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Waking up naked wasn’t an unusual occurrence for me. I usually slept in the buff. No real reason why -- just more comfortable that way, even if it did mean I would be facing a burglar in the nude. I imagine that would be as much of a nightmare for me as the burglar, though. So, waking up naked was a pretty common state of affairs for me.

Waking up naked on a stone slab while surrounded by other people? Not so much.

“Rise, o’ Lord! Rise Sukuna Ryomen, King of Curses, to lay waste to the world! Lead us, your unworthy vassals!” I heard in place of my alarm clock, making me peel my eyes open even though the rest of my body wanted nothing more to go back to sleep. There was a grogginess that hovered over my mind like a fog, something more intense than what I usually felt before my morning coffee. It was the cause of my lack of reaction when I slowly sat up, much to the joyous rapture of those around me.

Six people and they looked… yeah. I try not to judge books by their cover, but if you put their mug shot beside any crime in the history of forever, I wouldn't doubt that they did it for a moment. They looked haggard, four men and two women who seemed the most normal of the two as they regarded me on their hands and knees. Everyone had scars up and down their arms, or they looked like the pictures schools shoved in your face to scare you into never trying meth.

“Oh, King of Curses! You are among us!” A man sobbed, looking like this was the single greatest moment of his life. I looked to him for a moment, my gaze flickering to the other five in the… basement? It was pitch black except for a handful of candles that were arranged on gothic-looking candlesticks, complete with a skull… a…

Those were actual skulls.

That realization cut through the grogginess like a knife through butter, snapping me awake as I could feel my body ramping up the amount of adrenaline in my veins. Everything suddenly was too loud and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest, except… no. Not just mine. Unless I had like seven hearts or something. I could hear the hearts of everyone in the room thumping powerfully like thunder echoing in my ears. The stench of blood and rot was heavy in the basement and my gaze darted to the source -- a bowl next to me filled with blood and a still heart laying in a rapidly drying pool.

A hand drifted to my chest and I felt dried blood there, but no incision. I could feel my heart thumping against my palm. I might not have thought it was actually my heart if it wasn’t for the leader of the group speaking up. “Forgive us for our trespass in defiling your divine flesh -- our methods are crude and unworthy. It took us many years to master this ritual and many more attempts in trying to manifest you into the world once again, our king!”

Attempts in pulling people's hearts out of their chests? So, they’ve just been murdering people as practice?

Yeah… yeah…

Fuck everything about this. I’m so fucking out.

“My king-” the lead murder cultist started but I didn’t care to hear it because my eyes darted to the door and all I saw was an exit. Without any warning, I exploded into action, shoving the guy hard and I sent him flying across the room, his back hitting the wall with a loud thump as I shot forward. My legs felt like they belonged to someone else, causing me to fall. The cultists were shocked, but instead of questioning why I just launched that guy, they immediately went to help me up.

The moment they touched my skin the danger of the situation really kicked in. I was in a room with a half dozen murdering cultists that carved my heart out of my body. The weakness in my body was still there, but it was completely overwritten by the desire to run. To get the hell away from here and even if I made it to the other side of the planet, it wouldn’t be far enough. I ripped my arm out of a woman’s grasp before I forced myself forward, making my legs work with sheer force of will, and sprinted up the rickety wooden steps.

I nearly ripped the door off the hinges I slammed through it so fast, and I slammed it behind me. My gaze darted around a decrypt building -- it looked ransacked and old. The cabinets were falling apart, there wasn’t a window that wasn’t either broken or cracked, and there didn’t seem to be any furniture. Instead, there were some sleeping bags and camping supplies like a portable stove along with a bunch of empty cans. The cultists snapped out of their stupor because I could hear them shouting from below and the squeak of the steps.

Sprinting forward, I darted across the single-story house in what felt like a single step, only to stumble. My shoulder slammed into the solid oak door and I was moving so fast that it was reduced to splinters as I sailed through it. I hit a wood patio hard, skidding a bit until I fell down some stairs, but I was so hopped up on adrenaline that I didn’t even consider that I could be hurt. I shot to my feet, taking in a quick look to see that the house was actually a cabin and it was in the woods. I didn’t see a vehicle, though.

Making a split-second decision, I booked it into the treeline, thinking that it would make it more difficult for the cultist to follow me. Leaping over bushes and vines, old leaves and twigs crunched under my bare feet as I sprinted as fast as I possibly could. My heartbeat thundered in my ears, my mind was completely blank except for the thought of getting away as fast as I possibly could. The odd body dysphoria lessened as I continued to blaze a trail, not caring where I was going so long as it wasn't here, and eventually, I felt an odd strength in my limbs.

I had no way of knowing how long I ran for, but I sprinted what had to be miles. It was only then that something started nagging in the back of my mind, like a puzzle piece that wouldn't quite click into place. It didn't click into place until I realized it was something that I didn't feel.

Tired. I had always been in pretty good shape. I worked out whenever I felt like crap, and I usually felt like crap, so I became a gym rat by accident. Cardio has always been a bane of my existence -- I just wasn't a good endurance runner. Yet, I had been running a dead sprint long enough that my circulatory system wasn't pure adrenaline anymore. More than that, now I was aware of it, I realized how fast I was going. The forest had a pretty sparse number of trees, letting me run mostly in a straight line, but they passed me by in a blur. It was like I was driving in a speeding car rather than sprinting normally.

"Fuck it!" I snapped, pressing forward all the same, more questions than I knew what to do with, but they weren't important. Getting away was important. I could worry about answering my questions when I wasn't in danger. I sped up, feeling the wind rustling my shirt hair, howling in my ears…

Only to realize how fast I was going when I caught a hint of the sun's rays peeking out before me as the sun seemed to be setting. My eyes were fixated on it, hoping to get some frame of reference, and it was a moment too late that I realized why the forest was thinning out.

There was a fucking cliff.

I stopped immediately, skidding across the ground, but like a car, I didn't stop on a dime and my momentum sent me flying over the cliff. For a moment, all I could hear was my heartbeat as there was nothing but air beneath me. Gravity seemed to hesitate on if it was going to send me down, letting me see the several hundred feet drop below me. Gravity made its verdict and I began to fall. My hands lashed out blindly, trying to grab hold of something to stop my fall, but there was only air. "Ah…AhhhhhghhHHHHHH!" A scream ripped itself from my throat as I clenched my eyes shut, rapidly approaching the ground.

I hit a tree and I think I must have busted through every single one of its branches before I slammed into the ground with bone-shattering force. Branches and leaves lazily fell on me as I laid down for a moment, my mind blank as it recovered from the shock.

"I should be dead," I muttered to myself, slowly daring to move, fearful that I would suddenly be assaulted by blinding pain when my brain realized that all my limbs were broken. Only it never came. I felt fine. Falling off of my bunk bed as a kid had hurt more than this. "Oh, man, I should be dead," I whispered, picking myself up from the dirt to run my hands over my body to search for injuries.

A pit formed in my stomach because this wasn't my body.

"What's going on here?" I breathed, my voice sounding shaky to my own ears. I didn't have any tattoos, but this body seemed to be covered in them. Two bands of thick black ink around my wrists and biceps, a circle with a dot on my shoulders, two thick lines that flowed over my pecs and collarbone, so I think they were on my back too…

That was a mind fuck in itself, but when the thick black ink suddenly faded away, I was left feeling completely out of my depth.

Swallowing thickly, my brain shifted into high gear as I numbly began walking forward, still wanting to get away from the cultists and their cabin. Now that I could actually think, something really stood out to me, "They called me Sukuna," I muttered to myself, continuing on. I recognized the name, and now I was putting pieces together, I recognized the ink.

However, that just left me with more questions.

I knew of Sukuna Ryomen -- he was an antagonist in Jujutsu Kaisen. So was this some kind of fucked up isekai? Maybe? I could have gone with a bit of forewarning and some info, but I'm not entirely sure that it was. Simply because, while Sukuna was an interesting character, he wasn't my first, second, or third choice to be self inserted as. If I was getting isekai'd, which I'm guessing this was without a better explanation, then I'd rather get self inserted as Broly. Or Saitama. A character that was so strong that shouting at the universe until it broke became an option.

Sukuna, on the other hand, was strong but there was way too much unknown. He only showcased two abilities -- one where he control-alt-deleted everything and everyone in a thousand-foot radius, and an unknown flame attack. The flame attack dunked on a powerful enemy that specialized in flames, so I guess that was something, but those were two AOE attacks that murked everything around him. There was too much unknown about his abilities for me to ever want to have them.

"So, maybe it wasn't my choice?" I questioned, trying to make sense of the turn of events. The decision was made for me? I didn't know and I don't think I had any way of finding out right now. Shaking my head, I pressed onwards before I heard something. The sound of a horn being blasted and another one blasting in response. Hope soared in my chest as I ran to the source of the noise, pressing through the forest I was in, and this time, I didn't fly over a cliff when I found myself overlooking a highway.

It was completely backed up with traffic going both ways and from my view, it seemed to stretch in for miles. On one end was just more highway, but on the other was a city. A pretty big one based on the skyline I was seeing -- dozens of skyscrapers, and even the lesser buildings were still huge. Above the road was a green sign that I read with more than a little confusion, "Welcome to Jump City?"

Where the fuck was Jump city? What kind of name was that? It was English, so I had to be in either America or England or Canada… but the name wasn't ringing any bells and the city looked like it could rival New York. I was looking at a major city without a doubt in my mind.

"I… I need to get to a police station," I decided. The highway was completely backed up. I'd have better luck inside the city. There I could get a phone, some directions, and maybe some answers. And hopefully, sic the cops on those murderous fucks. With that thought in mind, I started to run towards the city, and I was flying by. It was hard to gauge without a speedometer, but I had to be running at least fifty miles an hour and it felt like I was jogging.

When I reached the end of the cliff, this time I didn't hesitate. Throwing myself off of the cliff, I sailed through the air and when you didn't think you were going to die upon landing, free falling was kinda fun. After a few short seconds, I hit the ground and my knees barely bent with the two hundred feet drop. I continued on without missing a beat, and as I neared the edges of the city, it really started to sink in that I was completely naked.

Which was embarrassing, but I kinda didn't give a shit. There were actual murderers in the woods, I had no clue where I was, and I wasn't in my body. The fact people could see my penis was so far down my list of concerns that I couldn't even pretend to care about it.

The city itself seemed nice, for the most part. I grew up in major cities -- New York, Chicago, LA. From a quick glance, the city felt more like an LA in the good parts of town. Clean streets, nothing smelled like garbage, there were even palm trees going up the meridian as people entered the city. The streets were pretty crowded and I could practically smell tourists on them.

"Oh my God, cover your eyes," a man said as I approached. "Fucking sick freak," he spat at me, covering his wife's eyes with his palm.

"I got kidnapped," I told him, and that sure changed his tune. "Do you know where the nearest… police… station…?" I started to question him, wanting to get there as fast as possible, only to trail off when I saw something in the sky. "What is that…?" I breathed, seeing a plane fly through the air as it headed in my general direction, leaving a trail of smoke behind it. It was a plane, but it was completely unlike any I had ever seen.

I flinched when it glanced off a building before it sharply dove down into the streets below. There was a crashing sound that I felt reverberated through my body. The guy and his wife looked on with open eyes and slack jaws. There was a secondary explosion that echoed through the streets, and that's when the screaming began. People fled our direction, jumping out of their cars to get away while thick black smoke billowed upwards.

Swallowing thickly, I found myself running forward before I leaped onto the hood of a car to avoid the flux of foot traffic. Leaping from vehicle to vehicle, skipping a good dozen every time, I confirmed it with my own two eyes.

"That's an alien spaceship," I breathed. Could this day get any weirder? I get shoved into a body, and now aliens? What was going on here? If this was an isekai situation, then shouldn't I at least recognize where I was sent? With a final leap, I landed lightly in front of the spaceship and drank the sight in. A real spaceship. From outer space. It looked like a brick and seemed pretty blocky in design but… "Cool," I continued, feeling excited despite it all.

Aliens were real. This was a UFO. That was so awesome. It was so sick!

I flinched at the sound of a door opening, the sound of pressurized air being released along with the screeching sound of metal. Taking a few steps back, I saw the door that opened just in time to see a real-life alien come stepping out. My jaw dropped -- I was a little disappointed that she looked mostly human. I thought aliens would look more… alien. However, there was no mistaking her for a human.

Her skin was a dark orange while her was an actual flaming red with flames licking at the end of her mane of hair. Her eyes were green, seemingly glowing like neon in the low light as she left the ship. She seemed distinctly female based on her breasts, but that could mean she was actually a he for all I knew. I didn't know how alien biology worked. It took me a long second to realize that her arms were bound by cuffs that went up to her elbows and looked as bulky as wearing two cinder blocks. Her gaze darted around the intersection the ship landed on before they eventually settled on me.

Her mouth opened and pure gibberish came pouring out of it.

"Sorry? I don't-" I started and I just realized humanity might have made first contact with aliens. With me. Whole ass naked. Before I could finish the sentence, the alien darted forward and shoved me. I righted myself in the air so I landed on my feet, a demand on my tongue, only to swallow it when a yellow burst of energy slammed into the ship through where I was standing. My gaze darted to the source to see that it was another alien.

This one looked more alien and less humanoid. Four arms, skin that seemed rocky in nature, and closer to eight feet tall than not. In two of his four hands were laser weapons with the other two wielding futuristic axes. The alien didn't look happy as he shouted orders in different sounding gibberish. The girl alien shouted back in the same type of gibberish, so I guess she knew their language. The girl alien seemed to tense when five other rocky aliens appeared, falling from the sky above and it was only then that I noticed the other ships. They could manipulate gravity, I think?

They took up aim at the girl alien. I think she might be a criminal.

But I don't really care. Those assholes just shot at me. I don't know what that energy bolt could have done to me. I could have just died or something. That made things overwhelmingly simple -- fuck those aliens.

The girl alien growled at the aliens flying above and I moved in instinct. This body of mine was stronger than a normal human body several times over. It was also more durable. However, if I really had self-inserted as Sukuna, then I had something that might help. The actual mechanics of what I did were well beyond me, but I was pretty sure I knew what happened.

Sukuna's slashing attacks had two modes, basically. They were curses imbued with the concept of 'Cleave' and 'Dismantle', the former cleaving flesh in half, while the latter broke down inorganic matter apart.

Darting towards the girl alien, making her flinch in surprise, I flicked my fingers in the direction of her cuffs. Almost as if I were raking empty air. Emerging from my fingertips were invisible slashes imbued with 'dismantle' and the cuffs fell apart with perfect seamlines. It fell to the ground in pieces, a sound of surprise emerging from the alien's throat while panicked shouts emerged from the enemy aliens.

The girl's eyes flashed neon green as she snarled before throwing herself upward at the aliens. I don't think I could fly, but… now, I wasn't normally a violent person, but these assholes shot at me. Which made my excitement to punch an alien in the face completely justified.

I leaped up, jumping as high as I could and I found that I completely overshot my original destination of leaping onto a ten-story building. Saying through the air, I caught sight of a blocky alien lining up a shot on the girl alien, who seemed to be handing her enemies their asses. Slashing out, I hit him with my invisible slashes and his weapons, armor, and whatever was keeping him afloat suddenly split into pieces and he began to fall alongside me. He hit the ground at about a hundred feet up, but it seemed to injure him about as much as it did me.

Running to the ledge, I jumped, only to see another blocky alien round the corner with his axes out, intent on killing me with them. Shifting in midair, I sent a wave of ‘dismantle’ at him, cutting his exes into pieces as I began to fall. However, unlike the aliens, I didn't fall anywhere near as far as a mailbox decided to fly up and catch me so I didn't plummet down.

When I reached the ground, I saw it wasn't a mailbox that broke my fall, but a girl. Light gray skin, a dark violet cloak that covered most of her body, leaving only the bottom half of her face exposed. Telekinesis? Could this day get any weirder?

"Thanks?" I tried, not sure if she was an alien too or not.

"You can thank me by putting some pants on," she responded, her tone dry as the Sahara desert, lowering the hand she used to control the mailbox.

"Will do as soon as I get some," I answered, my attention snapping to the sounds of explosions to see bright green blasts of energy rain down on a fleeing asshole alien that poured from the girl alien's hands. Hopping off the mailbox, two of the aliens I had downed were recovered and sprinting right at us.

I wasn't afraid. I mean, I absolutely should be. I was about to throw hands with a giant alien that looked like he could eat me. I don't think it was me just running out of fear to give either.

When I first woke up, I felt like someone shoved in a body that wasn't mine. My arms and legs felt clumsy, my brain was filled with fog, and I woke up in a vulnerable state surrounded by absolute nutjobs. Now? Now it felt like the pieces had clicked into place and I came to a realization.

I didn't need to be scared. I could take these guys. I could have taken those cultists too. All that was left was to do it.

Taking in a sharp breath, I darted forward to meet the alien halfway. His eyes widened at my burst of speed, making him lash out with a meaty fist the size of my torso. In response, I leaped up, using the back of his fist as a springboard when I harmlessly flipped over it, to send myself flying at his head and delivered a powerful roundhouse to the side of his head.

His head jerked to the side before I followed through with the kick, making sure I didn't crush his skull or something and drove him into the ground. Asphalt shattered around him as his head sunk into the concrete crater, a small plum of dust kicking up while I lightly landed on my feet.

I was plenty strong now. That hadn’t even taken any effort.

The other alien pressed on, holding the shaft of one of his axes as a spear to drive it down into me. I started to rush towards him to deal with him in a similar manner, only for the makeshift spear to just… vanish in his hands. I stopped, as did the alien, momentarily confused by what happened. A split second later, I thought I saw a blur out of the corner of my eye before I suddenly felt something around my waist. Looking down, I saw it was two pieces of cloth that were tied off at each side, covering me from the waist to halfway down my shins.

“Sorry about that, but we gotta keep it family-friendly,” a voice interjected, bringing my attention to a teenager that was roughly my age dressed in a bright red, skin-tight, suit leaving everything covered but the bottom half of his face and his red hair. There was a smile on his face as he gave me a double thumbs-up just shortly before the mailbox that had caught me was launched at the alien that still chose to charge at us.

It went down hard, though all the mail in the mailbox exploded outwards and spilled out onto the asphalt.

I glanced back at the gray-skinned girl to see her pushing her hood back, revealing short black hair and dark violet eyes. She was pretty cute, I quickly decided, and almost as soon as I did, her eyes narrowed a fraction. “What exactly are you?” She asked me, catching me and the redhead by surprise.

I… “I don’t even know at this point,” I admitted. Was I an isekai? I discounted the idea that those cultists had managed to shove me in a body because I thought that this world ran off of normal logic. That assumption was taken out behind the barn and put down like ‘ol Yeller on account of aliens, a girl with telekinesis, and now a teenage boy with what I could only describe as super speed. They called me Sukuna, King of Curses, and while I had his powers… “I think I’m supposed to be a reincarnated demon? But someone screwed up somewhere? A bunch of murderous cultists in the woods, there was a cabin, and-”

There was a brush of wind on my face as the redhead disappeared. My mouth was left open as I stared at where he had just been for a moment before my gaze slid over to the girl, who was giving me a clinical gaze.

“A demon? Are you sure about that?” She questioned, walking- no, gliding forward. She was hovering a few inches over the ground as she came near.

“They called me the King of Curses?” I tried, seeing that she was interested. The title seemed to register with her. Her gaze flickered to my arms, and I looked down at them to notice that the ink was back. But, again, it faded back into my skin after a few seconds. I’m starting to think that it was tied into how much I was exerting myself. I didn’t have it when I woke up in the cabin, I had it when I ran through the forest, lost it when I walked, then gained the ink when I fought. That seemed like a pretty clear pattern to me.

“Sukuna?” She questioned, tilting her head. Was he a known figure here? I don’t think this was Jujutsu Kaisen, but maybe it was like Bleach where while Japan was dealing with Hollows and Soul Reapers, America was handling a completely different genre? Something superhero-related based on the redhead’s costume. He seemed like a Quicksilver knock-off. “I’m not sensing any malice from you. If you really were the King of Curses, then that wouldn’t be true…” she trailed off, almost as if she were considering something.

Sensing malice?

Whatever it was, she decided to keep it to herself because the redhead reappeared, his face a little paler. “I found the cabin,” he informed me, his gaze a little harsher than before. “Are you… okay?” He questioned, his gaze going to the blood on my stomach. From where my heart had been carved out.

“I’m fine,” I answered. He really ran all that way and back? It had been a few seconds at most. “Did you find anyone there? There were six of them-”

He nodded, “Already snagged them and notified the police. Though, they’ll probably have their hands full for a little while with this mess,” he admitted, gesturing to the unconscious aliens. That was… fast, I guess. To be honest, I would have liked to bag them myself. I don’t even know how many people they killed in the name of whatever the fuck I was, but Redhead was looking distinctly queasy. “They won’t hurt anyone again. They’re going away for a long, long, long time based on what I saw.”

I guess that was out of my hands, “Good.” I hoped they rotted in prison. Then I gestured to the aliens, “What about this lot?” I questioned gesturing to the… bound and unconscious aliens, making Redhead shrug. He opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted when I dove to tackle him. We both hit the ground, and not a second later, a bus came flying over us. It drove itself into the ground, ripping up asphalt and filling the air with a horrid screeching sound before the bus flipped once and settled heavily on its side.

I didn’t hear screaming coming from the bus. It was empty.

“I thought the others took care of the rest!” Redhead said as we got up, giving me a thankful look before he vanished in a gust of wind.

“Others?” I questioned, standing and casting a look at the girl who watched me closely. “Are you coming?” I asked her, catching her off guard for a moment. She seemed honestly surprised by the question. She seemed to think about it before offering a curt nod as she pulled up her hood. Then, without warning, she promptly vanished into the floor. Right. That was something I was just going to have to get used to.

Running forward, I reached the intersection to see that it was in far worse shape than it had been a minute ago. Busted cars littered the intersection, the spaceship was billowing black smoke that seemed to be joined by a dozen other fires. The road was fucked with chunks of it missing, craters, and a lot of cars flipped over.

I saw a teenager dressed like a stoplight running forward with a staff in hand, a large R on his chest. Green tight pants, red long sleeve with yellow highlights, and green gloves. He charged… the girl alien, who was currently wielding a car and taking a swing at him. I reacted without thinking, sending slashes of ‘dismantle’ at both of them. The car was sliced into pieces before it could be used to squash the teenager, who dove under it, going to thrust his staff into her stomach, and found that it was a solid foot shorter than it was before.

Both of their gazes shot towards me as I put myself between them, skidding to a halt. “Hey, she’s cool. Those guys were attacking her and had her locked up,” I told him, meeting his gaze that was hidden behind a domino mask that only covered his eyes and cheekbones.

“Did you think there might have been a reason for that?” He snapped at me, making the girl alien brissile dangerously. Given how wrecked the intersection looked, I’m thinking that she would win that fight between them. “She’s caused tens of thousands in property damage. We have injured civilians- it’s nothing short of a miracle that none died!”

Okay, I could see his point. I looked behind me at the girl alien, really wishing that she could speak English. She looked at me gratefully for my assistance. And, turns out she was so grateful that she grabbed me by the shoulder, pressed her lips to mine, and stuck her tongue all the way down my throat. I heard Stoplight sputter while someone whistled. The kiss only lasted a second before the orange alien broke it off.

“I am Koriand’r, Princess of the planet Tamarean,” Koriand’r introduced herself in perfect English. I guess I got what I wished for. She gave me a firm nod, “You have my gratitude for your freeing me. I was to be sold as a slave to the Citadelian empire, and while I nearly escaped, I surely would have been recaptured without your help.”

Oh, shit. “Uh, don’t worry about it? I was happy to help?” I returned and when I glanced back at Stoplight, I could see the anger bleeding out of him. She had nearly been enslaved. And she was a princess. I mean, it sucked that people got hurt, but I would have been swinging at everyone and everything if I had been in her shoes.

“I’m Robin,” Robin introduced himself, taking a look at his staff, which was more of a baton at this point. He glanced at me, but Redhead appeared next to Robin.

“Kid Flash,” Kid Flash followed up the introduction. Then he jabbed a thumb at a dark skin teen with glowing tattoos who was putting out the fires with the help of a busted open fire hydrant. He manipulated the water so that it washed over the flames, and when it turned into steam, it flowed back into the current of water. “That’s Aquaboy. Or Aqua Lad.” Then he turned to the gray-skinned girl, who hovered at the edge of the group.

“Raven,” Raven offered, her tone carefully blank.

Then all eyes went to me, expecting my introduction to whatever this was. I was uncountably in a new world even if I didn’t recognize it or the people in it. I had powers. I was in a new body. I just fought aliens, then kissed an alien princess so she could learn English. Honestly, even if I wanted to hold onto my old life, I could feel it slipping through my fingers because of this fever dream of a world. So… new life? New name, I guess.

“Sukuna,” I introduced myself with a lopsided smile. “Sukuna Ryomen.”


caleb tomlin

Pllllllllz continue this one💀


God I wish this wins.