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The Unrelenting Force was a finicky word of power. In Skyrim, I had slowly mastered it as it grew in incriminates. Then, in the final battle against Alduin, the word of power grew in strength as I began to embody the idea of being an unrelenting force of nature. I never managed to reach the point of Alduin, who with the same shout, had practically leveled a mountain.

There was a small part of me that feared that the Thu'um might be weaker. I might have lived on after death, but that wasn't to say that there weren't consequences. My confidence had taken a hit, to be certain. I became more cautious rather than slamming my head against the problem until it went away. In the end, I didn't rely on pure force to do things.

But that small part of me was silenced as the shout left my lips. Hestia was behind me. I couldn't afford to take so much as a single step back. I refused to die again. My confidence had been shaken, broken even, but like a bone, when it mended, it was stronger than it was before.

The space between me and Shartan was devastated as the shout traveled forward with a sonic boom that seemed to shake the planet down to its core while a powerful gust of wind followed in the shout’s wake. The construction efforts were instantly leveled, practically outright vaporized as the unrelenting force rushed forward towards the enemy army.

Of all the times I used the shout, this was without a doubt the strongest. It expanded in scope, washing over the enemy like a tidal wave that blasted them away. This shout had more in common with Alduin's than it did any previous of my previous ones. Dust flew up, blinding me, but as impressive as the shout was, I knew that wouldn't be the end of it.

It was a good opening move, but by no means was it the finale.

I sucked in a slow breath, my foot digging into the soft stone that crumbled underfoot, every muscle in my legs tensing, before I leaped forward. I shot off like a coiled spring, discovering just how fast I was with a new level on my falna. Before, my best speed was in the ballpark of two hundred miles per hour. Very fast, and something far beyond the limits of humanity. However, as I heard a crack like thunder roaring in my ears, I realized just how much faster I was.

From zero to over eight hundred miles per hour instantly. There was no comparing it.

I brought forth Soul Edge, leveling it at Shartan as I sailed through the dust and smoke like a speeding arrow. Gritting my teeth, I clenched down on my blade and thrust forward in preparation. It had been a guess, but one that paid off when the tip of Soul Edge slammed into an invisible wall of shimmering air, cracks of light snaking through it from enduring the full force of my Thu'um.

On the other side of the barrier, the rolling hills and lush grass outside the city of Axel were unharmed, leaving the army of monsters and undead that currently occupied it intact. The only damage I had managed to do would have been to the flanks.

"Impressive," Shartan remarked in my ear as Soul Edge carved a line through the barrier. My gaze darted to the priestess that had her hands out wide, a staff of silver and gold in one hand with a pink crystal shaped in a heart resting at the top. More pressingly than her were the adventurers that raced towards me the instant that I broke through the barrier.

In a blur, I lashed out at the nearest one that was intent on getting in my way on my warpath toward Shartan. My lips thinned when I saw my blade pass right through his like it wasn't even there. Worse, I felt a pinch in my gut as his blade continued forward to cut right through my armor. An intangible blade that ignored defenses.

A magic circle appeared around me as I accepted the blow to continue straight at Shartan. My blade swung free, sending a crescent arc of burning, hellish flames at Shartan. The fire slammed into the skeleton, blackening its bones, before it crumbled to ash, the rags he wore burning away as his corpse fell apart. My eyes narrowed into slits, but my attention was momentarily stolen by gravity deciding to work overtime on me.

I slammed into the ground, the magical circle below me stopping me from sinking into it as it felt like a hundred tons of added weight was being pushed down on me. My armor, which always felt as light as air, might as well have weighed as much as the sky itself. With my expanded vision, I saw the others prepare their attacks. Flashes of light, magic, special blades, and cheat abilities.

If I got hit with all of that, then I was definitely going to die.

"FUS RO DAH!" I shouted at the ground, knowing that it was my only chance. The magic circle at my feet shattered like glass before I was enveloped by a huge cloud of dust. I thought I would be sent flying upward by the force, but my armor absorbed the kinetic energy of the shout. I fell to the ground after falling a hundred feet or so, launching myself back up as I swung Soul Edge. Fire raced through the dust and smoke, carving a long line towards the adventurers, only for the arc of fire to wink out before reaching any of them.

"Ohhh, you're cut from a different cloth, I see! I thought that decoy would be a nice surprise! Haha! I never thought it would have been one-shot at the start of the battle!" Shartan's disembodied voice praised, even as his soldiers responded to his silent command, surrounding me. So, it had just been a decoy? I guess nothing could be that easy.

A flash of movement behind me caught my attention as I continued to sail through the air, forcing me to maneuver myself midair to block a blow. However, in a flash of blue, that figure suddenly appeared in front of me. I was soon folded over a fist that slammed into my gut, and as the light faded, I saw who struck me. I snarled as I lashed out with a backhanded fist strike I had thrown at the same moment I was struck, "Fucking weeb."

He had made himself look like Goku. I had some cringy anime days in my past, but even then I still had more taste than that.

The Goku-look alike was sent flying, so I guess he didn't get the complete power set. That was good. But, my moment of bliss passed when I saw another bright light come from within the dust. I braced with Soul Edge, but I still felt the heat as a big fuck-off laser washed over me, blinding me so the only thing I could see was white in all directions. It pushed me back, but my armor took the bulk of it so I ended up falling out of the laser after a short moment. But, even taking the bulk of it, I was still sent flying dangerously close to the city. It seems like my chest piece was the part of me that absorbed all the kinetic force, leaving my arms and legs to suffer lesser protection.

Steam wafted off of me, my armor smoking from the heat. I leveled my gaze at the source, but I couldn't find it. They were lost in a flash of dozens of new lights, dozens of overpowered spells, and-

An arrow struck me and it felt like I had been hit in the face with a nuke. My armor rang, taking the brunt of the damage and force once again, but I was sent flying into the hardy stone walls of Axel. Gritting my teeth, I took in a deep breath and spoke. "FUS RO DAH!" I shouted, to send the other projectiles and spells away from me as I threw myself back into the fight, sprinting forward in the wake of my shout.

The situation was going about as well as I expected. If it was a couple of them, even as little as ten of them, I could win. I was certain of it. Their weapons and abilities were overpowered, but between my equipment and stats, I could match them. However, the same couldn't be said for a thousand. Individually, I could take them on. But I just couldn't get a foothold with so many spamming their OP abilities.

Bursting through the smoke, I sailed overhead, to looking down at the elite undead that were still in formation. Archers leveled their bows at me, magic casters readied their spells, while warriors prepared themselves to clash blades. Another barrier had sprung up to protect them from my latest shout… but… how about this one?

"JOOR ZAH FRUL!" I shouted, intent on ripping their defenses away from them. The shout snapped the barrier like glass and washed over the enemy battalion. I saw an adventurer collapse, along with a few others, but it was only a handful when compared to a thousand. I swung my blade, an arc of fire rushing from the tip that was met in force by a half dozen spells that blasted right through it.

The ones that were affected seemed to be the ones that had a biological ability of some kind rather than relying on weapons or armor. Useful to know. It would be helpful if I knew the Disarm shout , but that wasn't one I had practiced. It was a difficult shout to internalize. In the end, I wasn't the kind of person that wanted to strip the enemy of their defenses. I'd rather just barge right threw them.

Even if I really wished that I was at the moment.

I hit the ground like a meteorite, carving a deep furrow into the dirt. Almost as soon as I landed, I was greeted by a high kick from a Chun-Li knock-off. I blocked the blow and instantly regretted it as I felt myself being driven to a knee as the ground warped around us, the blow thousands of times more powerful than I expected. My armor sang, a charge accepted, then another as the Chun-Li knock-off spun sharply as she kicked me in the ribs. I accepted the blow and barely felt it while I countered at the same moment.

Soul Edge skewered her, the cursed blade feasting on her soul, and her lifeless corpse hit the ground. More rushed me with swords, spears, axes, and the like. I swung down at my feet and for the first time, I channeled the kinetic energy that I had been storing and delivered an explosive strike directly at my feet. The explosion of pure concussive force that was unleashed rivaled Megumin at her best as the ground underneath me was completely obliterated.

The monster army took a major hit, thousands of them dying in the swing, but more noticeably, I managed to destroy the charging adventurers. Killing them one at a time was possible. The plan didn't change that much.

Instead, I just had to be in the thick of them so they couldn't fully unleash their full power, or easily deploy their defenses. As rubble rained down, I threw myself forward, bashing through the wall of destructive wind with a FUS to lead the way. In the blink of an eye, I saw the army once again bathed by the shimmering light that peeked through the clouds of smoke that seemed to cover the land.

Only this time, that shimmering aura didn't form into a barrier, but covered the undead adventurers. I knew the look of that aura. The adventurers had just been blessed. My gaze searched for the source, but instead, I found Shartan, once again on top of his horse, standing at the head of the army.

"Okay, this is getting to be a bit much," Shartan said, his voice echoing in my ears. "How about we call a quick time out real quick to let the dust settle? This is a battle of the ages! It'd be the worst if no one could actually see it," Shartan said, sounding entirely unconcerned. That did bring me up short -- the fact he was calling for a time out might mean that he felt cautious, or it could mean he was planning something, or that he was going to use that time to bring back those that had died.

It was a red flag. Given the fact that his soldiers had been blessed … it felt like calling a time out was possibly the worst thing I could do.

If I was trying to win, that is. Defeating them wasn't actually my goal. I was working on a timer. The more time they wasted dicking around, the better it was for me. Especially if it meant I had a chance to regroup.

"Alright," I agreed after a moment of thought, pointedly hefting Soul Edge onto my shoulder as I strode forward. Every muscle was coiled like a spring, ready for action as I approached. The tension as I walked forward, directly at the army instead of around it, was nearly unbearable. I saw the full might of the army then -- it was based on bullshit metagaming. Buffs and debuffs from clerics, all to make the overpoweredness that much more overpowered.

Shartan said nothing as I approached, walking right by him as I forced the army to part for me as I returned to the city of Axel. It was a power play of sorts to give the impression that I was a lot more confident than I was. I didn't bother swinging at him, knowing that it was just another decoy. I couldn't be certain if Shartan was even nearby since I kept hearing him as a whisper in my ear.

"Call it a fifteen-minute T," Shartan decided as I walked by, and the phrasing caught my attention.

"You aren't the first Demon King, are you?" I asked, not bothering to stop. I heard a chuckle in my ears as I walked through the army. I saw knock-offs upon knock-offs. I would like to talk trash, but I also went with familiar weapons and abilities. I couldn't even say that I didn't resemble Nightmare at this point.

"Nah, but I figured it'd make for a cool story. I'm just some asshole that got sent here to kill the first Demon King, but Aqua used to homebrew garbage items back in the day. Never came in any use until after I died," Shartan said, and that sounded pretty par for the course when it came to Aqua. I also noticed that he didn't mention what his ability was.

"Seems like an odd choice to want to attack her when Aqua given that she specializes in killing the undead?" I remarked, and I heard a chuckle in my ear.

“Who said I was undead?” He questioned and left it at that.

Silently, I approached the city of Axel. As I neared, I saw that I wasn't the only one that had been fighting -- monster bodies littered the space between the army and the gates, and many looked like they had been blown away with the powerful winds. A call to open the gates rang out as I approached, and as the doors swung open, I saw Darkness carrying Megumin.

She went through my entire store of mana potions in about five minutes? That was kinda incredible.

"Jericho! How do we know your mind hasn't been dominated-" Darkness began.

"Your favorite position is doggy style," I spoke, making Darkness blush harshly despite the situation. A couple of jaws dropped at the announcement, and I noticed that most people seemed to be no worse for wear. They were sporting some injuries, but based on the blood on their weapons, they gave more than they got. Kazuma looked particularly bloodied, what was left of his snow-white katana drenched in blood.

Darkness covered her face, "It's Jericho. Only he could completely disregard someone else's privacy like that." she said, looking both bashful and a little aroused at the same time.

Megumin have me a shaky thumbs-up, looking exhausted, "Nice Explosions," she offered, talking about the last one created by the use of my stored up kinetic energy. I knew she'd be proud of that one.

"We got a bit of breathing room until the dust settles. Where is Aqua?" I asked, and Megumin answered by pointing towards the Guildhall. I nodded, mulling over something as I approached. There was a chance that the time out would be all the time that we needed, but I didn't let myself get my hopes up. And I wasn't the only one taking advantage of the time out since the town's guards instantly went limp to gather their strength.

I marched straight to the Guildhall, forcing my way through crowds of cowering people. Pushing the door open, I saw a bright light coming from the second story. The guild was filled with people on their knees and praying to be saved -- part of me was annoyed with it, but those same prayers would help us get out of dodge faster. There wasn't anything wrong with praying when it actually did something.

Heading upstairs, I saw Hestia, Aqua, Eris, and Dust sitting in a circle as they funneled power into a ball of pure light that sat in between all of them. I might have thought that such a thing required all of their concentration, but Aqua quickly looked at me and offered a wave.

"Did you already win?" She asked, sounding like she fully expected me to have crushed Shartan underfoot. My helmet faded away, revealing my face as I shook my head.

"Not even close, but I did learn something interesting," I told her, catching not only her attention, but the attention of others. "Shartan said that he was one of yours that you sent to deal with the first Demon King." Eris flinched back while Hestia's gaze snapped to Aqua, who looked incredibly confused.

"There's… been more than one?" She questioned quietly.

Eris facepalmed, "Senpai…" she muttered, her voice dripping with disappointment. Aqua opened her mouth to defend herself, but I held up a hand.

"That's not important. What is, is that he said that his ability is tied into the kind you used to homebrew. Do you remember anything that could work after death?" I asked her, making Aqua's brow furrow in thought. At the moment, that was the only lead I had on how to actually beat the guy. He could always be lying, just like he had been about being the First Demon King, but…

A chance was a chance. It was worth exploring, at least.

"Yeah, I think so? I came up with a whole bunch of stuff back in the day, before it became too much work. There was the ability to polymorph, and become ethereal, and cast super realistic illusions," Aqua began, and that all sounded fine. But it didn't quite line up.

"Did they have to do something?" I questioned, fishing for an explanation on why Shartan viewed Aqua's homebrew abilities as shitty. And what could be seen as useless until after death?

Aqua gave a proud nod, "Of course! I wanted to preserve game balance back in the day, but after such a long time, I just gave up. For the abilities I created, you had to do stuff like have absolute focus on the ability to get it to work." She said, and I'm pretty sure I found it.

Absolute focus on an ability? In the middle of combat? Becoming ethereal? Without the ability to fly? Polymorph? What if you turned yourself into an object?

"Okay, but…" I trailed off, trying to phrase the question in such a way that she would give me the information I needed regardless of her opinion of her homebrew. "You said that adventure items would only work for their adventurer -- do they have to be alive for them to work?" I questioned, casting a net and fishing for clues to narrow it down.

I earned a slow nod in response as Eris spoke up, "They do."

Okay. We were getting somewhere, "So, Aqua, what would be an ability that would let Shartan control corpses as if they were alive? Because their weapons and abilities work."

Aqua, surprisingly, had an instant answer. "Puppetry! I thought it would have been really cool to make monsters you defeat work for you, but I didn't want some stinking undead ability," Aqua supplied the answer, "So, the monsters would be a little alive when you took control over them."



"And is there a requirement for this to work?" I asked, thinking it over in my mind. Aqua looked incredibly proud of herself for a moment.

"You can't lose concentration on using the ability," Aqua said, and the pieces clicked into place. The ability became useful after death because you didn't have a body providing constant distractions like restroom breaks or various urges. Using the ability on yourself left you a little alive to avoid getting hit by Turn Undead. And, I would imagine, after hundreds of years, you got good enough to lead an army of semi-alive undead Isekai protagonists.

"Perfect. Thanks, Aqua," I said before stopping, "How much longer until we're out of here?"

It was Hestia that answered, her voice laced with strain, "Fifteen minutes. Maybe a little more than that." Funny how things work out like that. So, did I wait out the clock? Try to take a knee?

Maybe. The dust would take 'about' fifteen minutes to settle. The spell would take 'about' fifteen minutes to charge. And I had had enough of counting on probablys and maybes and guesstimations.

"Alright. I can work with that," I said, once again descending the stairs as I left the goddesses to it. Megumin had apparently changed hands because it was Yunyun that was carrying her when I reached the bottom of the stairs. Yunyun had a pack in her hands, with an empty glass pot that looked like it had been licked clean inside, while she wore a sheepish expression on her face. Megumin seemed far less sheepish.

"Load it up! I'm getting ready for round two!" Megumin exclaimed, and I could only shake my head, finding myself bemused despite the situation.

She really went through my entire reserve of mana potions. "Would if I could, but you drank it all. There's nothing left," I replied, an aghast expression finding its way onto Megumin's features. She really had thought that my inventory was a never-ending fountain of mana potions.

"But how am I supposed to fight in the epic battle?! I can't believe I blew my load on a bunch of cannon fodder!" Megumin bemoaned her lot, but the phrasing of her complaining tickled something in the back of my mind. A conversation that was half-remembered, and a skill gained that I had yet to use simply because there hadn't been a need to use it.

I wouldn't even consider it normally, but these weren't normal circumstances, and… honestly… I ran out of fucks to give a while ago.

"That might not be true, but if we're going to do this, then we need to do it fast. I learned a skill from a succubus on how to transfer some of my mana into another person. But-" I started, being as upfront as possible, but it was surprisingly Yunyun that saw where I was going with this.

"You want to transfer vitality?" She questioned, going beet red in the face as she dropped the backpack to cover her face with her hands, only to wince at the sound of breaking glass that followed.

I tilted my head as Megumin looked puzzled, "You know about that skill?"

Impossibly, Yunyun got even more embarrassed, "I… tried to go to the succubus salon. They taught me the skill as an apology and then black-listed me because my fantasies were too sad…"

This girl… Megumin spoke up as I took a moment to recover from the implications that her fantasies were so sad that they blacklisted her, just like they blacklisted Darkness for being too much of a freak. "What's the skill? If it means I can fight, I'll do it in a heartbeat-"

"It’s a sex skill," I clarified, making Megumin's jaw drop. "My vitality can be transferred through semen. I understand if you have reservations, but I'm not a minute man, Megumin. I need an answer now or there won't be enough time for me to cum." That was a sentence and a half, but it seemed appropriate given the circumstances.

Megumin gaped up at me, at a complete loss for words. Yunyun was blushing so hard that every inch of her skin was a cherry red. However, Megumin closed her mouth a second later. She adopted a resolute expression that held an air of serene acceptance.

"If it's for explosion magic, I will do anything!" She repeated the same words that she spoke to me the first time we had met. I was impressed with her dedication, even if I did think that dedication could better be applied elsewhere.

"Alright. Follow me then."

“A-are you seriously going to do this wearing armor?” Megumin asked, laid out on a table, looking apprehensive despite her proclamation. That was to be expected though. In response, I let the armor fade away from my form, revealing clothing that sported some burn marks because of the intense heat I had endured earlier.

“I’m sorry about this, Megumin,” I said, genuinely sorry. I know that she wouldn’t really see it, but sex was something you should treat with respect. Especially when you were taking someone’s virginity. It should be more than a quickie and a tool for a climactic battle. But, at the moment, that’s what we had.

I couldn’t even tell her not to bother participating because… I had an idea lurking in the back of my mind, taking shape rapidly.

“It’s fine,” Megumin dismissed, a flush on her cheeks as her hands clutched at the edges of her skirt. “I mean, I totally saw this coming when you pretty much admitted that the familia was a harem. And, it’s not like… well… I don’t dislike you…” Megumin muttered, trailing off as she slowly raised her skirt, revealing the smooth skin of her upper thighs and black lacy panties. Then she turned to the side, “But I’m not sure why you’re here, Yunyun.”

Yunyun had her face buried in her hands, blushing so hard she practically radiated warmth. She couldn’t muster up an answer, so I spoke for her, guessing at her train of thought.

“She’s here for support. Megumin, I’m going to have to get a little rough. There just isn’t a lot of time,” I continued. I wasn’t a minute man. The whole harem was born because of my endurance. The problem became less of a concern when I unlearned the lessons I had picked up to stave off orgasms to make sex last longer from before I got the falna, but the fact of the matter was that my quickest shot was closer to half an hour than not.

The situation I was in now was strangely similar to when I had had sex with Lili, except the time limit wasn’t because of magic. Worse, I had closer to ten minutes left to do it in, rather than thirty.

“Ha! I can take… it…” Megumin swallowed thickly when I unzipped, my half-erect cock rapidly hardening to stand at attention. “Right…”

I stepped forward, my hands reaching out to her panties, and pulled them down her cream-colored legs, revealing a few strands of sticky wetness that connected them to her body before they snapped. It seems that she really did get off on explosion magic -- she was wet enough that I wouldn’t need any foreplay. If anything, she looked like she was two or three orgasms in. I pressed my tip against her narrowed entrance. “Are you sure?” I asked, looking at her glowing red eyes.

Her body was small, her pussy little more than a narrow slit that shone with arousal in the low light. The fact I had a number of perks geared towards sex made this possible -- my partner couldn’t feel pain unless that’s what they wanted. Off to the side, Yunyun watched through a rather obvious crack in her fingers. Megumin answered with a small nod, seeming to take in a breath to fortify herself, only to let it back out in a squeak as I slammed myself forward, fully sheathing myself inside of her with a single thrust.

I really wish I could have savored the sensations of her body wrapped around me. Megumin's small pussy was warm, and so very wet and tight. Her body clung around my length, the difference in size created a noticeable bump in her belly, marking just how deeply I was buried inside of her. Megumin was small, and I was huge. I was too much for most people to handle, and I was certainly far more than what Megumin should be able to.

However, as I felt her small body cling to me, arousal seeping out of her, I knew full well that I didn’t have to ask if she was okay. Yunyun made a sound so lewd you’d think it was her that I had entered, but she watched on without saying a word, mouth agape at the sight. I really did wish I could treat this with the respect that it deserved, but… time was of the essence.

I pulled back, my cock now coated in her juices, before I slammed back her hard enough that the table scooted backwards a few inches before I grabbed hold of Megumin to keep her steady. My hips moved in a blur, fucking her harshly, but with as much tenderness as I could afford. With her legs in the air, caught between my arms as I held her by her hips,] I saw her toes curl as her expression fell into one of absolute bliss, not minding the rough treatment in the slightest. That, I was thankful for.

The room the three of us had comandeered was filled with her breathless moans as each thrust seemed to force the air from her lungs. Her arousal dripped onto the table, soaking the wood as smell of sex spread through the room. Her breasts may have been small, but they still offered a small bounce behind the cloth of her dress her hardened nipples straining against the fabric.

Pressing my lips into a thin line, I spared a glance at Yunyun, who moved had from being half-mortified on Megumin's behalf to being unable to hide her arousal as a hand dipped between her legs. She froze when our eyes met, but, slowly, she approached when I beckoned her to. Yunyun… also not how I would have preferred this to go down, but I needed to cum as soon as possible.

Part of me questioned just how easily Yunyun was going along with this, but the other parts of me silenced that part by reaching out and groping Yunyun’s butt. Her soft skin was under my hands, tender flesh that easily fit in the palm of my hand, proving that she outmatched her eternal rival in the chest and butt departments. Yunyun looked up at me with wide eyes, her eyes glowing bright red.

With my tactile telekinesis, I effortlessly picked her up and pressed my lips against hers, stealing her first kiss as I stole her friend’s virginity. Yunyun pressed her body against me as I seated her on the table as I relentlessly fucked Megumin, trying to overload myself with pleasure to cum as soon as possible.

Yunyun’s top was made for easy access to her breasts, though I doubt that was her intention -- with a quick tug, I freed them before palming them, my fingers curling around her rock-hard nipples. I rolled them in between my pointer finger and thumb, savoring the reactions that Yunyun gave me. The look she gazed up at me with half-lidded eyes rivaled Darkness' in lewdness -- her eyes were just begging me to fuck her. I wanted to. I did. I really fucking did, but…

“I’m going to ruin both of you after this is over,” I decided, and Yunyun’s eyes flashed dangerously even as she blushed. But, for now, I had to focus. I was on a time limit and I was feeling the pressure. I pounded into Megumin, her entire body shaking from the force of the thrusts. Her jaw was slack, and there was a real danger of her biting her tongue if it lolled out. She came constantly, orgasms one after another assaulting her every sense while I pushed myself closer to my own.

My hand pawed at Yunyun’s breasts, her whimpers of pleasure nearly lost in the sounds of our hips slapping together. My cock throbbed, a warning that I was starting to get close, encouraging me to pound into Megumin even harder, until the wood table began to crack and splinter underneath her. I grit my teeth, trying to will the cum to erupt from me.

Then, with one final thrust, it did. Megumin’s stomach rose a bit when my cum flooded her womb, packed in tightly, because there was no room for it to go anywhere else, until some managed to escape the airtight seal her pussy made as it wrapped around me. I heaved a breath, my heart pounding in my chest and… I had to admit, I did feel less stressed.

Megumin twitched as she came at the sensation of being filled to the absolute brim and then some. Yunyun watched with a sense of awe, barely noticing that my hand had left her breast.

Megumin groaned, proving that she was somehow still conscious. I let myself rest inside of her before I took a moment to check out my stats, wondering how much of a loss to my stats I just took.


Level: 85

Title: High King of Skyrim

Health: 25,000

Magika: 18,000

Progress to next level: 0/500,000

Strength: 300 +1451+249= 2000

Endurance: 350 +2075+75= 2500

Dexterity: 225 +972+53= 2250

Intelligence: 200 +702+98= 1000

Sense: 250 +1265+235= 1750

Okay, something wasn’t right. My stats went up? How did I get that-

“Oh, shit,” I muttered, recalling the phrasing of my skill Sex. My parameters were increased during sexual intercourse. I never realized that it meant that in a tangible way and the boost would be so significant because, well, my focus was on the girl I was fucking rather than looking at my numbers go up.

This was… I looked at Megumin, "How are you feeling?" I asked her and received a dumbfounded smile as she shifted her attention away from the ceiling to look at me.

"I feel… powerful! And full," she added after a brief moment. There was a dangerous look in her eyes as they gleamed in the low light. I wasn't quite sure how the mechanics were working at the moment, but it seemed my bonus for having sex was bearing out in the transfer of stats to Megumin.

Yunyun made a noise of distress, shockingly eager to continue, but before I could say a word, a fist hammered at the door behind us. "SENPAI! SENPAI! THE DUST SETTLED!" Kazuma shouted as a warning, making me go still. My internal clock told me it had only been fourteen minutes. About fifteen minutes had bit me in the ass.

I took in a deep breath as I looked at Megumin, letting go of Yunyun with some reluctance. "Megumin, do you trust me?" I asked her, earning a slow blink from her before a small nod. "Good. Because, if we do this right… you could get the final blow on Shartan."

"Who?" Megumin questioned, but there was no time to answer.

Because it was time to metagame.

My armor rolled over my body as I twisted Megumin on my cock, that was still acting as a plug to keep my cum inside of her. She let out a moan, but adjusted quickly with her back turned towards me. My armor began to solidify, and as it did the special enchantment that Hephaestus placed on it allowing it to change according to my needs had never been more prevalent. Megumin's legs were wrapped around my waist, at least as much as they could be from behind.

A bar appeared around her, like the kind used in rollercoasters, connected to my ribs to keep her upper half sitting up and stable while she remained impaled on my cock.

This was so fucking stupid. But it would work because it was so fucking stupid. This world ran on stupid.

"Ready Megumin?" I questioned, striding to the door like there wasn't a Loli impaled on me at the moment. Megumin panted with each step, my penis shifting inside of her. Despite that, Megumin nodded as Yunyun gave her her staff.

"Come back to me," Yunyun requested, directing the words to Megumin. They were eerily similar to Hestia's.

"Don't worry Y-Yunyun! With explosion magic, no one is unbeatable! " Megumin proclaimed as I pushed open the door, nearly making Megumin headbutt Kazuma as we left the building located right next to the city gates. Kazuma blinked, his mouth opening and closing, but I moved past him and leapt to the city gates.

This would only work with speed. If I could defeat Shartan then I would. If I couldn't, then I had to last however long it took for the gods to get us out of here.

The dust had settled, giving me a near clear view of the forces arranged across from the gate. I took in a deep breath, "FUS RO DAH!" I shouted, kicking up the cloud of dust once again, hopefully preventing Shartan from getting a good look at me. Megumin made a sound of awe, or it could have just been a moan. But, in a low voice, I spoke, "Ready your magic."

With that, I took off in a bust of speed, my armor temporarily shifting to protect Megumin from the wind shear. I disappeared into the dust and I heard a sigh in my ears.

"Oh, again? Really? " Shartan asked, sounding annoyed as I sailed towards him. I responded with Dragonrend, shattering the barrier that I knew was there, letting me sail overhead like a speeding bullet. For the briefest of moments, I saw a glimpse of our impossible odds.

The soldiers were all blessed. The mages had their spells at the ready. The archers had arrows trained on me. The warriors were leaping up to attack. Despite it all, somehow, my gaze was drawn to Shartan, who looked up at me.

My armor faded, revealing Megumin as she released the loudest moan she could make, her pussy milking my cock for all it was worth. Somehow, she actually managed to use that moan as an abbreviated chant, in place of her usual chuuni spiel.

Shartan didn't have eyes that could widen, or a face that could depict surprise, but I had other ways to tell what he was feeling.

"What the fuck?!" Shartan exclaimed in my ears, and with that exclamation came the collapse of his army. As one, like puppets with their strings cut, the adventurers collapsed. The mages fell, their spells fading and winking out. The archers toppled over, their bows and crossbows falling to the ground. The soldiers crumpled, their arms and armor hitting the ground along with their corpses and bones.

His concentration had been broken. Because who in their right mind would expect this?

Megumin leveled her staff, "Explosion~!" Megumin shouted, and she came hard on my cock as the magical circles stacking on top of another, amplifying the power of her spell and further empowered by the cum inside of her, taking her explosion magic to levels previously unknown.

I didn't feel or hear the explosion, we were too close, but my vision went white. Over the ringing that now filled the silence in my ears, I heard a familiar ping.

And I knew we were victorious.



Sexplosion for the win


Well then

Owl Face

...Yeah, that tracks.


Damn, I was really hoping gone native would be updated... This is cool too I guess


Im reminded of a post a author pun in theit fanfiction bio of a complaint that had me dying of laughter. It was along the line of a self insert defeating a group of assassin's that tried to kill him during sex and he won the fight while still screwing the girl and his only defense was he was a soldier in his first life and that equates to fighting naked while fucking.


I guess there is not a more fitting ending with him and the Knosuba world


This is a conundrum. Do I heart the chapter to show my support or do I not so that this chapter won’t be linked to me in any way?


I am fucking dying, the whole neighborhood just heard me cackle for 5 minutes straight


Shoulder Loli's are so last year. Dick Loli's are the new trends.


Man those two really fucked shartan up with their fucking lmao.


That was something else, didn't think you would do it but it's a perfect ending for this world I suppose


You gave the ending of this world all the gravitas it deserves. So good.

Wofl Man


John MacKellar

Megumin rides the mighty steed to victory in this battle.


A great chapter to mark your glorious return