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It was a familiar song and dance -- shaking hands, trading compliments, and whispering rumors. The gala was in full swing as more of the world's delegation had arrived to soothe the tension between America and China. There was laughing, joking, and smiles all around. But, under the table, deals were being made. Favors were being exchanged, plots were being hatched to take down a mutual enemy, and plans were being laid to betray trusted allies. It was everything I thought it would be and, honestly, that was more than a little worrying.

The security systems of the gala had deliberate holes in them to prevent some things being said from being overheard. Blindspots in the cameras where people would go when they had something to discuss that wasn't strictly legal. It was annoying to deal with, but I had anticipated the problem beforehand. I'm sure that everyone at the summit knew that if what we spoke about ever made it to the press, our various careers would be over in a heartbeat. It was only natural that there would be precautions.

Which made those the places where I planted my listening devices. Along with others. My hand was coated in my microscopic cameras and bugs, so every time I shook someone's hand or patted them on the shoulder, I could listen in on them making deals. Making friends… or enemies.

"In the end, it won't matter. UN charter or not, the Justice League will interfere," I said, speaking to a number of world leaders that had asked for my opinion. I had proven unexpectedly popular. Both for killing the Joker, and for proving that I was a man of means and action. Gotham was becoming the new City of Tomorrow, and it was in the wake of the largest economic disaster since Black Friday. I had shaken hands with at least half of the people that decided the future of entire countries. "It's their personal mandate. If China or America choose to escalate, it's going to be done behind closed doors -- subterfuge, hacking, and unfortunate accidents."

There was some grumbling there. People didn't like to be reminded that the Justice League was under the UN's thumb because the Justice League had placed itself there. They were more than capable of removing themselves if that was their wish.

"But, it is unlikely to come to that," Bruce Wayne said with a charming smile, standing right next to me. He was dressed in a form-fitting suit, his hair gelled back, freshly shaven, and doused in aftershave. He had also proven to be popular. Despite the hits that Wayne Enterprises had taken, it was still an economic powerhouse of a company. It was no Lex Corp, but it had recovered without so much as a hitch.

Batman hadn't announced his retirement to the world yet. Things were already shaky as they were, and one of the founding members of the Justice League retiring wouldn't help in any way. However, I knew that he had in practice retired to be Bruce Wayne full-time thanks to Oracle, Barbara Gordon's new callsign, telling me, Concerned Citizen.

Bruce Wayne had also undergone a transformation. No Man's Land, which he had publicly stayed for, had changed him. No longer was he the billionaire that bought a new expensive yacht every other week because he forgot he already had a dozen, had orgies with supermodels, got tossed out of strip clubs, or got drunk and sang Christmas carols in July. Bruce had always been a shrewd businessman that wasted his potential in the public's eye. Now, he no longer wasted that potential.

"Both countries know there won't be a war, so it's just a pissing contest," Bruce elaborated with a chuckle. "The chain of distribution is too important. Whether they like it or not, both countries are codependent on each other economically." China for its exports and America for its imports. "Inflaming tensions is just a negotiation tactic, nothing more."

It was also a very scary thing that we were having to reassure everyone that there wasn't going to be a war. It was the Cold War all over again, with the various countries of the world holding their breath as they waited for another shot to be heard around the world.

"The UN leader is negotiating a deal. Neither will be happy, but, well, that's the nature of compromise," I added with a smile. What that deal would be, I didn't very much care for. It was a return to the status quo. Lex was pushing for America to focus on developing internally by leaning on companies like Lex Corp, Sainthood Enterprises, and Wayne Enterprises to export to the global market instead of relying on China's cheap labor and exports.

America was already the world's largest exporter, despite a seemingly overreliance on imports. Lex was campaigning for any reliance on imports to be done away with -- there would still be imports, of course, but the focus would be on Americans working for American companies, to produce American products. The tagline being the American Way. It was bullshit, of course, but that really didn't matter. What did was that it would result in a huge overhaul to the American economy, and that was what was needed.

The economy was a fickle bitch, I learned, and countries acted just like people. When a stock crashed, what people would do was pull out before the stock reached rock bottom. And in doing so, they furthered the fall, because everyone else was doing the same. Countries acted in the same way -- global trade had taken a major plunge, so countries were pulling out, which was making it fall even further.

Global trade was a wonderful invention. It had been a part of humanity since the beginning of nations themselves. The most well-known version was the Silk Road in ancient times, and as humanity progressed, how we traded became more advanced. And it would never go away. But, all the countries that could were looking to make their economies more insular so when the next No Man's Land happened, they wouldn't face such a severe economic crisis, even if they weren't affected by whatever catastrophe happened.

"We just have to trust that we will come to an understanding where everyone benefits," Bruce stressed the word everyone with a meaningful glance. They offered polite words, but they had their doubts. Because, just as they spoke with us, they were speaking to each other.

Global trade was an important thing for many countries. Their economies depended on the imports they got, as well as the exports. With America looking more inward, as well as China and the powerhouses of Europe, the other countries were looking nervous. There were talks of forming economic blocks between them, which would be bad. Very, very bad.

For me.

I was a capitalist. I wanted access to every market and I wanted to dominate every market. Forming economic blocks specifically to fuck me as an American company was the last thing I wanted.

So, so far, economic collapse was looking more likely by the hour because everyone wanted to protect themselves from getting burnt, despite the world economy being based on sticking your hand in the fire and hoping for the best.

In a few words -- shit was fucked.

"They didn't buy it," I remarked as the world leaders moved on, muttering quietly to Bruce.

"I know," he spoke, sounding perfectly calm. "They already have deals set up. This was just a pretense," he said, telling me what I already knew, but I made an effort to look faintly surprised. "But, they have an additional talking point between themselves."

"What they want is to secure their interests in foreign markets," I returned, telling him what he already knew. I wasn't sure how it was exactly that me and Bruce Wayne ended up working together. I thought that he might avoid me like the plague. He knew I knew who he was. He knew the role I played in the death of Batman. The house of cards that I had been so carefully building had crumbled.

Now, Bruce Wayne knew exactly where I stood with him.

Yet, he still worked with me towards a common ground -- to avoid an economic collapse worse than the Great Depression.

"Everyone thinks they're in a position to get better deals," he agreed. The market was plummeting, but people also saw an inevitable rebound. A time when things would be normal again. So, they wanted to make sure they were set up when that rebound happened and the deals they made were exponentially more valuable. "It's just haggling when it comes down to it. They approach us in hopes of getting their desired deal later, behind closed doors. If we don't give it, then they'll just look to others. Capitalism at its finest." he said, a sigh in his tone not masked by his sarcasm.

That's what it came to. Haggling. My company was thriving. The lack of taxes made sure of it. But other companies weren't in the same position as me. The deals that were being made just for survival were honestly sickening. Some CEOs might as well be signing over their firstborn to make a deal. While I could say no to a deal, they couldn't.

Likewise, companies that were 'too big to fail' in their country we're raking their country leaders over a bed of hot coals.

"... I have evidence of an affair," I told him, inclining my head to one of the men we had just spoken to, who now spoke to Wonder Woman, or as of right now, Diana Prince.

"As do I. Underage prostitute," he said, taking a sip of his champagne.

Huh. "His wife," I said, subtly gesturing to the diplomat standing across from Oliver Queen.

I looked at Bruce Wayne just as he looked at me, our eyes meeting. I had no clue what he thought of me. There were no hints. Even Concerned Citizen was getting a cold shoulder when inquiries were made, because they suspected that I would report the knowledge to myself. Jason was a similar dead end. I had no clue what was going on in his head, and not even my contacts, that let me read microexpressions, could give me a solid hint, much less an answer. Though, I should expect that because they couldn't pick up on my microexpressions anymore either.

Things had changed. I wasn't a punk relying on his charity and tiptoeing around Batman anymore.

He offered a small nod that I returned before we stepped away from each other. Bruce Wayne wasn't above using leverage. I guess I shouldn't be shocked given that dangling people over a ledge for information was one of his favorite tactics. It was necessary. When there was a windfall, people got greedy, but they didn't want to take risks. They wanted things to fall into their laps. Which was normal. Understandable. However, it made for a very stubborn combination.

So, we had to twist some arms.

"Saint Vergil," I heard a familiar voice greet me, Jade Nguyen offering a platter of champagne flutes to me. One pushed towards me in particular. Glancing down at it, I saw a message was written in the bubbles.

'Let us break bread.'

I took a sip, destroying the message as I met Jade's eyes. She hated me. I could see it in her gaze. I could practically see her imagining opening my throat with one of her sais. 2B's presence kept her on guard though. 2B had folded the League of Assassins like they were paper in their last confrontation. And I knew 2B was staring at Jade with the same level of hatred reflected right back at her.

"Do you have him?" Jade questioned, her tone soft.

"In my pocket," I answered, referring to her father.

I heard footsteps behind me, making Jade quickly move on. I didn't need to look over my shoulder to see that it was Diana, the acting diplomat of Themyscira. Her sister had the UN seat to represent the country. Wonder Woman being here was a statement that she was representing the League as much as she was her home country. "I've heard you're spreading rumors, Saint Jude," she remarked, her tone light.

I smiled -- Diana wore a Greek toga dress, making her stand out in the sea of business suits and dresses. The only part of her costume that remained was the tiara. "I'm just telling people the truth, whether people like it or not. I thought you heroes valued honesty," I returned, earning a polite chuckle from her.

"I wouldn't accuse you of ever being honest," she returned with a smile which didn't exactly soften the jab of her words. One thing that comics had failed to encapsulate was that Diana was more than just a warrior. She was a diplomat. And a damn good one.

Things had changed. I wasn't to be underestimated anymore, even if I would prefer it. I had clashed with heroes -- the team, and even the Justice League, and I had accomplished my mission. No matter how you looked at it, that was a win. In doing so, I had to reveal a number of cards up my sleeve. Most alarming of all was that I had a team capable of going toe to toe with their heroes.

The element of surprise was lost, so I had to make sure that if there was ever a round two then I had some other advantage. Better equipment, both magic and tech, to start with.

"How hurtful," I responded, my tone light. "Are you saying that the Justice League will stand idly by as we blow ourselves into smithereens? If so, then I'll amend my statements. I wouldn't want to be anything less than truthful." To that, she returned a practiced and polite smile.

"I would say that direct intervention is unneeded, despite the apprehension you and Bruce Wayne feel," she returned. Politics and subterfuge. The Justice League was using Bruce Wayne as a proxy -- because that was another point of tension in the summit. Since the last World War, global superpowers hadn't directly been in conflict. This was the closest we'd come and now there was a serious question of what the Justice League would do?

How much did a charter really restrain the Justice League when they could bring two global powers to heel?

They were using Bruce Wayne to gain control of those that were afraid of the Justice League overstepping, while trying to soothe tensions to make sure that they didn't need to. And, by virtue that Bruce and I were working together, they were using me too. All the while, Lex used me to check the Justice League's agenda. It was all fair play because I was using both groups for my agenda as well.

The more things changed, the more they stayed the same.

"Unwanted, certainly, but unnecessary?" I questioned, tilting my head ever so slightly. "But whatever will happen will happen. I'm far more interested in the future of Themyscira." I said, making her raise an eyebrow. "The world has changed and it's going to change more going forward. Themyscira has hidden itself from the world for a millennia -- you have embassies in major countries, but that's it."

"That's it?" Diana echoed, giving me a look that told me the next words would decide if I impressed her or earned a smack in the face.

"That's it. No imports or exports in terms of goods or culture. The only reason why it matters at all is because of you," I continued and, based on the look, Diana was leaning towards slapping me. "But it's not because your Homeland has nothing to give. You just don't."

Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, "Theymscira has good reason for its isolationist policy."

"It did. A thousand years ago. I would even say… fifty years ago too. Now? Not so much," I forged ahead, giving her a polite smile. "The world's more interconnected than it's ever been. If it doesn't establish itself now, then it's going to be left in the dust and vulnerable going forward."

"It's protected by the gods' will. Humanity might have forgotten Zeus' might, but we Amazons have not," she reminded me. That was fair. The Olympic pantheon were powerhouses and humanity can't quite eclipse them. Yet.

"That's the thing, isn't it? Since the birth of humanity, we've been caged by the realities of the world and the wills of those that stand beyond the iron bars. And, for the entirety of our existence, we've been pounding away at those bars, breaking our fists and teeth on them. Many died in the effort, sacrificing themselves just to weaken the cage and drive our species a step further," I said, finishing off my champagne for dramatic effect.

"But one day, those bars will break. And on that day, the gods will die and everything becomes possible," I told her, making her lips thin as she saw the look in my eyes. She had me hold the lasso of truth to state my true intentions last time. She didn't need it the second time.

"Do you intend to break them?" she questioned, her tone even. It seems she settled on not giving me a well deserved smack.

My smile widened, "Absolutely," I said without a hint of hesitation. "As I said, I'm nothing if not honest." I told her, offering a polite nod before I made a polite exit, and I felt her gaze on me the entire time. I didn't think anything would come of it, but it was possible. I mostly wanted it to happen because I wanted to get my hands on better examples of the enchanted armor and weapons that the Amazons used. More than that…

A proactive Themyscira would shake things up a bit. As would a proactive Atlantis. Seventy percent of the world was covered in water, making it his kingdom, and so far, King Arthur had lost pretty much every single battle when it came to pollution. Atlantis was a doormat of a kingdom. I was hoping that would change by inspiring Wonder Woman to push for her homeland to become more active, which would influence Aquaman to do the same.

I spotted my next target for my own interests as well as Lex Luthor's. "Tseng Dangun," I caught the UN president's attention, pretending that I hadn't noticed him keeping an eye on me the entire time as I made my rounds. "It's an honor to meet you," I greeted him, wearing a confident smile on my face as my gaze slid past him to see Tifa speaking to Aquaman. Given her history, it was little wonder that she was talking about the environment and the need to take care of it with one of the movement's biggest supporters. I hadn't planned for that to be the case, but it was a happy coincidence.

"Saint Jude -- I was hoping we could speak. On behalf of the UN, you have our thanks for dealing with the Joker. It was bad enough when he was with the Injustice League, but after he came back from the dead… that creature single handedly changed our entire world," he said with a grimace.

"Just cleaning up my own mess. When I had him killed… I never expected for him to come back as he did. I should have been more thorough with him," I said, giving a small apologetic shrug. The words felt hollow on account of the fact that I had capitalized on his resurrection. Naturally, I would do some things differently if I had a chance to go back and change things, but it couldn't be denied that the Joker's resurrection had been a net positive.

For me.

"You couldn't have known. None of us could have. As much as America has been shouldering the blame, it can't be denied that it was a completely unpredictable event," he said, speaking a bit louder so others around us could hear. He was pushing for moderation between China and America, pushing for peace and for a dialogue to take place. But, by virtue of being the one pushing for compromise, neither camps were happy with him.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, but you are right -- the Joker has changed the world, but that doesn't mean it has to be for the worst," I said, smiling politely. "The global supply chain has snapped. Not just in one place, either." The UN president's eyes flashed at that, clearly interested in what I was saying.

"I know a proposal when I hear one," he prompted lightly.

He had me there, "The reason the supply chain broke is because it can no longer handle the demands of eight billion people. It was an outdated system that we were stuck with since the colonial era," I began my pitch. The global supply chain was an immense beast of a system. A product was made in Mexico, it shipped to Brazil, it then sails to Europe. A toy was made in China, it shipped to India, it went to Japan, then it sailed to America.

It was like that because each country played a part in the shipping lanes, acting as processing plants or distribution centers. And for some, that was the basis of their economy.

If that system was broken or replaced they would suffer, but in the end, that would be temporary.

"Earth has had teleportation technology since the sixties. I think it's time to put it to good use," I said and I saw his interest. A gleam of greed in his eyes. "The only reason it hasn't been used is because of the Fair Play Act." An international law that protected big businesses. It sounded so very stupid, but I would call it a necessary thing for the times.

What I was suggesting would lead to the collapse of no less than a dozen countries. The sheer number of people's whose jobs relied on the global supply chain for work in one way or the other would be in the millions. Hundreds of millions.

The original purpose of the law was to give the world a grace period to wean itself off of major industries for more advanced alternatives -- such as fusion energy instead of oil, or matter converters to protect metal and mineral industries. However, that was where lobbying killed whatever good intentions the law had. Major industries didn't want to see their companies downsize and then vanish, so they fearmongered. They bribed. They lied, cheated, and stole.

The weaning never actually happened, so it just resulted in anything considered advanced technology being squashed under the bill.

Which is why I made the Haros. The antigravity tech in them was a godsend, but it was in a child's toy. It wasn't an attack on big industries. However, the more wide spread the tech became, the more it was normalized, the better the odds it would find its natural place in various industries -- like car manufacturing.

"An appeal isn't mine to give," he remarked, earning a small shrug from me.

"Then don't appeal it. Call it a temporary stopgap to make sure that demand is met," I said and we both knew that once the teleportation system was set up, it would never go away. Then, over the course of years, it would completely replace the current model since it would be so much more effective. "I'm sure some will dig their heels in, but it's nothing that can't be soothed over," I lied as naturally as I breathed.

The UN president gave me a long look, "What you're suggesting would take us closer to an economic collapse. I can't even imagine the number of jobs that teleportation technology would erase from existence. It would affect first world countries just as much as it would effect third world… perhaps more so," he made a decent argument.

"Collapse? Oh, no. More of a… restructure," I offered an alternative word that would soothe people's minds even though he was correct. And that was to my benefit. As bad as it sounded, the worse things were for the world, the better off I was.

Because, I would be prepared. And when others fell, Sainthood Enterprises would be left standing, stronger than ever.

The UN president offered a smile, his face hinting at nothing, but I could tell that he was hooked. His microexpressions gave it away. Perhaps it was something that he had always agreed with, or maybe he just saw the opportunity for what it was. Maybe he was imagining how he was going to twist my arm to make sure he got a nice slice of the pie.

I would never know because as soon as he opened his mouth to respond, his fucking head exploded.

Blood splattered on my face as I blinked a few times, Tseng Dangun's body dropping to the ground in a heap. Blood… no… not blood. Red oil seeped out of his busted open skull, his metallic forehead busted out. I watched in full amazement as his torso began to shift, his jacket tearing open to reveal metallic doors as a small alien emerged from his chest. A gasp of horror had traveled through the ballroom when his head had popped like an overripe fruit, but when the alien stood at its full height of a foot and a half, gasps of pure shock filled the room.

I gazed down at the alien as it looked up at me. My gaze trailing upward to see the shattered window that a bullet had punched through. I worked my jaw for a moment before a sigh escaped me.

"How'd I miss that?" I wondered to myself as the ballroom descended into pure panic as the alien made a break for it. Wonder Woman and Aquaman immediately leapt into action while I helped myself to another flute of champagne from a stunned waiter.

I wish I had been able to close the deal at least.

But, I could use this… and a single glance at Lex Luthor told me that he intended to do the same.


Sean patrick

So this is completely unnecessary but that line about global trade being the default state of economies throughout history is not exactly true. Global trade prior to mercantilism and the European rise to power was mostly non-Asians trying to get to Asia. China and India produced everything the world required and everyone was trying to get to them. Particularly China, who didn't depend on any other economy to sustain itself. It acted largely independent of the world and when it closed foreign trade, the repercussions were felt in Europe. Not the other way around. Today's interconnected global trade is vastly different from the past. The Silk Road is nothing like dependent supply chains. The Silk Road is 'how do we get to China and how do we buy their stuff?'. The answer to that was: through land and sea, and we trade with Andean silver. The supply chain today is 'how do we reduce costs and increase output of a product as much as possible?' The answer to that is by distributing nodes throughout the world so that the labor is hired in countries where it is the cheapest, the resources are extracted in the country where it is the cheapest, products are assembled in the country where it is the cheapest, and products are sold in the country that is the richest and willing to pay the highest price. As you can see this is nothing like the Silk Road since in that time the only relevance non Asian powers had in global trade was the silver they brought to trade for Asian products, since the entire 'supply chain' for those products was confined to China or India. Global trade is efficient at improving the quality of goods, which is why it's important. Toyota is better than Ford and if Japan wasn't trading with America we might be stuck with shitty Fords. But we'll have still cars. But for large countries that can mostly be self sufficient, global trade isn't necessary. America could make all the products it ever needs, albeit they wouldn't be the best products, just like how China made everything and sold it for thousands of years before the modern age. Trade is good for small countries that can't produce everything but do have other valuable items to trade. For example, Germany can't be entirely self sufficient because they still need oil.

Anthony Essex

Did Lobo destroy the fake body like in cannon or was this a complete coincidence?