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So, some of you might recall that over a month ago, one of my bosses got fired and his division more or less imploded in the most spectacular fashion. That was an ongoing situation until very recently. The TLDR is that the division wasn't just run by an idiot, but a criminal idiot. A big issue is that there were a number of orders that didn't have actual buyers, and some buyers were actually himself or shell companies -- so, money laundering and stealing from corporate. At least, that's what I've heard -- though, I do know he's facing jail time. 

My part was more or less trying to restructure the division, find out what they actually needed and what numbers they gave and expended since the ones for the past three decades couldn't be trusted. It was a long and time-consuming process that sucked all of the ass and I'm very glad that it's over even if it's a nice feather in my hat. 

However, it means that for the past month I've been burning the candle at both ends and I'm really starting to feel it. I need a quick break to recharge the batteries before I go back to the daily grind. As always, after the break, the schedule will go back to what it was - Gone Native on Monday, Risk It All on Tuesday, See No Evil on Wednesday, but Fool's World will be pushed back to its Saturday slot. 

And I might have a surprise for you all on Thursday or Friday. 



Real life first, thanks for the heads up though.


RL first, burnout and stress is no joking matter. Just pace yourself and get some rest and relaxation

Scott H (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-08 04:43:05 Holy shit! Damn, that's crazy. Take a well deserved rest.
2021-10-31 15:00:01 Holy shit! Damn, that's crazy. Take a well deserved rest.

Holy shit! Damn, that's crazy. Take a well deserved rest.

Blair Shirley

Take yourself a good break man, even longer than you mentioned if needed. That shit sounds incredibly stressful and you easily deserve some relaxation.

Kabir Kumar

Take your time. Thanks for letting us know.

Lazy Wizard

Kick back and relax, decompress. Sounds like you need it after that shitstorm. We will be waiting patiently, as always.

The Panda Queen

Have fun man but now I'm excited for Thursday and Friday, I love all your stories but I'm not really interested in Fate so I'm very interested on what this surprise is

Eldar Zecore

Damn, sorry to hear that things have been so crazy. Hope things are getting better with work

Denis Safiev

Sounds like one hell of a shitstorm. Take your time. Looking forward to the surprise you have for us!


Now that’s some serious shit, take a well deserved break and come back when feel rested. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for the stories


I'm more impressed you even work still and writing is a side gig despite how successful it's been


Take all the time you need

Nick Russo

Take your time. We’ll be here when you’ve recovered.


Take your time and hang in there! Good luck!


Take what ever time you need.


Everyone needs a break now and again