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The duties of a Princess of Themyscira had never truly bothered Diana. While she couldn't claim that she had ever enjoyed the long winded speeches, or the tedious negotiations where great ideas were bargained down to good because of self interest, Diana also knew that she was good at navigating those waters. Not to mention, there was a special kind of thrill at soundly defeating someone with words rather than her fist.

In Man's World, Daina knew her position came with a great many expectations and a great deal of pressure.  Man's World looked upon the island of Themyscira and saw resources to exploit from women with ancient sensibilities and technology. The gods were long forgotten, as were the protections they offered, the mighty Olympians were remembered as myth. But, at home, Daina found comfort in being just one of the many daughters of Themyscira. A first amongst equals, that was true, but it was because of this that she was never given any special treatment. Not by anyone.

"You're playing a dangerous game, my daughter," Diana heard her mother speak as Diana gazed out into the ocean from her favorite pavilion. It offered a glorious view of the setting sun and it seemed to be where the stars above first made themselves known each night. Queen Hippolyta stood proudly, wearing a royal garb of vibrant violet and gold, with a simple gold circlet resting upon her mane of black hair. Her mother was thousands of years old, as were all Amazons, but she appeared to be in her mind thirties at the oldest.

"Not  as dangerous as it appears," Diana responded. Her royal uniform that had been forged at the hands of Hephaestus himself had been replaced with a more traditional toga. Though, she did color it after the red, white, and blue of her uniform. So none may mistake her for anything but Wonder Woman. " Man's World is rapidly changing. More so in recent times."

"When the Earth was conquered," her mother responded lightly, standing next to her as they both gazed out into the sparking blue waters. "By your reports, I will admit that the world has changed. But, it is still  Man's World. The same dangers that brought us to this island are still out there."

"That shall always be true, mother," Diana argued. It was an old argument. A very old one. As a younger girl, it had been the argument that spurred Diana to leave. There, she fought in  what Man’s World had called the Second World War and the things she had seen and done… it had been enough to convince her that her mother had been right, so she had retreated back to the island. For decades, she stewed in her own memories of the war.

After decades, near a century, Diana realized that the pain of the memories had faded. It was then that she had ventured back into Man's World to find an era of peace and chaos.

"It's not just man's nature to be cruel and to dominate. It's human nature," Diana voiced. Before, this argument had been a screaming match. She had been proud. So proud that she convinced herself she was right. Now, the argument was far calmer and rooted in both of their experiences. "We have hidden ourselves for thousands of years from something that can never truly vanish. It can only be confronted. I believe what we have here is enough to confront that wickedness in the hearts of all people."

For a decade, Diana had spearheaded Themyscira rejoining the world at large. To become an example of what humanity could be -- no hunger, no sickness, no war, and the only strife was small arguments that were easily resolved. Her mother had allowed her to do so, but she made it clear that she had little hope for Themyscira to abandon its isolationist policy. Worse, her mother had stalled big steps to rejoin the world, such as forbidding any non-Amazon from entering Themyscira and forbidding anyone save her from leaving.

"That wickedness will always covet what it does not have. They will look upon the splendors of our home and they will want to take it. If not with words, then with force. The protection of the gods only extends so far, my daughter. They will not aid us if we willingly let a wolf inside of our home," her mother refuted. Diana saw her point and didn't think she was even wrong, not exactly. However, she grew up in an age of not enough. A time when all nations and tribes were constantly in danger of annihilation.

A time when one bad harvest doomed communities. A time when there was never quite enough for everyone, so people used force to make sure that they had enough.

The world hadn't changed so much that was no longer true, but it would be an outright falsehood to say that things were as they had been.

"Perhaps," Diana allowed, making her mother’s gaze drift to her, "but that is not true any longer. Earth has been conquered. I will not say by King Tarble's will, because it wasn't. However, the Earth is his and his desire is for everyone to have enough, mother. He wants what our home is for us for trillions of others within his empire. You fear letting a wolf into our home, but that wolf won't be hungry. It will be a lapdog."

Her mother's lips thinned, "A great deal of faith for a man that nearly killed you." She remarked, her hands that lightly rested upon the marble stone balcony tightened. Her mother had not been pleased with the news of her defeat.

"King Tarble responded how a ruler should have -- with decisive action. His men were murdered on an aid mission. It was well within his rights to declare war on Earth," Diana stated in no uncertain terms. "We fought because if I did not resist, then I would be breaking my vows to protect Earth's sovereignty. I hold him no ill will, mother. Just as he harbors none for me, even when I thrust my sword through his heart or took advantage of his mind controlled friend."

The latter was something that Diana still had trouble with. It had been a bitter pill, but she swallowed it all the same. Broly was strong enough to fight and defeat all of Earth at once, something Tarble hadn't been able to do. Using Broly against him was a cruel but practical measure, as was using his closeness with Broly as leverage to get him to surrender.

Diana was a hero. A founding member of the Justice League. However, amongst the League she was the only one without a dedicated roster of rogues that she routinely fought. Her willingness to do what had to be done for the greater good was the reason that she didn't. The only recurring enemies that she did have were the ones she couldn't kill. For one reason or another.

"He is a conqueror. One that you have invited to our home," her mother returned tersely. A fact that Diana could not deny. As much as Diana had spent the past decade trying to integrate Themyscira into Man's World, she had also been trying to get those at home interested in the world beyond their small island.

"A conqueror that is blood sick, mother. I've seen it. If King Tarble ever held a hunger for war, then it is long past him. What he values is peace," Diana defended. Her opinion on King Tarble had evolved throughout his stay on Earth. First, she found him to be a humorless and remorseless killer. Arrogant. It had been the death of his men that made it clear that she had misjudged the young king -- he cared deeply for his people, and even when he fought the world, he refused to sink so low as to join forces with villains.

After that? It was the quieter moments that convinced her that King Tarble was like her after the second world war -- blood sick. Haunted by the things that he had seen and done. Aching with those that he lost. Exhausted in a way that no amount of sleep could cure. Only, instead of hiding himself away for nearly a century, King Tarble began to work towards the goal of the complete elimination of strife in his empire.

He would fail.

All the same, Diana respected him deeply for his attempts and she would like to help where she could.

Diana reached out, placing a hand on one of her mother's, "The worst we have to fear for King Tarble is awkward dinner conversation. Not war or death. His sister or mother are the more likely ones to cause trouble -- Saiyans are a warrior species. They will enjoy a challenge. Just as our warriors shall."

Her mother reached out, placing a hand on her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I saw what Saiyans are capable of. I do not fear them, but you put too much faith in them. Broly could have destroyed the planet by accident in his rage. You claim that King Tarble's intentions are peaceful, but if they aren't… we have peace here already, Diana. We've had peace for thousands of years. Why invite suffering? Why invite disaster when we need only to keep our door closed?."

She could claim that it wasn't fear talking, but that's what it was. Clearly. Diana wasn't blind to the truth to her mother and queen's words. There would be growing pains. Culture clash. Even disasters that wouldn't happen if they just forever hid behind the protection of the gods. Her sisters would never grow old, they would never know hunger or disease, and they would never know war.

"Because I fear that one day the door will open no matter what. We are protected by the gods' will, but should we ever displease Hera or Zeus, we might find ourselves stripped of that protection. Or someone might subvert their will and we will be exposed. We should open the door ourselves," Diana voiced, earning a sound of amusement from her mother.

"Something that has not happened in the thousands of years we've been here," her mother pointed out and rightly so.

"Yet. The magicks and technology used in the War of Light was beyond anything Earth has ever seen, mother. Entire planetary systems were left devastated as collateral damage for true targets. Battles so terrible that billions dead were considered light losses. Man's World is changing and it is changing very fast. Now is the time to open the door. Or we will find ourselves and our glory left in the dust to be forgotten." Diana continued, passion in her tone.

She wanted to be a part of the future. King Tarble was amenable to the idea. He hadn't voiced an offer as of yet, but he clearly hinted at his desire for the Justice League to play an important role in his empire. She believed that he was waiting until things became… less tense. Understandable, really. The half of the heroes that wanted to rebel were starting to soften. At least the ones on the fringe were when the fire and brimstone that Arthur claimed would happen never materialized.

Diana heard footsteps behind them and saw one of her mother's attendants walking up the steps to the pavilion. Aris, a retainer that had served her mother for more than two thousand years. "The men are approaching. King Tarble and his family are amongst their number," she informed, a note of distaste in her voice.

"I'm not asking for a verdict now, mother," Diana tried to get a last word in. "Please, just speak with him. You will see what I see, I swear it."

Her mother's lips thinned, casting a quick nod at Aris before looking back at her. "He is a King, so we will speak, but I will promise you nothing, Diana." She ended the conversation before the two of them began to walk towards the banquet hall through the city.

The harvest festival had always been one of Diana's favorites. The white marble homes were richly decorated by vibrant flowers given to them by Demeter herself. Petals lined the packed dirt roads, arches of twisted flowers blooming above filled the air with a sweet scent. Throughout the city, there was laughter and music, everyone offering their thanks to the gods for a bountiful harvest that happened every year. Statues of Demeter and her daughter Persephone, goddesses of the harvest, were brought out and tribute was made to them by everyone.

Diana had traveled the world. From grand cities like Metropolis to dusty villages in  Africa, Diana had seen with her own eyes that there was nowhere quite like her home. And, in times of celebration, her home was without a doubt in her mind, the single happiest place on Earth.

The feasting hall was a long building that lacked walls, and instead had thick pillars that each denoted one of the gods holding up a vibrantly painted ceiling in preparation for the harvest festival. Zeus, naturally, was carved into a pillar behind the head of the table, with his two brothers Poseidon and Hades as the cornerstones next to him. Hera, Artemis, Athena, and Demeter were all given sacred positions as other cornerstones because it was through their benevolence that there was a Themyscira at all. The rest of the gods filled in the spaces between them -- Hephaestus, Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionyus.

A long table ran the length of the very long hall, and it was stacked high with the bounties of Demeter, Persephone, and Artemis -- meats, fruits, and vegetables. The scents were delectable and the celebrations were more lavish than they otherwise might be because, for the first time in thousands of years, there would be guests joining them in their celebrations. And, while the celebration had not yet officially begun, that did not stop her sisters from beginning early throughout Themyscira.

Diana took her place at her mother's side and looked to the sky to see the first guests for their celebration. It was almost odd to see Clark without his uniform on -- instead, he wore a black suit with a royal blue dress shirt and a red tie. In his hands were a number of containers, a feast of his mother's impressive cooking. She smiled warmly at him as he lowered down, fixing the glasses on his nose with a hand. "Ma didn't know how much she should make so she went with too much," he admitted.

Her mother smiled at Clark, "If what I hear is true, then I suspect that there will be many claiming that it wasn't enough. It is good to see you again, Superman." Clark was one of the few exceptions to her mother's stance on the outside world. Simply because Superman had the power of a demigod, equal to that of Hercules, but used that power for good instead of conquest.

"It's an honor to see you again. And to be invited to your harvest festival," Clark said, offering a genuine, if hesitant grin. "I'll do my best not to make a fool of myself, but I can't make any promises."

Her mother's smile widened a fraction, "I'm certain you will manage just fine," she decided. Already, Clark was becoming an object of fascination from the honored servants and attendants. Very briefly, the warriors of Themyscira had ventured away from their home to combat Tarble and Broly, but for many, it was the first time that they had seen a man in thousands of years.

Clark looked a little relieved as some of the attendants took his small mountain of Tupperware so it could be added to the bounties of the feast. "Kara will be joining us. She's running a little bit late," he admitted, catching Diana's attention.

"Is she spending more time off-world?" She questioned, earning a reluctant nod from Clark.

"More time than she spends on Earth anymore. I think it's good for her," Clark admitted. "I know she struggled a good bit with Earth and it's generally inferior technology compared to Krypton, so she's been drawn to the city planets. But, I can't help but wish she'd come home every once and awhile."

Diana's mother gave her a rather pointed look, "A feeling I know too well," she remarked lightly. Diana simply cocked an eyebrow -- it had been her mother that gave her the position as the only diplomat for Themyscira. "I'm simply worried about how much time you spend in Man's World."

Clark didn't blink at the remark, "I think all of us would like a little more time at home. At the very least, I know I've been enjoying the peace we've had. Now, my biggest worries are dealing with accidents rather than super villains." True words, Diana reflected. Still, her workload had yet to diminish on account that she was a Diplomat trying to steer her home towards integration.

"So I've heard," Her mother remarked lightly before her eyes drifted up. "It would seem that the guest of honor has arrived," she pointed out, making Diana and Clark look up at King Tarble just in time to catch a glimpse of the shadow that was caused by him carrying a large platter the diameter of a small parking lot. He wore the same thing that he always did -- a skin tight black bodysuit with silver metal marking his muscle definition, and a blood red half skirt that flowed down to his knees.

Her gaze was drawn to his necklace -- a Nth metal one that housed a power ring of every color except for blue, and a small bleached white knucklebone. Flying down with him was Princess Elery and her mother, Teach. The two were borderline identical -- a short mane of spiked locks with one drifting down between their eyes, high cheekbones, strong jawline, with a pointed stubborn chin. They wore clothing that was of a familiar style to her people's togas -- white and red with short skirts and their tails coiled around their waists.

Both look excited, and from what Diana had heard, it was for the food alone.

"King Tarble, you honor us with your presence," Diana's mother began, her voice cordial but it lacked any trace of the warmth that she had when she spoke to Clark. If King Tarble noticed, he didn't show it.

"I am honored to be invited," he responded, his tone just as frigid.

"When you said you were going to go fishing, I didn't expect… that," Clark quickly spoke up, looking up at the plate above them, using his X-ray vision. Several attendants rushed forward, taking the platter, and brought it low enough that Diana could see it was a small hill worth of seafood ramen. Equal to the entirety of the feast on the tables.

Elery threw her hands back behind her head, "Shoulda. Brother has a bunch of planets filled with water monsters -- I don't know how you Earthlings deal with normal fishing. What fun is it unless the fish can eat you right back?" Elery questioned with a shake of her head.

Diana watched her mother carefully, hoping to see some reaction to that -- entire planets dedicated to pleasure fishing. Like they were privately owned lakes. However, Diana found herself disappointed because her mother offered no hint of a reaction.

"In accordance with our traditions, I have brought the head of the beast but it is… unwieldy," King Tarble continued, ignoring the byplay. "You will not offend if you choose not to accept it."

Her mother tilted her head, "I believe I should see it first before deciding then, no?" She questioned, earning a curt nod from King Tarble before his hand went to his belt, taking out a capsule, before he threw it towards the ocean after clicking the top. A few moments later, the sun was nearly blotted out when a mountain sprung up from the ocean with explosive force. Diana found herself standing in the shade, looking up at teeth that were the size of skyscrapers, dwarfing anything on the island twice over. The word unwieldy had been a grave understatement.

"I… see what you mean, King Tarble. Nevertheless, Themyscira shall accept your gift. In the spirit it was given," her mother said, being uncharacteristically blunt that Themyscira had no use for the head of such a monstrous beast.

King Tarble just nodded in agreement but his mother spoke up, "It's pretty tasty raw but you human chefs can make anything out of anything," Teach remarked, not so subtly looking at the feast behind them. "So, we gonna start eating or what?"

Diana was the one that answered, having been warned well in advance that Saiyans were rather… direct. "First, we must honor the gods and thank them for another bountiful harvest. Once we know that they have heard our prayers and are pleased with our offerings, only then may we eat." To that, both Elery and Teach scrunched up their noses in an identical fashion.

"Your gods are really needy, ain't they?" Teach questioned, making the Queen of Themyscira, thus the Oracle of the gods, lips thin ever so slightly at the blatant lack of respect. "Who cares if they're satisfied with the offerings? From what I know, you lot are the last ones that actually care about them." She continued, crossing her arms as she offered a small shake of her head.

"Forgive my mother. Saiyans are not a godly race," King Tarble interjected, trying to clip the tension that was growing with each word.

To that, Teach nodded, "We don't even have a god to speak of-" King Tarble cocked his head, his eyes narrowing a fraction. Something that wasn't unnoticed by the rest. "- wait, do we?"

King Tarble glanced at his mother and Elery, who seemed utterly dumbfounded that the Saiyan race did, in fact, have a deity to worship. "We do. His name is Yamoshi. I met him briefly on planet Sadala. Or, what was left of it." He informed, making Elery and Teach share a look.

"W-what was he like?!" Elery questioned forcefully, earning a moment of thought from King Tarble.

After that moment, he decided on an answer. "Strong," he ultimately decided on. An answer that seemed to satisfy both Teach and Elery.

Her mother spoke up, still curious, "And what matter of worship does your god Yamoshi wish from you?" She questioned, and Diana knew she saw an angle to make a connection between their people. While most of the Man's world worshiped the Christian or Muslim God, there were few people that had directly interacted with them before. The Amazons and the Saiyans were amongst the few that had direct contact with their gods.

"He desires worthy challengers, if I had to say. He told me to come back to Sadala when I achieved godhood to challenge him to be the god of the Saiyan race," King Tarble explained and her family seemed to light up at the news as if that was exactly what they wanted out of their god. Though, Diana did find it interesting that the Saiyan god had separate divinity from being the god of the Saiyans.

Her mother seemed briefly lost on how to respond, "I… see."

"I'm so gonna become the next Saiyan god. Brother -- you got to be the Legendary Super Saiyan, so I get to be the Saiyan god, right?! That's fair!" Elery pressed, earning a scoff from King Tarble. Elery looked to their mother to back her up and instead found a challenger to godhood. It was a frightful approach, Diana decided. To the Saiyans, gods were not something to worship. What pleased or displeased their god was something they couldn't care less about.

To them, their god was just a challenge to overcome.

"Our god aside, please perform your rituals. We are guests here with no right to interfere," King Tarble stated, speaking more to his family than Diana's mother.

She offered a small nod, "Then we shall begin with the festivities."

Diana took in a slow, bracing breath. For she knew that of all the challenges she had faced in her life…

This one would be the most difficult by far.


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