyelashes. She had underestimated Homelander -- that much Cinder could admit. The heroes of this world were little more than entitled celebrities. A-Train was a fool that could barely use his powers. The Deep was useless outside of the ocean. Queen Maeve could be competent if she wasn't always drunk. She expected Homelander to be little better, but he had impressed her with his quick rescue after Heartless blew up the building.

A benefit of playing both sides was that she had friends on them. She was too dependent on Law, and while their relationship was going well enough, it couldn't hurt to have a counter to him and Heartless if things ever soured. Or, in the more likely case, Heartless was killed and Law was incarcerated.

"Of course. We've been on the backfoot with Heartless' for too long already, and you're the only other person that's survived two encounters with him," Homelander said, gesturing to the apparently empty seat at the Seven table. Directly next to Starlight, who swallowed thickly.

"Will Translucent not be joining us?" Cinder asked, accepting the seat. A seat that should already be hers. Queen Maeve scoffed into a drink while Homelander's eyes flashed.

"Translucent has been given an independent mission," Homelander answered while Cinder took her seat. Starlight tried to not look at her, looking straight ahead like she wasn’t even there. The defiance was adorable, but it was far too early in her training for it to go unpunished. It wouldn't do for Starlight to think that she could displease her. As far as Translucent's independent mission, it seemed that there was tension there. Either Homelander hadn't signed off on it, or there was something going unsaid. She made a note of that while the final member of the task force entered the room.


Her expression was bored and uninterested, choosing to wear a casual outfit rather than her uniform -- a denim jacket, yoga pants, and a tank top shirt. Cinder fought the urge to narrow her eyes at the woman as she was greeted by Homelander with the same familiarity. Mirko, simply put, was a rival.

Their careers started around the same time, their rise in the popularity polls were both quick, and as far as the public was concerned, it was nothing less than an injustice that one of them wasn't put on the Seven instead of Starlight. Their fanbases were torn between wanting them to fuck and wanting one to tear down the other. Cinder had secured a substantial lead for the most part, but the gap between them in ratings and popularity was shrinking.

Months of work, dozens of high-profile busts… and all it took for Mirko to reach her levels of popularity was having a thick ass and a video of her ripping her arm out of its socket to get to Heartless. It was infuriating. Worse, it was absolutely galling when Mirko glanced her way with complete disinterest before taking a seat at the table as if she belonged here. Cinder kept her irritation off of her face, something that was made easier when the reason they were here finally began.

Stan Edgar entered the room, followed behind by a woman that Cinder recognized. Susan Raynor. The Deputy Director of the CIA. A pretty but professional woman in her mid to late thirties to early forties, but she had aged with grace. Stan came to a stop, his expression calm and unflinching. "Normally, I would leave things such as this in the capable hands of Miss Stillwell, but as she is on maternity leave, I will be addressing this task force," he informed them as the large bulkhead doors closed, followed by the windows being blocked out. A total lockdown. "But first, allow me to introduce Miss Susan Raynor, the Deputy Director of the CIA, who will be spearheading this joint initiative to apprehend Heartless."

"Thank you, Mr. Edgar," Susan replied, her tone even. "While I don't have any official authority over any of you, I am mission control. The US government has a vested interest in capturing Heartless, and it has decided that the people in this room are the best shot at it. So, ignore orders at your own risk," she stated, and Cinder started to smile.

Cinder liked her. It might come across as heavy-handed, but there were times for soft words and times for threats. If she wanted to be taken seriously, then it was a time for threats.

"Quite," Stan agreed, his tone one of infinite patience. "The CIA has launched its own investigation into Heartless and they shall be providing actionable intelligence."

"Uh-" Deep raised a hand, looking around. "I didn't sign up for this? I get Heartless is a bad guy and all, but I think this is something better left to like… seal team Six?" He started, looking around for support. Cinder rolled her eyes at the obvious cowardice, especially when he was supported by A-Train. Both Susan and Stan seemed extremely unimpressed.

"You did sign up for this," Stan corrected a deadly edge in his voice. "It is in your contracts and refusing to join this task force is a direct violation of them. Do you wish to violate your contract, Deep? A-Train?" He asked, a threat in every word. Both men grimaced. Greed was a powerful motivator and it had the two by the throat. Something that Starlight was starting to realize because she seemed stunned by the shameless display.

Mirko, however, looked absolutely disgusted.

"Moving on. Miss Raynor?" Stan said, letting her take over the debriefing. She nodded in thanks before the TVs came alight with information.

"While the timeframe is still currently unknown, we know that sometime within the past two months, Heartless united the criminal underworld within New York. The lack of gang violence was noted, but it is only recently that the unification went beyond non-aggression pacts. With precision and subterfuge, it isn't an exaggeration to claim that Heartless now controls virtually all organized crime in New York. Which is where I would like to say the bad news ends, but that's hardly the case," Susan began and Cinder found herself fascinated.

The gun trade. The drug trade. Smuggling. Protection rackets, prostitution, even scams -- Heartless controlled it all. He had eradicated the competition, either by consuming the gangs or exterminating them. All within… what, two months? Maybe three? That was… rather admirable.

"He's expanding out of New York," Susan continued. "Quite rapidly. We're seeing activity in DC, Chicago, Detroit, Nashville, Atlanta, and New Orleans. All the way down the east coast and the takeovers are immediate and clean. Whoever Heartless is, he's nothing short of a criminal mastermind with a deep understanding of underworld politics. These efforts are being spearheaded by who we believe to be his right hand -- a woman going by the alias Devil's Child."

The woman that sprouted arms from her body to bind her. A useful power, Cinder reflected.

"I think we've flattered him enough," Homelander spoke up. "How about you start telling us how to take him down?"

"Sounds like the entire thing is built on Heartless and Devil's Child. Take them out, and it's an ordinary gang," Mirko voiced her agreement.

Susan blinked. It was an odd reaction, Cinder decided. As it was often a hint that someone had swallowed down a retort. "The issue stems from this -- Heartless isn't just expanding in regular soldiers. He's recruiting supes."

That got a reaction from the Seven. Deep threw his hands up and shook his head, "No. No way. No fucking way, bro. I didn't sign up to fight supes. Fuck. That. You can talk to my lawyer-" He was silenced with a look from Homelander. At the very least, he kept a short leash on his team. Respectable.

"What do you mean by recruitment?" Cinder spoke up, drawing attention to herself. "I can't imagine any established heroes would be willing to work for him. Even the less established heroes in the country… I imagine they would have little to gain from associating with a known criminal."

"People are stupid," Mirko remarked, crossing her arms.

"D-Listers. That's who he's recruiting from?" Homelander questioned, a laugh in his voice.

Susan inclined her head to Homelander. "They have been the target group for recruitment. Not every supe has powers that lend well to heroics. Most manage to find a niche for themselves somewhere, but the fact of the matter is that Heartless has a target demographic -- the disenfranchised. Supes with weak powers that feel cheated out of the limelight. Despite the reassurances that have been given, there are more than anyone would like to admit." Susan continued, and Cinder pursed her lips in thought.

It was natural. Powers didn't make someone competent. There were hierarchies in everything. There would always be those at the top -- The Seven and herself -- and those on the bottom.

"And our role is what, precisely?" Cinder asked the question, smiling lightly at Susan.

"Infiltration," Susan said, looking at her with a sharp gaze. "Heartless has organized a number of fight rings throughout America in cities where he has a presence. Supe fights. Normals can watch two superabled people go at it in a blood sport, and those who manage to prove themselves can expect an offer for specialty work from Heartless. Sometimes as dumb muscle, or for specific jobs. We have all the information needed to make a bust, but Vought has put forth a plan. Supernova, Mirko, Starlight, and Deep -- we have found four D-Lister supes that have similar, but weaker powers than you."

Oh, this simply was too good to be true. "We infiltrate the fight ring, prove that we aren't incompetent, to ascertain Heartless' next objective?" It certainly did sound familiar. Susan nodded and A-Train scoffed.

"How are we supposed to infiltrate anything? We're the fucking Seven. The whole world is going to recognize us the moment they see us." He pointed out an issue that Cinder also considered.

Susan, however, had her doubts. "You won't be in uniform, for one. Hair dye, a different hair style, a beard -- as well as the fact no one is going to anticipate the fucking Seven to be participating in a fight ring for D-Listers," Susan remarked drily. "We're the CIA. We know what we're doing."

"Yeah? If that was true, you'd already have this guy, wouldn't you?" Deep muttered, sounding stressed out. Cinder rolled her eyes and ended up meeting eyes with Mirko, who seemed even less impressed with the Deep than she felt.

"And the rest of us?" Queen Maeve spoke up, the ice in her empty glass clinking as she poured herself another generous helping of whiskey. "You apparently already have Translucent on something. Strange, considering that I don't think he's ever been helpful in his entire life. Well, that is unless he's helping himself. He's probably in some ladies bathroom jacking it in the corner."

Susan's gaze flickered to Stan, whose expression was so blank it was easy to see that he was angry. "Translucent is performing an investigation for Vought. He is not available at the moment. However, Homelander, Queen Maeve -- the two of you shall be performing a retaliatory strike on Heartless' organization. We know the upper echelons of his organization are called… well…" he actually seemed embarrassed to say it.

So, Susan did. "The Eight."

Homelander had a surprising reaction. He snorted a laugh, a hand going to cover his mouth but he was smiling with his eyes. He seemed absolutely delighted. The others had a much more varied response.

"He can't do that. It's copyright infringement!" Deep protested and Queen Maeve sighed in response.

"He's a criminal, you fucking idiot," she told him, rubbing her brow while she shook her head. He shot a dirty look her way, but Cinder's eyes were on Stan. His expression was blank, but his jaw was clenched. He was pissed. Furious. Cinder would be too in his position. Emerald and Mercury were competent enough at what they did -- perhaps not as professional as Cinder would have preferred, but their talent more than made up for their shortcomings. She wondered if that was true for Stan Edgar.

"When will this infiltration mission take place?" Cinder asked, trying to refocus the meeting. Stan met her gaze and she was certain that he felt some measure of gratitude.

"Next week. In that time, my team will be preparing you. You will be expected to fight in the ring since none of you have esoteric powers. Prepare yourselves for that, because it is a blood sport. The goal is information gathering first and foremost, but this is a chance to get close to Heartless. If you see an opportunity? You have the government's full authority to kill him," Susan told them. Next week. She was rather looking forward to it.

And she imagined Law would be keen to learn all about these silly operations. He came through for her. It would be such a shame to let his efforts go unrewarded.

The rest of the meeting was spent going over the fine details of the several operations. Homelander and Queen Maeve would be making high profile attacks on the Eight's leadership. The four of them would infiltrate a fight ring in Manhattan. Black Noir would be going solo to investigate a possible connection Heartless was trying to establish with Mexican cartels. In short, the world was responding to Heartless and they were determined to put him on the back foot. To show the people that he couldn't keep getting away with it.

And all it would take was a simple message slipped through the proper channels to have it come crumbling down.

Cinder's lips twitched into a smile, seeing Deep head to an elevator. Starlight all but fled from the meeting room -- probably to puke in the bathroom. Perhaps the day could get a little better… she followed Deep into the elevator, skipping in at the last possible second. The moment that the doors closed behind her, Cinder was all smiles at a very nervous looking Deep.

"H-Hey, Nova," He greeted her, visibly uncertain why she seemed so happy to see him.

"Hello, Deep. It's been a little while. You've been ignoring my calls," she remarked lightly, tilting her head when he winced ever so slightly.

"Well, er-"

"I wonder if it's because you've been telling everyone that I have syphilis? Or that we dated?" Cinder asked, the smile sharp enough to cut right through him. He flinched. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not mad, Deep. I can't be. Would you like me to show you why?" She asked, taking out a familiar phone and presenting it to Deep. The blood drained from his face when Cinder tapped play, the elevator filling with the sounds of his dirty talk and Starlight's gagging.

"How the fuck did you-" he started, going to lunge for the phone but Cinder lashed out. A hand went between his legs to grab him by the balls. As her grip tightened, the stench of burnt fabric filled the elevator as her palm glowed a cherry red. "Oh- fuck- oh fucking- gah! I'm so fucking-" he gasped out, backing up into the corner.

"I'm quite upset with you, Deep. Trading sexual favors to steal my place from the Seven after you slandered me? I wonder what the public will say when I tell them that?" Cinder wondered, fury shining in her eyes. He started to protest, but the words died in his throat when her grip tightened. "I imagine it would embolden others to speak out. Like Rachel in marketing? Or how about Vanessa in catering? A cute barista down at the coffee shop… what was her name again… Taylor? I imagine they all would have rather interesting stories to tell."

"Oh fuck me," Deep breathed, realizing what this was. Sweat broke out on his brow and he looked absolutely terrified. "W-what do you want from me? I-I didn't take you out of the Seven- I- I'm just the fish guy! I'm a fucking joke! It wasn't my decision- no one even asked me-"

"I'm well aware," Cinder snarled at him. To think that she had ever considered sleeping with this clown to advance her career. "What I want from you, Deep… is obedience."

He looked confused, "Obedience?"

"Obedience. You will do whatever I command you to do without question or hesitation. Failure to do so and I castrate you before releasing everything to the public. Is that understood?" Cinder questioned, that same smile still on her face.

Deep licked his lips, "U-Understood, do please let go-" he started to grab at her arm, but he cut himself off with a pained hiss when the cloth around his balls started to blacken and smolder with cinders and smoke.

"Not until you tell me something interesting. Something that you don't think Vought, Homelander, or anyone else would want me to know," she commanded, perfectly content to burn his balls off here and now.

He was panicked before but now he was terrified, trying to escape her grip by climbing up the wall of the elevator, smoke coming off of his crotch as the layers were burnt away. "Ah- Ah… fuck! Fuck- L-Lamplighter! Lamplighter! He- He was being retired for something- I don't know! But, ah, he got drunk and let something slip! Something about an insane asylum?! Ah, fuck! The…it was called… something Center- Sage Grove Center!" He shouted, his voice getting higher and higher. "Evidence disposal! That's what he said!"

Hm. The Sage Grove Center? Why would Vought be sending one of the Seven to work at an insane asylum?

"I suppose that will have to do," Cinder decided, letting go of his balls and letting him collapse to the ground, cupping his groin. "And Deep?"

He looked up at her, fear shining in his eyes. It was a good feeling, Cinder decided. This kind of power over another human being, knowing that she could destroy them with a word… It was better than sex. It got her higher than any drug. This was exactly what she envisioned all those years ago. It was little wonder that her sisters had tormented her. This was delightful.

"Your dick is smaller than I thought it'd be," she said, patting him on the cheek before the elevator doors opened. That did the trick. Men and their penises.

Cinder left him in the elevator, and she could have sworn she heard him crying before the elevator doors closed again. She really was getting an unexpected amount of mileage from that video Law had sent her. She'd need to give him a proper gift in return.

Perhaps Starlight's virginity? Was she a virgin? She certainly sucked dick like one…

Ah, well, she would think of something.

A week later and the mission was officially a go. Their fake identities were made and they had learned the cover stories. Nothing particularly elaborate, but enough detail to answer an interview. Deep and Starlight struggled the most with learning the fine details, while Cinder adapted to it perfectly. It was simply another false identity to her.

Which was how Cinder found herself in a blonde wig, green contacts, an unflattering costume and a mask as the four of them approached a run down looking warehouse on the wharf. Mirko had the greatest transformation of the four of them -- her white hair was dyed black, her rabbit ears were tucked underneath a hat, and she wore dark contacts to mask her red eyes. Starlight and Deep got off rather lightly -- Starlight's hair was dyed brown while Deep slapped on a fake beard and hair.

It was going to work, Cinder realized. Simply because it seemed to be the first time Deep had worn anything other than his costume.

"Sounds like a lot of people in there," Mirko remarked as they approached a painted red metal door. "More than a hundred, at least."

Useful information. Cinder filed it away as she rapped sharply on the door and by the second knock, the face plate slid to the side. "Ember, Aquatus, Glowlight, and Hops. We're the main attraction for tonight," Cinder informed. In response the face plate snapped shut and a rather comical number of locks sounded like they were being undone. After a long minute of waiting, the door finally opened, revealing a well built man that casually had a military grade shotgun hanging from one shoulder.

"I will need to frisk you first, but welcome to the Pit," he welcomed them. They were prepared for this -- none of them wore a wire of any kind. There wasn't a need. A supe eyewitness was worth more than tangible factual evidence. The man patted them down, rather professionally too, before he ushered them down the steps leading to a basement that was blocked by another metal door. Pushing it open, and they were hot with a wall of noise as a large basement.

An arena had been built in the center of it with bleachers around it. It was a true arena, but Mirko was right -- there were easily more than a hundred people crammed into the basement, all of them watching a fight that was currently ongoing. A reedy looking man wearing a mask was currently getting his face smashed in, blood splattering over the mask of a man with metallic fists and skin. Then, with a roar, he grabbed hold of the reedy man's arms and heaved. Flesh ripped, bone snapped, and blood sprayed out over the canvas.

"We have to stop this-" Starlight breathed, taking a step forward, but Cinder stopped her cold.

"Listen to his screams. They're fake," Cinder pointed out because while the man was thrashing on the ground, spray blood much to the crowd’s good cheer, his screams… Cinder knew the sounds a man made when a limb was torn off. The screams she heard now were what a man thought it would sound like if someone had an arm ripped off.

"That they are!" A voice remarked to them, bringing her attention to another woman. Clearly a supe, Cinder quickly deduced. Her hair was a dark shade of purple, her eyes a brilliant shade of gold while her skin was dark. She wore tight fitted clothes with a loose scarf around her neck, eyeing them with amusement as she lounged over a table. "It's the warm up. The little guy is a regenerator, and people have a fondness for extreme violence without consequences. You four will be going up after."

"And you are?" Mirko questioned, stepping forward.

"Tha' names Yoruichi," Yoruichi introduced herself, stretching like a cat with a slight grin tugging at her lips. "I guess you can call me the muscle for this place. I make sure that no one gets too rowdy."

"As well as the talent scout, correct?" Cinder purred, making the smile grow into a smirk.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Show what you're made of and you might get noticed," Yoruichi remarked before a bell rang. Cinder looked over to see that the regenerator had been gutted and was being dragged out of the ring while the metallic supe was taking a victory lap, basking in the cheering crowd. Guts and blood on his fists.

"I think I'm going to puke," Deep heaved, hunching over.

"And if we impress?" Mirko questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I think you should at least show off what you got before you worry about that," Yoruichi said, seemingly laughing at a joke that only she knew. The dismissive attitude made sense. They wouldn't be here if they were anything less than desperate nobodies. "Glowlight is up first. Then Aquarius, Ember, and lastly Hops."

"Is Heartless the one that decides if we're… 'worth something?'" Starlight questioned, her tone sullen. And obvious.

For one reason or another, Yoruichi laughed. "Not in the slightest. Let's just say something like this is… beneath his notice," she said, her eyes laughing. That didn’t surprise Cinder in the slightest. From the sounds of it, Heartless was busy taking over the criminal underworld throughout America. Something like this -- mere recruitment of D-listers -- should only reach his notice if the top recruits proved themselves.

Starlight seemed like she didn’t know how to respond to that and Deep finished dry heaving. “Glowlight -- you have about five minutes to get changed and get ready for the fight. You’re going up against Buzzsaw. He has buzzsaws for fingernails,” she explained idly, gesturing to a back room for Starlight to get changed.


“I’ll help you get changed, Glowlight,” Cinder offered with a kind smile that made Starlight go still. Cinder hefted the bag that was in her hand, the one that contained their costumes for the evening. A gentle hand guided Starlight away from the others and toward the changing room, Starlight whispered to her.

“You- here? Now!?” Starlight stressed, paling as they entered the dressing room. Cinder simply smiled and passed her the costume that she would be wearing for the evening. Starlight didn’t want to take it. It was obvious, but as the silence stretched on, so did her apparent stress because she began shifting from foot to foot before she snatched the bag from Cinder. She went absolutely bloodless when she saw what the bag contained. “You- You have got to be kidding me, I can’t wear this!”

Her protests fell on deaf ears as Starlight pulled out her costume. A top that would just barely cover her nipples and a thong that was little more than a pair of strings with delusions of grandeur. “You, Glowstick, are a supe that’s desperate for Heartless’ recognition. Your power is weak, and your reputation is already in tatters because you’ve starred in porn -- of Starlight, ironically enough. All you have is a nice pair of tits and a cute ass. It’s well within your character to wear such a costume.” Starlight wilted with every word, so Cinder went for the throat.

“The only difference between you and Starlight is that Starlight is a stupid whore. You at least got paid for sex, Glowstick,” Cinder said, relishing in how her expression twisted. This is what she deserved for stealing her spot in the Seven. Humiliation. Debasement. Degradation. Truth be told, Cinder wasn’t attracted to women. They didn’t do anything for her sexually -- Law… and perhaps Heartless, is what she desired. Powerful, handsome… preferably with a big dick and clean-cut muscles.

But there was something deeply arousing about this. With Emerald, if there was ever any true need for it, Cinder would have slept with her to ensure her cooperation. There wasn’t ever the need, though -- Emerald loved her and thus her loyalty was secured. Starlight, though… the thought of forcing her to submit… knowing that she could do whatever she liked to her… it sent a shiver down her spine.

“Now, get dressed,” Cinder ordered. Starlight waited for Cinder to turn around for something, her face flushing when she realized that Cinder was going to watch. Slowly, mechanically, as if she was trying to be the least sexy as possible, Starlight undressed. “You do have nice tits, Starlight,” Cinder remarked, “Let me see them.”

Starlight’s hands curled into fists. For a moment, Cinder thought she might have pushed too far but Starlight dropped the arm that covered them, exposing the rosy pink nipples that stood at attention. Starlight refused to look at Cinder and Cinder could feel herself becoming aroused. Starlight was her little plaything. Her toy to do what she wished with. However, she needed to be careful.

Cinder herself was proof of what happened when you pushed too far. And it was for that exact reason Cinder knew exactly how to keep Starlight in check. Because, at some point, no matter the threats, the stress and the humiliation would become too much. She would lash out at whoever held the leash. “This mission is of the utmost importance. I can’t have you mucking it up with your incompetence, so I believe extra motivation is necessary. If you lose this match… I’ll have to punish you. But… if you win, then it only makes sense that I would reward you, hm?”

Starlight, despite her wishes to suffer in silence, knew better than to say nothing as she dressed. The top barely covered her nipples and the thong just barely covered the cleft of her pussy. The audience would certainly be getting what they paid for. “H-How will I be rewarded?”

“Confident are we?” Cinder chuckled, taking a step forward and reaching out with a hand. Starlight tried to look away when Cinder touched her cheek, but Cinder didn’t give her a choice in the matter when she pinched her chin. “I approve. You should have faith in your abilities. As for your reward… The Deep,” Cinder answered and for the briefest of seconds, she saw dread in Starlight’s eyes. “Do you really think you were the first he tried that with? There were many. I know about them and I’m using it as leverage against him.”

Starlight looked like she got punched in the stomach, “What?”

“That leverage will be yours if you win,” Cinder told her, reaching up with a thumb and tracing her bottom lip. “The Deep, the one who raped your mouth, will be yours. He can be to you what you are to me,” Cinder told her. Anger shone in Starlight’s eyes. Rage. “You can torment him as you like. Make him suffer for everything he’s done. You can expose him if that is your wish, it means nothing to me.” If she did, then another spot would naturally open in the Seven.

And all the blame would fall on Starlight’s shoulders for his removal. Given the circumstances of his future termination, Cinder imagined that Vought would be eager to replace him with a woman.

“That is your reward,” Cinder told her. Misery loves company. Those that suffered would always find a way to unload that suffering onto others, especially convenient targets. In her world, it was the faunus. They were the outsiders in society, making it socially acceptable to discriminate against them. Civillains, the fools that they were, would hate the faunus -- deny them entry to stores, pay them a fraction of what they paid their human counterparts if they were paid at all, and crimes against them were regularly ignored by the police.

Those without power craved power. And, without fail, given the slightest taste of it in the form of another person? They would exploit that power.

In short, giving Deep to Starlight would distract her from those pesky thoughts of rebellion.

There was another ding outside, telling them both it was time. Cinder smiled and leaned in, kissing Starlight, who froze in shock. Then she jolted when Cinder lashed out at her ass with a firm spank that echoed in the dressing room. “For good luck,” Cinder told her, ushering her out with a cherry red handprint on one asscheek.

As it turned out, she didn’t need it.

Cinder had already given her plenty of motivation to win.



This is so fucked up... Glorious indeed


This is amazing,.can't wait to read more