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Some of you might have already noticed it or got a notification, but there is a new tier dedicated solely to commissions. This is to make Risk It All, and future commissioned stories, a little more consistent so we don't end up with nearly three months without an update. 

There are ten slots at $10 a piece for an additional chapter of Risk It All in addition to whatever the longstanding commissioners decide to fund that month, so we could have between 1-to 4 chapters a month depending on how things work out. Depending on how well this does, future slots can be opened up so the financial burden isn't entirely on a single set of shoulders. 

Patreons of this benefit receive all benefits of the Bigger Tipper Tier. This tier is mostly just to show me that the money you are putting forward is for Risk It All specifically. 

If you have any feedback, then please share it. I'm doing something new with this tier so any feedback will help me a lot.  



How does 10 slots translate to up to 4 chapters a month Or does it only apply for the first 4 and the rest of the commission slots can mean 6 more chapters of something else (like the F/Z story)?


What about for those of us on a higher tier? I'm already Biggest Tipper but I also support the commissions.


I have a longstanding commissioner for Risk It All who has paid for most of the story to this point. Normally, he can commission two or three chapters a month, but not lately. The 10 patreons of the tier more or less guarantee that even though the commissioner might not be able to fund a chapter that month, there will still be one that comes out. Additionally, when the commissioner is able to fund two or three chapters, we get a total of four. As for the tiers themselves, they are solely for Risk It All right now. That could change in the future, but I'm testing the waters before jumping straight in.