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What story should replace See No Evil when it ends?

  • Legends Never Die (Historical/Gamer) 417
  • All Because I’m Evil~ (Arcane/Multicross) 88
  • Domain Expansion: Waifu Battle Royale (Waifu Catalogue/DC Comics) 226
  • 2022-04-28
  • 731 votes
{'title': 'What story should replace See No Evil when it ends?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Legends Never Die (Historical/Gamer)', 'votes': 417}, {'text': 'All Because I’m Evil~ (Arcane/Multicross)', 'votes': 88}, {'text': 'Domain Expansion: Waifu Battle Royale (Waifu Catalogue/DC Comics)', 'votes': 226}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 0, 7, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 731}


Hello everyone! As most of you have heard, See No Evil has entered its final arc and it should be wrapping up in the coming months. I actually have a commission story that’s taking its place, but I’m looking to post another story alongside it. Which is the purpose of the poll -- basically, I have three story ideas that have the makings for a full-fledged +100k story and I was hoping to get some feedback on what you all would like to see.

I’ll include a brief synopsis of each story for those that don’t have any interest in reading the chapter, or if the chapter didn’t hook you but you liked the idea and could enjoy the direction it goes in.

Legends Never Die (Historical/Gamer): It follows the story of Eivor, a young Dane in Scandinavia just before the Viking Age officially begins. He’s blessed with a Crusader Kings inspired gamer system, but given that video games weren’t a thing in the late ninth century, Eivor can only assume that the Nordic gods are communicating with him through small windows. Each quest is god-given, and every quest reward is a blessing from the gods.

It follows him as he carves his name amongst legends such as Charlemagne, William the Conquerer, or Bjorn Ironside. He travels across the world, participating in great and terrible events, meeting and breaking great figures in history, before settling down to create a kingdom of his own.

Some things to note -- the story will have some light Crusader Kings elements in it while being slightly ahistorical. For the CK elements, it would have some lowkey fantasy elements like ritual magic or demonic rituals actually working. Basically, what you could do in CK II and III. There are also going to be some stories that were inspired by my games, like the time the pope kidnapped and ate ten of my children for their godly genes before calling a crusade on me that everyone joined in on because he was suddenly beautiful, strong, and a genius.

For the ahistorical decisions, I’m just reserving the right to fiddle with the timeline to move up or delay certain events on the condition that they happened in the same century that the story takes place in. And so long as it actually makes sense -- for example, Alfred the Great can’t really be a thing if vikings haven’t rampaged through England. However, if something happened like twenty years in the past when Eivor arrives, and I think it would be good for the story if it happened when he arrived, I’ll just tweak the timeline a bit.

Lastly, the story will be about vikings doing viking things. I figured it would be obvious, but thought I should mention it.

All Because I’m Evil~ (Arcane/Multicross): The story of a genetic transhumanist deciding that the multiverse is his oyster and he’s just going to crack it wide open. Starting in the setting of Arcane, under the guise of Elix, he’s a ruthless ganglord at the head of the Goonies, the only gang willing to stand up to Silco for all the right reasons. As Alexander Heller, he’s a young, suave, heartbreaker worming his way into high society with liberal use of brainwashing to help things along.

As himself, he’s a hedonist that cares only about gaining power and amusing himself with the people that surround him. Often at their expense.

About the story -- Elix is about as morally black a character as I've ever written. He is a grade-A asshole. When I was originally drafting the story, the idea was to make a character that could make something like the Company for the Waifu Catalogue, or the Sex Arcade. So, a real smarmy piece of shit. I’m going to be very upfront about that.

But, as much as he stacks the deck in his favor, he can only enjoy himself if there are stakes. And all he really cares about is enjoying himself. When he gaslights and manipulates people, he gives them avenues of attack. He’s perfectly happy taking an L because, no matter what, he will get what he wants. All the while, he searches for genetic anomalies and abilities to incorporate into himself to become the perfect being.

It’s a jumpchain story. The first twenty or so chapters will be spent in Arcane with it becoming the hub world. From there, there will be a mix of one-off chapters where he visits a setting for a specific item or waifu, then there will be longer jumps where Elix stops and fucks with the setting in various ways. Like, for example, releasing the Grimm from RWBY into the setting of Asoiaf while introducing himself as the only solution to the problem.

A big thing to note -- Elix does use mind control as an offensive tool. He would use it to break a waifu that he doesn’t want to spend the time seducing. For example, Jinx and Vi are the girls being seduced in the Arcane jump, while girls like Caitlyn or Mel would be stamped. Not into mindless sex slaves, but people he would break down until they beg him to fuck them. It’s a limitation and challenge that he finds fun.

Domain Expansion: Waifu Battle Royale (Waifu Catalogue/DC Comics): This story could be considered a true rewrite of Be a Dragon. See No Evil was meant to be a rewrite originally, but it became a thing of its own pretty early on. Domain Expansion follows an isekai that wakes up in the middle of a satanic ritual, gets the fuck out of there, and later realizes that he’s been inserted as Sukuna Ryomen with all of his powers. The ones that he knows about and the ones that he doesn’t.

A simple isekai is radically changed by something of my own invention. I liked the idea of the battles against other contractors in the Waifu Catalogue, but I didn’t really care for the idea of including some OC that served no other purpose than to deliver waifus and points to the main character. So, I got to thinking and decided that a Waifu filling that role would feel better and I had an idea.

The Waifu Catalogue: Battle Royale. Because there aren’t enough battle royales in the world.

Unknown to the MC, he has been caught up in a battle royale between ten different teams of waifus. Each with their own motivations, desires, and plans. All equally unaware of each other and the fight that will rage between them. It’s not just a battle for supremacy, but a battle of seduction.

The rules are very simple -- each contractor’s ultimate goal is to either kill or seduce every member of their enemy's harem along with the enemy contractor herself. All characters are only aware of their original settings, nor are the contractors aware of their selections prior to the battle royale. Waifus of the chosen setting are available to be claimed and once certain checkpoints have been met, additional choices from the Waifu Catalogue will become available.

The teams range from lawful good to chaotic evil, some will be heroes and others will be the most sinister of villains. The MC himself leans more towards Chaotic Good and it follows him as his desire to do some good is becoming increasingly complicated by a rapidly intertangled web of relationships between heroes and villains while he unwittingly fights to claim the prize of the battle royale -- a Tier 11 ticket.



I'm voting for legends never die cux it sounds like an awesome read but if your looking for more ideas maybe try out the mass effect universe?!?!

Anthony Essex

I voted for Domain Expansion doesn't look like it's gonna win though