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To get this out of the way -- Fool's World will be going on a temporary hiatus. I'm not happy about it, and I am very sorry for those that have been enjoying the story thus far. It's not something that I want to do, but it is something that I think I should do. To preface this, it has been something that I've been thinking about for some time and I only recently came to a conclusion. 

I've always been my harshest critic when it comes to my writing, and while it could just be me, Fool's World has felt far below my standards. I've had writer's block with the story for some time, which has exacerbated the issue. With chapters lately, I have been limping across the finish line instead of dialing my word count back like I do with my other works and because of it, the Avatar world hasn't been fleshed out, characterization has been weak, and development as well. In short, I personally feel that Fool's World has been subpar. 

It sucks a lot. I'm not happy about it since I was really looking forward to some of what I had planned for the story, but it has reached a point that I know if I don't do something then Fool's World will fizzle out in a bad way and I don't want that for the story. 

This leads me to this -- Fool's World's hiatus is temporary. I'm sure I'm going to be giving people PTSD flashbacks with this, but I'm not abandoning the story. If I was, then I'd tell you. What I'm doing is putting it on hold so I can revamp my approach to the Avatar arc. May take me a bit, but Fool's World will return better than ever to properly explore the setting and characters. At this point, I can't say exactly when it would and I think it would be misleading to give a timeline, but I'm hoping that it would be soonish. 

What does this mean for you? On Sunday, there will be a poll to decide what story will replace Fool's World for the Saturday slot in my rotation. Just how Legends Never Die was picked, there will be a handful of first chapters to choose from and a few polls for each tier to choose what they would like to see more of. 

While I start building up a backlog for the higher tiers and write out the outline, there will be a story that will temporarily fill the Saturday slot. It's a Dragon Age story that I wrote during my vacation last month because I have no self-control. It'll run for a few weeks so I can do the background work for a story and so the Saturday slot isn't left empty. 

Again, I am very sorry for those this will disappoint. I'm less happy about it than you are, believe me. But, I do think it would be for the best. I sincerely believe that if I just keep trying to push through it, Fool's World will become a thoroughly mediocre story and I'd vastly prefer putting it on the shelf for a bit and picking it back up at a later date so it can be a good one. I hope you all understand. 


Kabir Kumar

Makes sense. I'd rather get a quality chapter than a token mediocre one. And that story has been going down a bit. Maybe rewatch ATLA? To get the feel of that world? Cos it felt more like a barebones, scaffold fanfic version of ATLA than ATLA.

Adrian Gorgey

Personally have enjoyed Fool's World. It's true that there hasn't been a huge amount of exploration of the setting yet, but honestly I think that's been good for the pacing and economy of storytelling, and things that deserved elaboration still got the time they needed. I like how quickly he got enmeshed in the plot instead of dawdling around as a member of the Aang's entourage for a while. Anyway, just wanted to give an outside perspective since we're our own worst critics.