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First of all, happy New Year! We made it another trip around the sun. Can't speak for everyone, but for me it still feels like it's 2020. 

I figured that now would be as good of a time as any to talk a bit about the Patreon and how I intend things to progress for the year -- ways that the Patreon will improve, and things I intend to change. 

From the top of the order, I have some lore for you guys. Way back when the Patreon first began, when I was setting up the tier rewards, the third advanced chapter was never meant to be behind the Biggest Tipper tier. It was meant to be a Big Tipper reward, with Biggest Tipper getting a fourth advanced chapter. It was meant to be a placeholder because I never imagined that anyone would be willing to pay twenty bucks to read three chapters ahead. 

I was very wrong. Because of that, I wasn't prepared and my backlog was never far ahead enough with all of my stories that it felt like I could implement the originally intended plan. I tried to forge ahead and build up my backlogs, but things just never really lined up so I intend to do something a bit different. 

I've thought of a few ways to give myself the time I need to build up the backlog and I think I've settled on a winner -- basically, in the coming months, with prior warning one of my stories will pause for a week or two while I focus hammering out chapters for it. When it returns, it'll have a total of four advanced chapters, one for each tier. Then I'll pick another story, do the same process, and over a few months, all my works will be at four advanced chapters. 

It feels like that's the most unintrusive method to implement the idea of an advanced chapter for each tier. 

Secondly, I will be changing the intro page. Honestly, I completely forgot that thing existed, and it's wildly out of date. I haven't been in school in years. 

Third, The monthly prompt that isn't even a yearly prompt. Over time, I fell into a method that really didn't lend well to a monthly prompt. I think some of the changes will allow it to make a return, but it would need to undergo some changes. Simply put, there are simply way too many of you for you all to send me your ideas. How it could make its return, or if it will at all, is still up in the air, but I haven't forgotten that the monthly prompt existed. 

Forth, This is something I'm personally excited for, but I'll be beginning some original work and posting it this year. It's what prompted the posting of the Hard Knock Life chapters, along with some inquires that made me realize I forgot to post them a while ago. I'm not decided on an upload date, but it will happen sometime this year. 

And I think that's about it. There could be more changes incoming, but these are the ones that I'm certain about. I hope you all look forward to them because I think they're all good changes. 


The Panda Queen

I'm looking forward to all these new changes and Happy New year! 😊 some of your stories started a little rough but I think i grew to love them all, you also inspired me to start my own stories so thank you for that

Big poppy

Hell yuh looking forward to your future postings