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Organization didn't take that long, all things considered. Oddly enough, the Skyrim natives took pretty well from the 'Outlanders' for the most part. There was some serious culture clash between some groups -- Konosuba ran off of stupid, and in Skyrim, stupid got you killed, but the gods ended up being figures that unified the unlikely groups. The gods from Konosuba reassured those from Konosuba that all was well. The gods in town that were from Skyrim and Hestia reassured the natives that all was well.

Me telling everyone to calm the fuck down also helped.

The only real issue left was that Sheogorath and the Crimson Demon Clan got on like a house on fire. And, more than once, they set a house on fire. But that's why we invited the fire department, so that really wasn't my concern.

"You've changed," Serana noted as I made myself a sandwich. It was an ideal remark that didn't have much prompting, which is why I just cocked an eyebrow as I took a bite. "You used to have a lot more tact. Spoke softly, as it were," she clarified.

I chewed thoughtfully before swallowing with a shrug, "Diplomacy is overrated," I decided. "Bending over backward to get people to like me didn't work. Now I'm just going to do my thing. Everyone can get on board or get out the way," I said, knowing I was quoting someone, but I wasn't sure who. But, it was fitting so I shamelessly stole it.

"Not something most people would like to hear from a king," Serana pointed out, but there was a lack of heat behind her words. It seemed like she felt compelled to point that out for my sake.

"Probably not, but that's not my problem," I said with a smile, earning a thin one in response. Honestly speaking, I didn't intend to be much of a King. The only reason I bothered to keep the crown was because of the absolutely massive discount on teleporting other people through the multiverse. Hestia seemed to enjoy the day-to-day responsibilities, so I would leave them to her. And whoever else wanted to help her out. Maybe Eris since she was kinda panicking about losing her job since we broke the quarantine.

In all, I was just wearing the crown. I didn't have any aspirations to be king to start with and I had less now.

Serana let out a sigh, "Just don't be too honest. Most people can't handle the truth," she remarked.

"Can't make any promises," I said, finishing off my sandwich and tossing the dirty plate in my inventory so I could wash it later. "Are you ready?" I asked her, the topic shifting to the elephant in the room.

Serana seemed to think about it, her eyes roaming me before her head dipped into a nod, "I believe so. We have all the cards in our hands, and you appear… confident." She said, her gaze drifting up to meet me. "Before, you walked like the sky was weighing down on your shoulders. Now it's like you're treating Alduin as another dungeon dive." By that, she meant I had complete confidence that I could kill whatever was at the bottom of the dungeon.

And maybe she was right. It wasn't like I was going in overconfident as hell, but I did feel confident. I was several times stronger, Alduin was arriving the exact moment I wanted him to, and my support had already arrived. All that was really left were trying off loose ends and making some final preparations.

"Hmm," I hummed in thought before offering another small shrug of my shoulders. "I already beat him once," I reassured her lightly. Serana seemed to appreciate my confidence. And, I'm guessing, not being the sole point of failure in the plan that the entire world depended on. That probably also helped.

My attention was stolen when I heard the front door open, "Jericho!" I heard Hestia shout, making me peak out of the kitchen to see that Hestia had arrived with guests. My expression instantly went flat when I saw who they were.

Azura entered the manor that I built with my own two hands, looking around with faint interest. My gaze settled on the one behind her, though. The Nerevarine. Onyx black skin with stark white hair that fell down to his shoulders in a wild mane of hair. His gaze met mine, and a slight smile appeared on his face. Almost as if he saw exactly what just went through my mind the moment that I saw him.

"We are here to uphold our end of the bargain," Azura said, squaring her shoulders and looking haughty the moment she saw me. Hestia hid a dull expression by looking at me rather than them, betraying her annoyance.

"Would have been nice if you showed up in the original timeline," I remarked, speaking to one of the few people that would understand exactly what I meant. To that, the Nerevarine offered an unapologetic shrug in response.

"The future is open to those that know how to see it. I found this future preferable to others," he defended his absence easily, expecting me to understand. And… it was annoying that I kinda did. I could see why he decided to be a no-show. It made sense from his point of view.

If he had shown up, a lot of bad things wouldn't have happened. People wouldn't have died. I probably wouldn't have died. We would have won, but it would have been at a cost. I could see that too clearly.

By not showing up, he enabled me to grow stronger several times over. I gained more powerful allies. I gained ways to empower those allies. There were good reasons why I was feeling confident about round two with Alduin.

When it came to a choice between timeline A and B, it was clear that this one was more preferable. It had far more advantages. It was a clear choice. Which is why the Nerevarine picked it. It made absolute sense. He'd have to be an idiot for choosing anything different.

But, that was my life he had played games with. I watched people I cared about die. Just because they were alive now didn't mean that I hadn't watched them die. Letting him off the hook for that rubbed me the wrong way, even if I could admit that he had a valid reason to.

“And if I say I’m leaving it to you since I killed him last time?” I questioned, but there was a sigh in my voice. One that the Nerevarine heard because he gave me a pointed look.

"If that is your wish, then it will be done. But we both know that you want to kill him yourself," he pointed out with the certainty of someone who knew they were right. And he was. I did want to kill Alduin with my own two hands. While we spoke, Azura looked between us, trying to hide her confusion, but she didn't do a good job of it. Especially when she looked back and forth, her eyes narrowed into squints, while she frowned.

It was annoying. Honestly, I wanted to punish him for being a dick. Tell him to fuck off or something, but doing that meant that Azura would have fucked me with the trade deal we made. I mean, she already did, but getting the Nerevarine on my side had just as much appeal as the Black Star. So, if I did tell them to fuck off, I pretty much have Azura a Jarlship, a hell of a trade deal, and pretty much unlimited financial support. None of which I really cared about. It was a matter of principle.

The Black Star was worth it alone, but…

"Eh, whatever," I dismissed the entire issue with a shrug, disinterested in escalating. Instead of looking at how the Nerevarine fucked me, I decided to look at it as him giving me a chance to grow stronger, and letting me expand the familia. Hestia seemed a bit surprised at the easy dismissal, as did Serana, who was far more open with her expressions when she was standing behind me, where she thought I couldn't see her.

The Nerevarine, the prick, just nodded like he expected nothing less. "We shall be available whenever you decide to release Alduin," he said, knowing something that he shouldn't. Chim was such bullshit. I should have gone for enlightenment instead of gathering allies and stat growth. He offered a small bow before he grabbed a hold of Azura's hand. The haughty goddess blushed as the display of affection, immediately undercutting whatever she had been about to say.

With that, they turned around and left.

"Well… that went well," Hestia decided, looking proud of me. I think she was mistaking my lack of interest for restraint. Not that I was going to correct her. "And we're all ready for an evacuation! The only people that are staying are the ones fighting. The city should be clear by tomorrow."

Serana took that as her cue for she knew what that meant. "I think I'll go introduce myself to the Crimson Demon Clan," she announced, giving both of us a nod before she headed for the door. Hestia waved goodbye, but when the door closed behind her, she looked at me with faint disappointment.

"Trauma isn't something you get over so easily," I reminded her, earning a sad sigh. Her frustration came from the fact that there wasn't really anything we could do but give her time and space. "She'll come to us when she feels comfortable. We just have to wait."

"I know… but I wanted the entire familia involved… I guess we'll just have to wait on that," Hestia said as she approached, making me dip down to effortlessly sweep her off her feet. Hestia leaned in to plant a kiss on my lips, humming happily as she did so. I kissed her back as I headed for the bedroom. Expanded vision prevented me from tripping over anything, and when the door swung open…

It was hard to stay mad about the turn my life had taken when I was seeing such a blatant reminder that my life, at its worst, was still pretty awesome.

There were three nude women on my bed -- Megumin, Darkness, and Yunyun. At least I was assuming the latter was nude since she was currently under the covers. Megumin was pulling on Darkness's nipples with a look of curious awe on her face as Darkness mewled in pleasure. Yunyun watched on from underneath the covers, her masturbation not quite as subtle as she might think it was.

But, they weren't the only ones in the room. Sitting on a chair was Aela, who tried to read a book to no avail because her gaze kept drifting to Darkness and Megumin. Lydia stood next to her, standing awkwardly off to the side, looked at us as we entered and seemed excited and nervous in equal measures.

Lydia almost looked odd without her armor, I thought because this was the first time I had seen her without it. Her black hair was left undone, letting it fall to the center of her back. She wore a linen shirt, but nothing else, revealing long legs the color of cream. Her palm-sized breasts poked at the shirt, revealing hardened nipples.

"Sorry about the wait, even though it looks like you got started without us," I said, bringing the attention to me. Megumin flinched back as if her hands had been caught in a cookie jar while Darkness looked on the verge of an orgasm fueled by pure excitement.

Aela looked up at me, "This wasn't what I imagined when we first became one," the redhead pointed out, her tone idle without any real heat. More of an amused observation rather than an accusation. Then her eyes slid to Lili, who sat in the corner across from her. Her gaze flickered to her, then to the few on the bed, then to Hestia, and finally to me. I could see the question of logistics in her eyes, but she didn't voice it.

She wouldn't believe it until she saw it.

"Me neither," I agreed, "We can do something private later, if you want," I extended the offer once again to her and Lydia when this was first brought up. In short, I was giving out power-ups. My bonus to my stats would be given to my partners and by tomorrow, I would recover the drop in stats. On top of that, Hestia could offer increased blessings. So, Alduin was super fucked.

Aela shook her head, "This… is fine with me," she said as she stood up. With casual ease, she reached up to the leather string at the back of her neck that held up her top and undid it with a flick of her wrist. The flaps came undone, revealing her pale breasts that were capped with rosy red nipples. "I've waited too long for this as it is."

Lili made a noise, "Lili thinks we should go by seniority amongst the familia," she said, meaning that she would go first.

"Jericho already said that Yunyun was next… and he owes me, so I'm going after her!" Megumin offered as I kicked the door closed behind me. Hestia raised a hand up to quell the arguing before it could really begin.

"As the goddess of this familia, I'll decide who's going first," Hestia decided, looking out at everyone. They waited a moment to hear her decision, accepting that she had the right to decide. "The one who will go first is… me!" Hestia announced, clinging to me jealously at the expressions of everyone else.

"Lady Hestia has spent too much time with Lady Dibella…" Lili muttered under her breath.

"You heard her," I said, ending the conversation with action as well as words. I undid Hestia's blue bow at her neck, letting the blue ribbon fall to the ground as her top became undone, freeing her breasts that bounced as I laid her down onto the bed. There was an excited, but loving smile on her face as I began to take off my shirt, only the feel hands stop me. I saw it was Lydia and Aela, their hands roaming my body before they began to take off my shirt for me.

Lili claimed into the bed, her hands going to my pants. Megumin joined in, though she tugged at them with far less grace than Lili. Darkness, and surprisingly Yunyun, helped pull the dress off of Hestia, the latter only joining in when she saw that everyone else was, though she tried to work underneath the covers to the best of her ability. It didn't really work, but with her stomach pressed to the bed, I only saw her back.

Within a few moments with a little finagling, I was nude. Hestia laid on the bed, her legs spread for me as she laid her hands on my hardened cock. She almost lazily stroked it, her nether lips drooling in anticipation. The other girls weren't idle either -- Megumin poked at my cock with an expression of absolute awe while Yunyun hid under the covers. Lili stroked what Hestia couldn't. Aela, surprisingly, chose to massage my balls as she pressed her body against mine. Lydia and Darkness chose to focus on Hestia, the latter pulling the goddesses head into her lap while the former held her hands.

Together, Lili and Hestia guided my cock inside of her, enveloping my length in her familiar grip. Hestia let out a sigh of relief as she clenched around me, eagerly drawing me deeper inside of her until I bottomed out. I heard Aela make a sound of disbelief, “I suppose seeing is believing,” she remarked as she looked at Hestia.

I let out a chuckle as a hand that rested on the small of her back began to trail downward. Lili was already in position, on all fours, granting me perfect access to her lower lips. She let out a moan as my pointer finger slipped inside her slick folds. All the while, Lydia stood behind me, running her hands over my body as if it were an object of worship. The others watched on, Yunyun furiously masturbating under the covers by the sounds of it while Megumin tentatively poked at Hestia like she had never seen another woman before.

This was going to be an experience, I thought to myself. I had a threesome. Once. This was a full-on orgy and I was the only dick in sight. I had spread the love out, so to speak. Get those that’s turns were coming up next warmed up while not neglecting the one that I was currently buried inside. Even with that plan of attack, there were still another four girls that weren’t getting any attention. Yunyun was taking care of herself, and Darkness was getting off at the immorality of it all, but when it was their turn, those that weren’t receiving attention...

I’m overthinking this. It was time to let my dick do the thinking for me, and just do what felt natural.

With that thought in mind, I pulled my hips back, careful to not knock Lydia away, before I slammed them forward. Her pale breasts bounced with the impact, her breathing hitching as she clenched down reflexively, while my hands fingered both Lili and Aela. That was the moment, for the others, that it sunk in that this was happening. Hestia moaned deeply as I found a familiar rhythm that I knew that she loved. She grabbed hold of the fur blanket as I fucked her, her blue eyes wide as she looked up at me, her head in Darkness’s lap.

It wasn’t Darkness’s fetish but she seemed to be enjoying herself as I fucked Hestia and toyed with the bodies of others, while they in turn explored mine. I felt hands run over me from Lydia before Megumin also joined in, her eyes gleaming in the low light. Her hands explored my arms, forced to stand up on the bed to run her hands along my shoulders. Yunyun still chose to hide under the covers, yet she still swiveled around to watch.

I paid no mind in trying to restrain myself, instead choosing to focus on the sensations I was being assaulted with. Aela’s hot breath on my neck as I slipped my fingers inside of her, Lili’s throaty moans that were joined by Hestia’s. I let go on my grip of time, losing myself as I indulged on their bodies. I lifted Aela effortlessly, letting me take one of her breasts to my mouth.

I felt Hestia come once, then again, and again. Even when I spread my attention, she was easy to please and I pulled out all of the stops. My hips continued to move in that steady rhythm as I felt my first orgasm near. In no time at all… or it could have been hours, honestly, I came deep inside of her. Her back arched, her body covered in a sheen of sweat as she panted for breath. Her eyes met mine, a toothy smile thrown in my direction…

Then the next thing I knew, I was looking into Aela’s eyes as my cock pushed into her folds. Her jaw dropped while her eyes went wide, scarcely believing that I could fit inside of her. She let out a grunt, her hands clawing at my back before she bit her lip, “Fuck me.” I didn’t know if she meant that as a compliment or not, but…

“Yes, ma’am,” I told her before doing exactly that. I lifted her up rather than fucking her into the bed like I had with Hestia, letting Lydia circle around to slide her hands over Aela’s hips and towards her clit. Aela moaned wantonly when we began in earnest, her smaller breasts moving with a spry firmness while I drug her up and down my length. Megumin grew bolder and grabbed my face to plant a kiss on my lips. With my hands full with Aela, my attention wasn’t anywhere near as divided.

I plundered her mouth, making her moan into mine, her legs nearly giving out from the kiss alone. She hung off of me, forcing me to make a small detour of letting go of Aela with one hand to sweep my arm under Megumin’s legs. She sat in the crook of my elbow, rising and falling in rhythm as I fucked Aela. The room was filled the moans and the sounds of sex, her arousal dripping onto the blanket. I doubt the smell would ever leave it by the time we were done.

My hands squeezed at her ass, massaging it in the palms of my hands, earning a moan from Aela as her head fell to the nook of my neck. We barely began, and I felt her cumming as she tried to milk me dry. She failed to do so, but as we cycled through the positions as I savored her body -- feminine, yet firmly muscled. Especially her back from her longbow, I noticed as I took her from behind before I finally finished inside of her.

No sooner than I came, I felt myself getting pushed onto the bed. Megumin and, surprisingly, Yunyun were the cause. Aela collapsed face-first into the bed next to me as I rolled into my back. For the first time, I saw Yunyun naked as she knelt above me, her gaze affixed to my cock that was drenched in the combined fluids of others and my own.

She had way too lewd of a body for such a sweet girl, I thought. Her breasts were full in the shape of a teardrop with pebbled nipples serving as their peaks. Her stomach was flat that gave way to wide hips and thicc thighs yet she still had a small thigh gap that revealed a small cleft at her groin. Yunyun's expression promptly fell when Megumin straddled up, lining my cockhead with her entrance.

I didn't say anything on account that I had been rather rough with her when she lost her virginity. Megumin began to sink down, "You better be gentler this…" she started before trailing off as Yunyun reached out to help her but ended up pushing Megumin down. I'm not even sure how she managed to do it on account I was paying a bit too much attention to her body.

"Actually," Megumin gasped out, clenching down on me with an impossible tightness. "I want it like last time," Megumin decided while Lili went to my side before going to straddle my face. With a smirk, she sat down and I eagerly ate her out while I fucked Megumin every bit as hard as I had the first time. I used her like a fleshlight and I heard her squeal in delight. She came a half dozen times before I even began to slow down, and Lili met her beat for beat when it came to orgasms.

I slammed Megumin down before I unleashed myself within her, earning a strained groan before she began to fall back. I didn't see it, but it sure felt like Megumin got shoved off my dick before I felt someone else grab it.

"It's my turn?!" Yunyun decided, half daring someone to contradict her and half asking if that was okay. She didn't wait for an answer before she began lowering herself down onto my cock, "If Megumin can fit it inside her… then I can to…!" She added, forcing my cock into her velvety channel that massaged my sensitive length. I was actually impressed when her hips hit mine, fitting every inch inside of her out of sheer willpower. She let out a downright delicious moan and Lili seemed to sense my intentions because she got off of my face.

Yunyun's eyes were glowing brightly, her blush still on her cheeks while her hands went to her stomach, feeling me buried deep inside of her. "How do you want it?" I asked her, making Yunyun gulp while Darkness moaned at her loss when I withdrew a hand from her sopping wet can't.

She gave me a feeble smile twinged with excitement and nervousness. "Like Megumin?" She tried, her smile widening when one found its way onto my face. Her eyes widened when I flipped us around, laying her into the bed before I grabbed hold of her legs. I felt her smooth skin under my fingers as I forced her to spread wide, proving that she was flexible.

Then I began.

Yunyun, as it turns out, was a screamer.

Almost as soon as I began to pound her into the bed, Yunyun howled with pleasure, her red eyes practically glowing they shone so brightly. Her entire body shook from the impact, her ass turning a cherry red as I fucked her into the bed, much to the amusement of the other girls. I was almost determined to break the bed that's headboard hit the wall with each thrust. Or break her. Her hands curled up into fists as she gripped the blanket, her pussy dripping with arousal long before I laid a finger on her, and now that I had and much more, she leaked like a broken faucet.

In the end, it was me that ended up giving out first. I grunted as I bottomed out inside of her, filling her to the absolute brim. Yunyun let out a strangled gasp before her head rolled to the side, blacking out from coming too hard. I let out a breath as I pulled out of her, letting a flood of cum escape her pussy.

No sooner than I had, Darkness was climbing over Aela to shove my cock into her mouth. I grabbed her head and roughly made her deep throat despite the awkward angle. I held her head there for a long few seconds before I ripped my cock out of her mouth. She came from it based on the small gush of cum that escaped her from between her legs.

Hestia was eying me like she was ready for round two, but neither Lili nor Lydia had round one. I opened my mouth to tell one of the two to get ready, only for a knock at the door to get my attention. Whoever was knocking didn't wait for an answer because a second later the door was kicked in.

A very nude Sheogorath stepped into the bedroom, a crazed grin on her lips. That, for the most part, wasn't that surprising. What was is that Wiz was behind her, her hand still raised to knock. Her jaw was slack at she saw on the other side, her one visible eye so wide that it could have fallen out of her head.

"I'm here for power-ups and to get some good dick! And I heard this is where I can get both!" Sheogorath said before she leaped at me, intending to jump straight into my dick, only to get blocked by Darkness as she quickly went to deep throat me again. I caught her and saw Sheogorath toss me a wink before she looked to Wiz.

"Not the time for cold feet! You have a living body again! Time to use it!" Sheogorath said and… Wiz wasn't a Lich anymore? When did that happen? Eh, I wasn't going to question it. Especially not when I saw Wiz step inside the room before closing the door behind her, only to find that it was busted.

Wiz blushed as she met my gaze before her hands went to her robes. "Ease take care of me…" she trailed off, her clothing falling off of her and piling up at her feet. Almost as if they were designed to be easily removed.

"I intend to," I told her, taking in a breath.

It was going to be a long night. And if I had it my way, none of us would be sleeping a wink.


Just a reminder -- Power Corrupts will be ending on chapter 90, so one chapter left. I'll save my thoughts for the final chapter AN, but I will say it's been a wild ride and it's hard to believe that it's almost over. 



Nice. Nice nice nice ni-You know what, you get where I’m going with this.

The Panda Queen

Huh well I at least enjoyed Power Corrupts as it was the first story I read from you, do you plan to start another story or increase the updates on the other stories?


Man... Can't believe it's over... It's been a wild ride