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I was talking with my beta the other night about Fool's World and the importance of the first girl and how Korra more or less checked all the boxes that I wanted. But, I was having a little buyer's remorse because I do know that she's a bit of an unconventional choice that comes with some baggage since Legend of Korra isn't recalled fondly by most. 

I still think I can pull it off, but we were talking about possible alternatives and the plans for girls that would be coming in the future. One of which is Nobara Kugisaki from Jujutsu Kaisen

And, like a fool, I wrote a quick draft of the first chapter to feel out the idea mostly just to get it out of my system. But, I liked it. I really liked it. And so did my beta, who much preferred it to the Korra draft. 

Which leads to me making this post. Nobara Kagisaki will be replacing Korra in Fool's World. It wasn't an easy decision, but I think it would be for the best. I've kinda fallen into a habit of writing a passive good first girl -- Tifa, Hestia, Hinata -- and I think Nobara will break that habit in a good way while also letting me tell an interesting story. 

So, what does this mean? Fool's world will be delayed a couple of days so I can make the revisions and get them to my beta. Thursday will be the temporary update day for Fool's World, both because of the revisions and because it would be much easier on me because work is still determined to fuck me. 

Sorry about the late notice, and thank you for your understanding. Again, I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't think it was for the good of the story. 



The change makes sense to me, and sounds great for the story, especially since you're planning to minimize the party.

Adrian Gorgey

Trust you, sounds like she would fit well


Yessssssssssssssss. Nobara>>>>>>>>>korra any day


I'm fine with it. Personally don't feel anyone from Avatar brings anything to the table. They all equally annoy me with their personalities


I guess it's a good thing that I made the decision to let the story get a few more chapters before I started reading it, I know nothing of her but I suppose that means I'll have to watch the anime now.


It would be interesting to see a change in pace, plus it would nice to see Nobara and would kinda mesh better with the lax MC since she takes charge without much prompt


Best of luck with the new direction.


You should watch it anyway. Jujutsu Kaisen is one of those anime that is just good in every respect. All signs point to it becoming a classic in the making.


Wait, which story has hinata as the first girl? Tifa was the young justice Gotham one, hestia was the skyrim gamer, which story was hinata from?


Hinata was in the one that he scrapped for the YJ Gotham one if i remember correctly


I'm not too happy with this... Didn't like legend of korra, but liked korra herself. She just felt right to me while I was reading through chap 1 of Fool's World. Since you already, decided to change, there's nothing to be done.. I hope the revised chapter is as good as you and your beta think it is.


RIP. I was reading if specifically because it did include Korra. Guess this is another thing I'll have to drop of yours.


Like I said, I wouldn't have made the decision unless I was sure. I'm not doing it because I dislike Korra in any way, I just think that I can tell an overall much stronger story with Nobara. With Korra, she was always going to be outshined as the team powerhouse in Fate because of the Servants. What she had was versatility, but that would have been diminished as the story progressed with future jumps. With Nobara's Jujutsu sorcery, in addition to being an interesting character on her own, her powerset means she'll always be relevant, and invaluable in Fate.

Prince Vegeta

Upset about the wait but also really looking forward to kugasaki being apart of this because I love her


Which book has hinata?


That's sick. There's very little JJK content out there. Looking forward to it


Rather ambivalent about it this early in the chapters. But it's probably for the best to do it this way than to have the idea niggling at you a few chapters in and feeling regretful about it for the rest of the story.


Totally support your decision and am interested in seeing what you do with this new character. Will Korra come back to the series later maybe?

Kevin Lee

I liked Korra but I also like Nobara. hmmm... Either way I'll support whatever decision you make


Wait what story has Hinata as first girl?