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Sorry to spring this on you all last minute, but a lot of work was just dropped on my lap at work so it'll be a lot more convenient for me if I move up the break a week earlier than planned. I don't like doing this, especially when I already gave a date and when it's last minute, but I wouldn't do it if I thought it was avoidable. 

For those that care, the long and short of it is that my boss got fired for inappropriate office behavior. Upon being fired, it was discovered that he was an idiot and his workload operated on a method of madness that only he understood. Which he isn't keen on sharing on account of being fired. So, it's up to me and a few others to figure out how the fuck his division even functioned. And that means long hours and time I would normally spend writing being dedicated to unfucking a clusterfuck. 

As for the part most of you actually care about -- the final chapter of Power Corrupts will be posted as planned on Saturday mostly because I don't want to wait another week to end the story. There will be no Gone Native, Risk It All, or See No Evil for the rest of that week. But, on the next Monday, the schedule continues as planned, though there will be no update on Saturday because I'm taking an additional week to polish off Fool's World. 



Good luck man


Same hope you guys figure it out


Hope things go alright

The Human

Will you still have enough of a break? If it's going to mean no break just burning your candle for something else, but still run ragged, maybe take a little extra time off?

Spencer Hydes

Good luck with the work stuff man, don't forget to get that rest and relaxation too though, otherwise it ain't much of a break lol. Take care


Life's life, take care and take off the planned week too. No need to burn yourself out.

Sean Glenn

It's cool take care thanks for the update


Best wishes in unducking that clusterduck.

Chip Skylark

I’m not saying that you should, and I think that’s it’s great that you haven’t quit your job….. but I’m genuinely curious why you don’t do what you do on patreon for full time? I know of plenty of content creators on various platforms that have quit college or their jobs to do stuff like this ( unfortunately or maybe not, a lot of them are on onlyfans lol)


It's partly because I had to work my ass off to get to the position that I'm in -- 80 hour weeks, being at the beck and call of my bosses, and kissing all the ass. So, by the time the Patreon took off to the point I could quit the day job, it was after I got the promotion I had wanted so it felt dumb to quit. It's also because I understand that the success I've had is temporary. One day Gone Native will end. So will See No Evil and Risk It All. When those stories end, people might not be interested in what comes next. While I do think I've continued to grow as an author during the near two years I've been doing this, not every hit will be a homerun. And not every story will be a hit. Long term, my job is more stable, if not as high paying. And, normally, I've never had a reason to quit. The position that I'm in normally leaves me with a lot of time to write and do my own thing. It's only once in a blue moon that something like this happens and suddenly there's no time to write. Plus, insurance is stupidly expensive and I get dental, so not only do I make more money working both, I also save money.


no problem man real life is the most important thing take all the time you need