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As the title implies, I will be going on a business trip between March 13th-27th. Now, normally, I don't bother with announcements for trips mostly because they're pretty short and they don't interfere with my update schedule. They usually last for a day or three. This one is a little different because I'll be bouncing between eight different cities over the course of two weeks, and to be blunt, it's going to suck a whole lot. I will be the King of Jetlag. 

So, this is a heads up that I'm going to try to update within those two weeks, but I highly doubt that if I do, it probably won't be at my usual 10 o'clock CDT. I'm crossing my fingers that I'm expecting it to be worse than it really is, but I am expecting it to suck and interfere with my update schedule, so I thought I should give some advanced warning. 

Thank you very much for your understanding. If I learn any more information, I'll toss it in on the reminders. 



I hope it goes well. Sorry if this come off uneducated but when is gone Native making its return? Its been close to 3 months I belive since thw last update. Just like a vague ish time frame if you could. Love that story Cheers mate


Just remember to get with one prostitute per city