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Sorry for the bit of a content drought -- I’m still on my business trip, and it’s been kicking my ass. However, next week, I’m not going to be bouncing between cities and hotels, and I’ll have a few days to sit down, so next week should be better. Again, sorry about that but my real-life schedule does take precedence over my online schedule.

This is something that I wrote up on various plane rides since I didn’t bring enough books to read. It’s one of several projects that I’ve been working on behind the scenes, so I think that when I’m finally back home, you all can look forward to several announcements regarding them.

“...Eh?” Hestia blurted, rocking back on the balls of her heels, making the pong antennas on her company mandated headband bounce with the action. She blinked rapidly, her jaw dropping in shock. Her mind tried to process what she just heard, but the words weren’t registering with her. “Eh?!”

“We want to join your familia, Lady Hestia,” the young man in front of her repeated, giving her a childish smile. His hair was a dark shade of blue while his eyes were a brilliant shade of gold. He was in the middle in terms of height -- not particularly tall, but the purple-haired woman was shorter by half a foot and the other… Big. Big was the only way to describe her. It’d take two of herself on top of one another to look her in the eye, and she’d probably still be too short.  Still, despite his age of what looked to be his mid to late teens, he was the apparent spokesperson for the three.

“...EH?!” Hestia couldn’t help herself, the words still not registering with her. How many times had she wished for this exact same thing? A fantasy that lived rent-free in her head since she started this job? No, even before that -- when Hephestos kicked her out for being lazy, and Hestia went on the hunt for the first member of her familia… only to be met with rejection at every turn. How desperately had she wanted someone to walk up to her and ask to join?

More times than she cared to admit. But, it never happened. Not once in the entire days she had worked at this stupid stand!

Then, without warning, it clicked. “Really?! You’re not lying, are you? You want to join my familia?!” He exclaimed, pure undiluted joy welling in her chest and she never hated the food stand more than she did in that moment. She wanted to throw herself at the child -- whose name she didn’t even know -- and wrap him up in the biggest hug!

“I think you’d know if I was, right?” He questioned, sounding alarmed when her vision started to get blurry. “Ah! Don’t cry-”

“That’s no good, Vanitas. You shouldn’t make girls cry,” the largest of the three decided as Hestia wiped away her tears and got herself under control. Ah, she must look like quite a sight. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw people passing by giving them dirty looks. They didn’t understand, but it was an easy misunderstanding. How many people cried out of joy in retail hell? So what she got the occasional order wrong! It was her third day on the job! That wasn’t an excuse to yell at her, was it?! When did mortals get so bold as to yell at a god, huh?!

Swallowing the lump of emotion in her throat, she threw a beaming smile at the three. “If you’ll have me as your goddess… then I happily accept you into my familia!” Hestia said, bowing her head. It felt like her heart was going to burst.

“A goddess bowing her head? That’s odder than a god working at a foodstand,” The last of the three spoke up. Hestia glanced at her, finally focusing on the other two. The one that just spoke was a tall woman with dark purple hair and eyes as red as a cup of wine. Her face was obscured by a mask that covered everything below the bridge of her nose, while a veil covered her hair. She was wearing a pretty scandalous outfit too! A full body suit of a dark purple mesh that was faintly see-through, her modesty only preserved by a half shirt bra and a pair of panties!

The other woman was… she was a giant! Easily larger than Vanitas and the other woman, standing closer to nine feet tall than she did eight counting the orange and red horns that protruded from her white hair. Her eyes were a dark shade of reddish amber, her features refined and elegant. Her miko shrine dress was missing its sleeves and held aloft with a large rope bow.

“I’m just thankful that you considered me at all! W-Wait a second while I get someone to cover my shift! I’ll grant you my blessing right now!” Hestia decided, gesturing for them to stay where they were while she zoomed off to Takemachi -- a fellow god. They worked at rival stands, but they were both owned by the same people. After telling him that he had to cover for her, making him sputter, she sped off to ensure that her potential children didn’t run off. She didn’t want to give them a chance to reconsider!

If they did, she’d cry. And Hestia didn’t think she would ever stop once she started. There were few things crueler in the lower world than false hope.

But, to her immense relief, all three of them stood waiting for her. Vanitas greeted her with a smile as if sensing her doubts and fears. “Shall we, Lady Hestia?” He asked, kindness shining in his eyes. Hestia felt like crying again -- out of joy. She was going to have a familia!

“Lets! I know just where to go,” Hestia said, reaching out and taking Vanitas’ hand and leading the three of them to her favorite bookstore. “You’re my first children, and I always wanted my children to receive their blessing surrounded by books. By their peers,” Hestia explained, feeling a little embarrassed for it. She glanced over her shoulder to see that the others didn’t mind. The giant of a woman actually smiled brightly.

“Excellent! A fitting place for a new beginning!” She proclaimed, liking the idea. Hestia’s smile widened, glad that at least one of her children shared a love of books. They were the only thing that made heaven bearable. Between the overwork sorting souls -- especially since she didn’t just rubber stamp them all wholesale for reincarnation with a lottery to determine their next life -- and guarding the Sacred Flame, she found her relief in stories. Still, something stood out to her.

“A new beginning?” Hestia questioned, leading them to the bookstore. They passed by people on the streets of Orario, most of which glanced at her as they walked by.

In response, she threw a fist into the air. “I hail from the land of Wano! A beautiful country that has unfortunately been tainted by the tyrannical rule of Kaido, my father! But I, Oden, shall liberate Wano and open its borders,” Oden announced, making Hestia gaze up at her with awe.

Her brow furrowed, “I’m sorry, Oden… but I promise, I’ll do whatever I can to support you liberating Wano.” Hestia stated, meaning the words. Her grip on Vanitias’ hand tightened, glancing at him to see that he seemed faintly amused about something.

Oden stole her attention, giving her a genuine smile. “Thank you, Hestia. Vanitas is right -- you are a very kind goddess,” Oden told her, making Hestia’s cheeks warm up.

“I’m surprised that others haven’t joined your familia before us,” the last unnamed woman remarked, sending a glance her way. Her voice was decidedly neutral, making it impossible to tell what she was thinking. Or what she thought. A Kuudere? Or was she unhappy with her? Did she not want to join her familia?! “The blessing of a god isn’t something that I’m used to seeing given so freely. I expected that line to be to receive your blessing, rather than for a fried potato.”

Hestia let out a weak chuckle at that as they arrived at the bookstore. Oden was forced to bend her head and crouch down to enter the bookstore. The owner gaped at Oden, his jaw hitting the floor because her horns nearly scraped the ceiling when she stood at her full height. Still, he seemed happy for her when she requested to borrow the back room. He knew what it meant -- these children would be the start of her familia.

However, as they ascended the stairs, some doubts started to play at the back of her mind, spurned on by her comment. “It’s because… I’m not established,” Hestia admitted, entering the private room and she was greeted by the rich scents of old pages and ink. It had been about three months she arrived on the lower world. Most of which, she had been mooching off of Hephestos, so she had only really been living on her own for about a week… “And all blessings are more or less the same, it’s just a question of what else the god can offer.”

“And what is it that you can offer, Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home?” The woman continued, an challenging edge in her tone that made Hestia wilt.

She closed her eyes, turning around and facing all three of her potential children. The red eyed woman was a little scary, but Vanitas seemed welcoming. “I can’t offer you anything really… I’m a useless goddess. I live in a ruin and I work at a food stand… and if it wasn’t for the leftovers from there, I’d have definitely died by now. I…” She bit her lip, looking away from all three of them. “I’m really happy that all you all asked to be in my familia. It’s the happiest I’ve been since I came down to the lower world… but I would be lying to you if I said you wouldn’t be better off in another familia.”

The words hurt to say, but they were the undeniable truth. “I can’t help you achieve your goals. I have no resources to aid you in the Dungeon… but! I know I’m an unworthy goddess, but if you still want to join my familia, then I promise that I’ll support you in any way I can! I’ll work until I’m coughing up blood! I’ll do whatever it takes!” Hestia proclaimed, looking at all three of them. Oden smiled at her -- a softer smile.

Vanitas was the one that spoke, “The ones that decide if you're worthy to be our goddess is us, Lady Hestia. And I’ve decided that you are. All that other stuff, we can figure out as we go along,” he decided.

“Of course! By my name, Oden, we shall conquer this Dungeon!” Oden called out, nearly punching a hole in the ceiling.

Hestia stood straighter, a watery smile on her face. The red-eyed woman didn’t respond, however, Hestia saw her offer the barest of nods. These would be her children. Just how lucky could a goddess be? “If you’re certain,” Hestia took in a deep breath, calming her emotions. She didn’t want to mess up anyone’s falna because she was crying. “Who would like to go first?”

“I shall!” Oden decided, stepping forward. “It requires me to be naked, yes?” She asked, taking off her top, making Hestia sputter at the sight of Oden’s bare body. Her boobs were huge! And that was coming from her, the goddess everyone made fun of for her short stature and large breasts. They were bigger than her head and shoulders, and her breasts! However, it was when she started to take off her skirt, Hestia snapped out of her stupor.

“J-Just your top!” Hestia cried out, “And don’t get naked when there’s a boy in the room!” She protested, thankfully stopping Oden before turning her back to her. Hestia glanced at Vanitas, to see that he was covering his eyes with a hand. Ah! Such a polite child! All of her children were so good! “Woah… Oden, you’re seriously huge…” Hestia muttered, pricking her finger and a single drop of blood welled up. She placed a hand on Oden’s back, letting the drop fall. Oden’s back was about as tall as she was.

With the drop of divine blood, the flana took shape -- brazier aflame. Her personal heraldry. The brazier was surrounded by the language of the gods, a bright light appearing as Oden’s soul was laid out before her. The details were lost to Hestia, but she could see the trajectory of Oden’s life as the blessing pulled upon her life experience. In the future, it would allow her to shape skills and development abilities, but for now, it gave her an idea of who her child was.

A tragedy that completely changed the trajectory of her life. Years upon years of struggling. Ostracization. Enslavement. Yet, her spirit never bent or faltered. She didn’t lament at any setback or failure, instead choosing to try again and again and again. A truly awe-inspiring act of stubbornness.

Hestia smiled at… Yamato, letting the light fade as she took a blank piece of note… ah… she would need bigger paper. “Welcome to my familia, Yamato.”

“Thank you for welcoming me into your family, Lady Hestia,” Yamato returned, giving a wide smile.

Name: Yamato

Level: 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Agility: I 0

Utility: I 0

Magic: I 0



The ultimate manifestation of one’s will.

Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami

Transformation into the Guardian Deity of Wano.


It took about three pieces of paper to cover her falna, but Hestia managed to copy it over. Still, her heart started to clinch when she looked at the pages. “Did I mess up already?” Hestia muttered under her breath, terrified that she just really screwed up. Except that it couldn’t be the case- she practiced putting on a falna in heaven! Just for the moment! But… “You have two skills? Already? Does Haki mean anything to you, Yamato?”

“Hm!” Yamato nodded, taking a seat on the floor as she dressed herself. “It’s a skill that everyone has, but few ever know. It can be broken into three colors -- The color of observation, which can allow you to know your enemy's movement before they make it, the color of armament strengthens your body or weapons. The color of the supreme king -- Conquer’s haki allows you to bare down your will against an opponent’s!” Yamato explained, but most of what she said went right over Hestia’s head.

She had heard that some adventurer’s, if they had a particularly eventful life before receiving a falna, could receive a skill upon receiving a blessing. Loki -- as annoying as she was -- had a child, Finn the Braver, who claimed to have the skill Spearman either as soon as he got his blessing or shortly after. So, it wasn’t entirely unheard of. Still, it was undeniably unusual.

Still… what was this about being a Guardian Diety of Wano?! What kind of skill was that?! She wanted to ask more, but this wasn’t the place for it. Gods were fickle and petty. Hestia wouldn’t at all be shocked if there was a crowd of them downstairs to tease her for finally starting her familia simply because they had nothing better to do.

Resolving to ask Yamato about it later, Vanitas stepped forward. “I’m next,” he decided, shrugging off his shirt. Oh~! Six-pack~... ah! She’s a goddess of chastity! She shouldn’t ogle her children like a slutty goddess. Like Freya or Ishtar. Or Loki. Definitely Loki. He set his shirt to the side, and pulled his long blue hair over his shoulder. He had broad shoulders, Hestia noted letting a drop of blood fall on his back-





“I see. Erm,” Hestia started, licking her lips, her tone hesitant. “Vanitas… would you happen to be… a monster?” She asked him, suddenly feeling rather light-headed as his blessing materialized. She didn’t even glance at his soul, zeroing in on the fact that he was distinctly not human. Nor demi-human. He wasn’t a child of the gods at all. He was something else entirely.

Name: Vanitas Briarheart

Level: 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Agility: I 0

Utility: I 0

Magic: I 0

Great Sage: I



Feasting upon the defeated to gain what made them strong.


The user’s body is like clay -- untapped potential that is only limited by the talent of the artist.


Chemical compositions and materials can be analyzed and created within user with sufficient mana and mass.


“Hm? Oh, yeah. I probably should have mentioned that, huh?” Vanitas asked, glancing over his shoulder at her as he scratched at his cheek. “Uh. Surprise?”

Surprise. Surprise he said. A surprise was a gift you weren’t expecting. Or throwing a party when someone wasn’t expecting it. A surprise wasn’t revealing that you were a monster -- a slime? -- after receiving the divine blessing of a god. Oh, this was not good. Actually, this was about as terrible as it could be. If the other gods found about this, they would never let her live it down. Not on the lower world or up in heaven. She might get sent back if they discovered she gave a blessing to a monster.

“Erm, Lady Hestia, is it that an issue?” Yamato questioned, seemingly pensive. She glanced at Vanitas, concerned as he shrugged on his shirt. Hestia watched him poke his head out, turning his golden eyed gaze to her.

She was so shocked about the fact that she gave her blessing to a monster, she hadn’t even realized what this meant -- Vanitas was a sapient monster. “It will if this gets out. Yamato -- monsters and mortals are enemies. For thousands of years, even before the gods descended from heaven, they have been locked into an eternal war. It means that Vanitas is in danger, even if he is a sapient slime. For most, it won’t matter. He’ll be a monster that has to be killed.”

Yamato gasped, “I won’t let such a thing happen! Vanitas! Rest assured, I, Oden, shall protect you!”

Vanitas laughed, “I appreciate it Yamato.” His gaze slid to her while Yamato puffed out her chest with pride. “Are you okay with this, Lady Hestia?” He asked her, a note of uncertainty in his voice.

She should cast him out of her familia. That was by far the most intelligent thing she could do. This could destroy her still burgeoning familia. In the very best case scenario, they would be banished from Orario by the gods and the Guild. The worst case scenario was that Vanitas was murdered and she was sent back to heaven in shame. However, Hestia was the goddess of Home and Hearth. Not the goddess of smarts or pragmatism.

Hestia closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh before turning her attention to Vanitas. “I’m worried for your safety, Vanitas, but I would never cast you out. You’re one of my precious children now. Being a slime won’t change that,” Hestia told him, the setting sun managing to stream into the small room behind her. Oh! Excellent timing.

Vanitas seemed a bit surprised, his eyes widening a fraction. Then he returned the smile. “You won’t regret it, Lady Hestia,” he told her before his body started to collapse in on itself. The clothing he wore drew into his body, vanishing from sight, and where Vanitas once stood a large deep blue slime now sat. He was a bit bigger than a soccer ball, Hestia noticed, with two slants that seemed to mark his eyes.

“Oh, so that is your true form, Vanitas?” Yamato asked, picking him up and setting him in her lap.

“Yeah. It’s a long story, but the geist of it is that I died and got reincarnated as a slime. It’s a little inconvenient, but I think it’s worth the trade-offs. I don’t need to sleep, and I’m immune to most forms of damage. Don’t worry, Hestia -- I’ll keep it to a minimum on the surface. Just to be safe,” Vanitas said, his voice reaching her even if he didn’t have a mouth.

Hestia’s gaze lingered on him for a long moment. That-... how bored were people up in Heaven that they were making people reincarnate as slimes? This absolutely reeked of a bored god experimenting with the reincarnation system! Those idiots! What were they going to do if they broke the system? Whoever decided that gods should be the ultimate judges of a soul clearly had no idea what gods were like.

This really wasn’t what she expected when she imagined starting her familia. Yamato was super strong with two skills, but Vanitas had three skills on top of a developmental ability. Something that shouldn’t be possible without a level-up. What’s more, it wasn’t one that she recognized -- Great Sage? What could that possibly mean? A result of a blessing being applied to a monster?

She wanted to ask more, but it really wasn’t the place. So, she took in a deep breath and nodded. “Be careful, Vanitas. In and out of the Dungeon. And… I’m sorry you have to hide yourself. Just know that I wouldn’t have you be any other way, okay?” Hestia offered, feeling bad that her child would have to hide his true nature.

“Don’t worry about it,” he dismissed easily. “And I wouldn’t dream of having another goddess,” he replied.


Hestia flushed, pride soaring in her chest simply because the words were true. All gods had the ability to detect lies from truth. It was one of the protections and innate abilities that they kept when descending to the lower world. Vanitas’ words registered as the truth for her.

Hestia turned to the last person within the room, still jubilant but uncertain if she would be joining. She was here, but she hadn’t said anything.

“As a god, I suppose you shall do,” she decided, undoing her top and her breasts spilled out. Hestia went red. Why were both of her children so scandalous?! There was a boy in the room! Even if he was a slime! “I do find myself interested. I shall accept your blessing,” she said, sauntering across the room and presenting her back to her.

Hopefully at least one of her children would be normal, Hestia thought, letting a third drop of blood fall on… Scathach…. ahh…ahhh…AHHH…!

Name: Scathach

Level: 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Agility: I 0

Utility: I 0

Magic: I 0

Mentor: I


Magic Resistance

Resistance to all incoming magic.

Wisdom of Dún Scáith

Insight to enemies' skills, spells, stats, and experience.


Increase in parameters when combating Divine Spirits, Wraiths, and Spirits


Primordial Runes: Written magic

“Looks like you win, Scathach,” I remarked to the Queen of the Shadowlands, looking over at her as I carried Hestia on my back. She flat out passed out when she read out Scathach’s status. I could probably guess why, looking at the slip of paper. I imagine God Slayer was a rather frightening skill to a god. Especially considering that it should be impossible for a mortal to truly kill a god.

Not that Scathach really counted as a mortal anymore. She was something else entirely, in a class of her own. She was an entity that reality decided that it couldn’t kill, gave up, and just shoved her out of itself. Scathach was so overwhelmingly pure bullshit, she made reality throw up its hands, flip the table, and give up. She couldn’t be considered a mortal simply because nothing could kill her, making her immortal by default.

“It was closer than I anticipated,” Scathach returned, marking the paper with a rune and I looked on with interest as it caught fire. In a flash of heat, not even ash was left of it. She glanced at me from the corner of her eye and there was a hungry gleam in there. Her gaze flickered to Yamato, who stood next to us and because of her height, everywhere we went, people were looking our way. “Perhaps there is some truth to what you said. This very well could prove interesting.”

That was mildly concerning. To be completely honest, Scathach could probably solo the setting -- all the familias, the One-eyed Black Dragon, and probably even the gods.

So, please, don’t expect the same from me. I was at the start of my journey to unlimited POWAHHH.

“This city is amazing!” Yamato exclaimed, and not for the first time. Stars shone in her eyes as she tried to look at everything all at once. “It’s so very different from Wano. And that spire! I shall see what lays at the top!” Yamato decided, drinking it all in. She was like a kid in a candy store told that she could go buck wild. I saw her checking her wrists again, as if confirming the cuffs weren’t there any longer.

I had to agree with that, gazing out at the road before us. It was the oddest blend of medieval theming, but a modern touch. The road was brick lined with magic stone streetlamps, the stores flanking the road displayed modern clothing behind glass windows. The people were varied -- there were humans, elves, dwarves, and a wide variety of demi-humans. Cat people, raccoon people, werewolves, and so on and so on. Yamato really shouldn’t stand out as much as she did.

It was a fantasy world, alright.

“Excited to explore it?” I asked, earning an enthusiastic nod. “We should wait for Hestia to wake up. And to let her decompress. She had quite the shock,” I remarked, adjusting the slumbering goddess on my back as I spotted our destination. The Hostess of Fertility. The only named inn in Danmachi as far as I could tell. Or rather, the only plot relevant one.

“I look forward to it,” Yamato decided. “She’s a very kind goddess. Just like you said,” Yamato remarked, looking down at Hestia who was starting to drool on my shoulder.

That got a genuine smile out of me.

Unconditional love and support? I’ve never had that. My slime body didn’t offer any kind of resistance to emotional damage. That shit got me fucked up.

I chose Hestia out of practicality. I could have gone to Loki or Freya -- they would have way more resources to work with, not to mention access to high-end waifus. But, resources didn’t really matter all that much. I got a stipend from the Company that would cover our initial expenses. With Yamato, me, and especially Scathach, I really couldn’t see us not making bank in the Dungeon. So, while other familias had their benefits, I went with Hestia purely because she had accepted Wiene with little difficulty.

Now? Now, Hestia had earned herself some major heart points with me. Had a real doki-doki moment back in the bookstore.

“It is a strange world. The gods walk among mortals as equals. It is rather amusing,” Scathach confessed, her eyes drawn to the tower of Babel. A massive spire that stretched all the way up to the sky, vanishing beyond the clouds as far as I could tell. That spire was seated upon the Dungeon. A labyrinth that spawned powerful monsters endlessly, and in the thousand years since the gods descended and blessed mortals, only fifty-seven floors had been conquered.

“That’s one word for it, sure,” I agreed. It was a risk picking this world when I was going with a slime build -- invulnerable to most forms of damage, able to consume and replicate powerful abilities and items, and generally the rest of the bullshit that Rimiru Tempest managed to get away with. It was well worth the risk, though. Between learning Haki and learning how to fight from Scathach, I was set to live out my masturbatory wish-fulfillment fantasy.

Arriving at the Hostess, I saw that it was already in full swing. Ryuu Lyon stood at the door, her expression blank even as Yamato ducked down to enter the building. Her dark blue eyes landed on me, flickering momentarily to the goddess on my back, before the slightest of smiles tugged at her lips. “Your venture was successful then?” She asked in a soft voice that should have been lost in the sea of noise of dozens of adventurers eating their fill.

“Yup -- you’re looking at the first members of the Hestia familia,” I confirmed with a nod. “She got a little overwhelmed,” I added, shifting Hestia, who just wrapped her arms around my neck before snuggling into me.

“A cause for celebration. I’ll reserve a table and inform Mama Mia,” Ryuu said, offering a small bow before she went off. We earned some looks as we made our way to our rooms upstairs where I tucked Hestia in the bed that we all shared. Well, shared was a loose term. Yamato was too big for it, Scathach hadn’t slept since we arrived here, and I didn’t need to sleep at all.

With Hestia out of it, I glanced at the other two. Two people that I brought into the world for my own selfish ambitions. Couldn’t say that I felt any guilt about that either. Working for a multidimensional slaver sex company made me scum by default, so getting wrapped up in the guilt and morality of it all seemed way too late. What I could say was that I didn’t regret it. “You two sure you’re good with this?” I asked them both, reverting to my true form and landing lightly on the bed.

“I care not,” Scathach dismissed the question outright. “Perhaps I shall find an amusing challenge in this Dungeon. Regardless, it would seem that I find myself with two students. Don’t die too easily, else you would disappoint me,” she added, looking at me. Near invulnerable body or not, I wasn’t under any delusions that if Scathach wanted to kill me that I would be anything other than a dead man walking.

“I do feel bad for leaving the land of Wano, but this is an opportunity to expand my horizons. Here, I shall become stronger. When I return, I shall overthrow my father and restore the shogunate,” Yamato stated seriously. Then she let out a breath, “but I am very excited. I’ve always wished to see the world beyond Wano’s shores. It’s not at all how I imagined it happening, but I’m overjoyed with the circumstances.” As I thought, Yamato was a real glass-half-full kind of girl.

“That’s good to hear,” I said, my attention drifting to Hestia, who softly snored. She was dead asleep, huh?

“And you, Vanitas?” Yamato questioned, bringing my attention back to her.

“Me?” I echoed, considering the question for a moment. Hadn’t lied to Hestia -- I did die and reincarnated as a slime. Just left out the part where I sold my soul to the Company to escape going to hell for the next eternity and a half. Even if I hadn’t been sentenced to the seventh level of hell, the choice would have been a no-brainer. As for my ambition? I wanted to be super strong because it was cool. And I wanted to have loads of sex, because why wouldn’t I?

“I dunno,” I admitted, shrugging my slime equivalent to shoulders. “I’ll wait until I find something exciting.”

Bringing the gods of this world to their knees seemed entertaining enough.

Starting World: Danmachi

Starting budget 225

Walked-In as Rimuru Tempest of T11 -0 [225]


Don’t Stand So Close to Me -15 [210]

Zenryoku Zenkai -20 [190]

Other Controls

Divine Marking -20 [170]


Martial -10 [160]

Soul -10 [150]

Companions bought -150 [0]

Scáthach(T8)[buy] from Nasuverse

Yamato(T7)[buy] from One Piece

Still playing around with the Danmachi slime build. This version leans into the wish-fulfillment route than the previous version. Which I think fits the powerset better since Rimuru Tempest is an LN protagonist with a power that was designed to steamroll. So, I decided on using the WC to play around with another idea I’ve been kicking around.

For this story, I like the idea of sticking with low tier waifus that have something interesting going on with them. For example, Marin Kitagawa from My Dress Up Darling or Frankie Foster from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends -- clear non-combatant waifus, but with WC and Falna bullshit, Marin could end up with a skill that gives her the abilities and stats of someone she’s cosplaying. Or Frankie could create imaginary friends that act as support, and as she gets stronger, she can give them better and more powerful abilities.

Something like that.

So, if that’s something that would interest you, then leave some feedback and let me know.


Luigi Egbert

Looks fun, love any danmachi content

Joshua Sydney

I’m always excited for danmachi stuff


WC is a waste of your skill