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Humanity was far more divided than 2B could have imagined. She reflected on it as she sat alone in her room, her synthetic eyes viewing streams of information from the internet. She would prefer to be guarding Vergil instead, especially when he had proved that he was in increasing amounts of danger, but he ordered her to limit herself to eighteen-hour shifts. The last six hours of the day were hers to do what she wanted.

He did that in an attempt to allow her to acclimatize her to her increasing disillusionment with humanity, but 2B found herself choosing to remain in her designated living space instead, disobeying the spirit of the order.

At present she was watching a video stream of his interview that garnered a lot of attention across the world. Comments, debates, praise and condemnation. The death of the Joker was treated as the demise of a hated enemy by the majority. Yet, there were many that were angry. Claiming that he was a sick individual that needed help. That murder is never a solution. That it shouldn't have been Vergil to arrange for the Joker to be killed.

Death was something 2B understood immensely, but her understanding differed greatly from that of humans. She had died dozens of times. As an execution model, she had killed fellow androids. She had killed her partner S more than forty times. Each time, a previous backup of his mind was uploaded into a new body, and every time, each new iteration of S would delve too deeply into secrets that were better left buried, forcing her to kill him again.

Death held a different meaning to her. Death was… a loss of her current self. Her current memories, feelings, and experiences that weren't currently uploaded to a backup server at YoRHa Command. Even if her current body would die, that previous version of herself would simply be uploaded into a new one.

Death for humans was quite different. Religion was not something she understood, but death was universally treated as an ending. For some, it was simply the end. For others, it was a closing of a chapter in a person's life to begin the next step in their journey. Humans could not even agree on how death should be treated -- mourning for their loss as a terrible tragedy, or celebrating their life before their death. Humanity had responses that ranged from every extreme -- profound sadness, absolute apathy, to celebration, and jubilation.

Humanity was messy. Contradictory. It was nothing like 2B had imagined.

For this, she blamed the Justice League. Humanity had been united against a singular enemy coming from outer space. The Appellaxians were not the Machine Life forms, but they could have served a similar function. Humanity could have banded together. Instead, the Justice League had stepped in, and the United Nations became slightly more powerful as a result. However, not powerful enough to unite humanity as they should have.

It was…

"Disappointing," 2B dared to voice her opinion of humanity aloud. Something that would have had her decommissioned in her home world. For all that they lacked Religion, 2Humanity had been like gods to the androids. Humanity was their creator. They lived on the moon, leaving behind only relics and stories of their civilization, as countless androids across the world fought to take back humanity’s home.

2B had gazed upon her god, and she found them lacking.

2B tensed when she heard a knocking at her door. She got up, standing from the foot of a bed that she had never laid on, and marched to the door. Standing on the other side, predictably, was Cassandra Cain. A defective human, that was somehow more capable with her defectives than the majority of humans could claim to be. She lacked the ability to speak and understand words, but she always seemed to know the meaning behind what everyone said. Often better than those that could read, speak, and comprehend the language they were speaking.

Cass smiled, holding out a hand for her to take. 2B assumed that it was Vergil who was behind this. While he did, maddeningly, seem to encourage her budding ability to refuse humans, he didn't seem content to let her remain isolated in her room. He wanted her to experience Humanity, no matter how increasingly disillusioned and frustrated she became with them.

>Come with me?< Cassandra signed at her, and 2B understood since she downloaded the complete database for the ASL language. Now, she was the only one that could use the language better was Cassandra herself.

2B nodded before she could stop herself -- a human had made a request of her. A human that she had respect for. She agreed to her wishes without conscious thought, because there was no need for it. Obeying humans was ingrained into her programming.

>Good< Cassandra said, taking her hand and leading her out of her domicile. There were no decorations, nor utilities. The only possession that she owned was the bed, a gift from Tifa when 2B admitted that she had never gotten one. She didn't need to sleep, so it seemed like a pointless thing to have.

Cassandra led her forward, a slight smile on her lips. 2B allowed herself to be dragged along, even if it would have been a simple task to free herself.

Feelings were also a messy and difficult thing. This, 2B suspected, was why humanity was so fractured. Opinions fueled by feelings. When two conflicting feelings colliding, rather than letting logic or an unbiased judge settle the matter, each side became more determined that the other side was wrong, because they wanted to be right.

It was a foolish design flaw.

Yet, it wasn't wholly… bad.

Cassandra led them through Lowtown, which had seen rapid expansion in recent weeks. Almost to the point that it was difficult to recognize in some places from how it had been before. There were dozens of golf carts passing by, to and from people's homes. More people walked along the clean streets, the people themselves cleaner and better cared for than ever before. The tunnel, which had once been filled with tents and people, was now fully complete and it had happened in no time at all.

The three-story buildings lined the walls, each unique, with its own sense of flair and color rather than being uniform and regulated. Crosswalks had been built over the four-lane road that ran down the middle of the tunnel. A road that was filling up with traffic more and more with every day that passed. Street lights hung above it, illuminating the tunnel -- the lights were modified by Vergil to provide vitamin D to humans, 2B recalled.

2B had her doubts about Lowtown, even if she didn't have doubts about Vergil. Before, as much as it thrived, it had seemed to be a project halfway in development. There had been thousands living in tents with more on the way every day, and there was extreme pressure on a few individuals to manage everything, and those that were charged with keeping the peace were corrupt.

Now, as 2B walked the streets, she noted that Lowtown was nearing a state of completion. She knew that Vergil had purchased several more buildings on the surface, turning them into other entrances while he further developed Lowtown. For months, Lowtown had been stuck at roughly five percent completion. Now, that % seemed to represent all that was left.

Lowtown had become a thriving section of the city that eclipsed the city above it in every way. She never should have had doubts, not when Vergil had said that this would be what Lowtown would become.

Cassandra seemed to notice that she did enjoy walking through Lowtown, despite its flaws -- it was simply so different from her home -- so she led them on the long way to Vergil's office. His office was inside a three-story building colored a steel gray with an emblem marking his ownership above the doorway -- two clasped hands holding the letters SE. Cassandra pushed open the doors, leading them into the familiar halls. The building had seen similar changes, much like the rest of Lowtown.

Before, it had simply been a lobby, with the upper floors being used for odds and ends. Now, it was filled to the brim with people and cubicles, while Vergil's office was on the top floor. When they arrived in front of Vergil's office, Cassandra simply let herself inside, revealing Vergil sitting at his desk across the room with Miranda standing next to him. That was unsurprising, but what did catch 2B by surprise was the man kneeling in front of the desk.

Vergil's gaze flickered up to them, then returned back down to the man, "Everything on my end is ready to go. The Expo is more for technological items, but we could slip this one in. Though, honestly, something like this… deserves its own reveal," Vergil said, waving for them to give them a moment.

"Perfect! We can't let any modern marvels overshadow our holy work," a man said, standing up, revealing snow-white hair. Vergil nodded in agreement.

"It's a God-given mission," Vergil agreed.

"Until we next speak, Deliverer," the man said, nodding before he turned around, revealing his dark skin and eyes, his lips curled up into a joyous smile. He looked at her and Cassandra, offering a small nod before he walked by them. 2B watched the man go -- that seemed like a unique individual. She turned to Vergil, who was pointedly ignoring a look that Miranda was giving him.

"Shall I get Sainthood Enterprises labeled as a holy institution?" Miranda remarked, her voice dull as she was already making a note of it.

Vergil seemed to consider it, "Would we have to pay taxes?" He asked, completely missing the expression of Miranda, who appeared to regret saying anything at all. "It shouldn't be too hard. Unlike Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Scientology -- I actually have a direct phone line to my… god."

How peculiar. To 2B, humanity was like a god. Yet, Vergil himself was submitting to the will of a god.

"I'll see what we can do," Miranda said, before giving Vergil another look. "While… that… was happening, we had another RSVP for the Expo. Lex Luthor will be attending."

To that, Vergil went still, "Personally?" He asked her, earning a nod in return. His lips thinned, but he nodded to himself.

"That's to be expected, even if I wish that guy would stay the hell away from me forever. We aren't just a no-name upstart anymore," Vergil muttered distractedly.

"You saw to that yourself," Miranda remarked.

Cassandra, tired of being ignored, strode forward. {With a casual ease, she lifted up her shirt, displaying her breasts. Miranda sharply looked away, while Vergil appeared equal parts flustered and embarrassed. It was a tactic that Cassandra was using increasingly more often, 2B found. Wise, because it accomplished its goal without fail.} She gained Vergil's full attention >Money for fun,< Cassandra requested.

Vergil gave her a look, "You don't have to come up here and ask," he spoke while signing in an effort to help Cassandra connect the words to the gestures.

>I don't like credit cards,< Was Cassandra's answer, accepting currency from Vergil's wallet. 2B found herself agreeing. Physical currency was preferable to intangible currency, though she didn't understand how the paper had value. In her world, machine parts were used as currency, with the more complex and rare parts being worth more.

"Alright," Vergil accepted easily before he slid his gaze over to her. 2B straightened ever so slightly, noting that Vergil's expression was unnaturally calm. The same expression she saw him wear many times before a tense conversation. "I was going to wait on this, but 2B -- the Expo is coming up. And with it, I was going to display the Android models."

To that, 2B still ever so slightly. It was difficult to discern why, however. Vergil flicked a card to the side, revealing an Android.

2B felt a measure of… relief when she saw it looked nothing like her. The Android was a male, to start with. Brown hair, blue eyes, sun-kissed synthetic skin, and taller than her, with broader shoulders while being well muscled. Though, the android lacked any genitalia.

"The black box gave us some trouble, and right now the only reliable way to create them is with my cards, but we're ready to begin production of other Androids. The plan is to reveal several models at the Expo. But, given that they are all based on your design, I wanted to run everything by you," he said, once again offering her the ability to say refuse him.

It was… frustrating, in a way. Almost to the point that 2B wished that he wouldn't. Her programming stated that she shouldn't hesitate to agree with whatever he wished. If not because he was a human, then because he had Authority Level -- making his orders and wishes absolute.

It was frustrating because she had reasons to want to say no.

Vergil's resources were expanding exponentially. With his cards, nothing was impossible. With his drive, nothing was out of reach.

How long would it be before he created an Android model that outstripped her in every way?

How long would it be until she was replaced? Just as how her model had replaced the A model before her?

"I have no issue with this, so long as you retain Authority Level for all Androids produced," 2B decided. In the end, her own petty grievances were unimportant. If she would be replaced, then that was simply her fate as an Android. It was to be expected. It-

Cassandra shook her head, looking to Vergil, an expectant expression on her face.

Vergil looked at her for a moment, then he let out a small sigh, "2B, you aren't going to be replaced," he said, somehow knowing her fears. Did he read her data to know that? "This is my fault -- I should have made this clear from the beginning. You are never in danger of being replaced," he said, waving off her attempt to protest his taking responsibility for her own personal shortcomings. "I thought it went unsaid, but I wasn't looking at things from your point of view. I apologize for that."

That was wrong. It was fundamentally wrong. It was like gravity inversing, the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, hot becoming cold and cold becoming hot. It wasn't how things were supposed to be. He should never feel the need to apologize to her. It was…

"If you ever feel like you're lagging behind in any capacity to the newer models, then tell me. I'll make sure you always have the bleeding edge capabilities. You aren't going anywhere, 2B. The only way you will be is if you choose to walk away," Vergil reassured, offering her a small smile. It was far different from the smiles he more typically gave out . Softer. Gentler. A reassurance, rather than something to be wielded like a weapon. "That's a promise. And have I ever not followed through on a promise?" He asked her and...

2B offered a small shake of her head before she found her voice. "No, you have not ," she answered, an unacknowledged tension in her melting away at the reassurance. She would not be replaced.

Feeling more at ease with the situation, 2B felt comfortable enough to ask a question. "How will the Androids be used?"

Vergil's smile grew a fraction, "It depends on what they are being used for. I don't intend to sell anything that can be considered sapient. There's a stage line -- T-models two and below are simply machines. Their hardware is based on yours, but T-s are basic. They can accomplish simple tasks, but that's it. T-2s are more advanced with a wider range of abilities. T-s, however, will be Androids like yourself." Vergil explained, displaying two other models.

The T-seemed similar to her internals, just without the layer of synthetic skin and other integral parts. Such as the nuclear reactor as a power source. The T-was even more simplistic, but it still seemed like it would be capable of normally walking on two legs.

"T-s will be employees rather than merchandise. They will be designed for a task -- such as acting as a security force, then be paid accordingly. As promised, should they wish to quit, or change their position, they will be allowed to do so." He said, confirming his earlier promise.

Vergil made no secret what he wished to use the Androids for -- protecting Lowtown. That was something 2B understood well.

2B nodded, accepting the answer before the three models disappeared into Vergil's cards and flew back into his hand. "Good. Now, go have fun. Especially you, 2B. You spend too much time in this office building as it is," he said, making Cassandra smile pleasantly as she spun around and interlocked her arm with hers.

2B chose not to comment that the only reason that she did so was because he spent so much time here.

Instead, she remained silent as Cassandra led her out of the building. She commanded a golf cart to drive and took off towards the other parts of Lowtown. Parts that 2B had little experience with. As they drove, 2B analyzed her surroundings, finding her last tour of this section hopelessly outdated.

Much like the residential parts of Lowtown, all the buildings here were three stories tall, but their widths varied wildly. Some were two, even three buildings wide. Bright neon displayed their owners, while other buildings had a neon sign for each floor. It was brighter than the residential district. Almost to the point of being blinding for normal humans.

Cassandra got her attention. >Delivery tubes.< She said, pointing out that even the completed sections of Lowtown were still being improved. 2B looked up -- each building contained a tube that ran along the walls and ceiling that fed into a four-lane tube system. 2B had seen the plans. With them, a store on one side of Lowtown could send products directly to the room of a customer on the other side.

2B smiled lightly as she saw them being used to deliver a meal from a fast-food chain to one of the lucky few that had their homes already connected. It was… connection. Unity. A simple efficient solution that would bind all of Lowtown together. Her smile broadened when she also spotted a mural of Vergil -- his hands spread out wide as he sat at the head of three long tables.

The mural was simply marked with -- You Are Worth It.

She had been there, though she was not depicted.

That had been the moment when 2B decided that Vergil displayed every trait that she thought Humanity should embody. It was when she decided to give him the highest Authority over her.

"Why are we here?" 2B asked when Cassandra pulled up in front of a building. A window on the bottom floor displayed a number of mannequins wearing various types of clothing.

>Clothes. They help you express yourself. Find what you like. You can't always wear the same thing,< Cassandra said, and that was 2B disagreed with. Her present clothes were made for combat. The clothing on display didn't look like it could boast the same. >You might like it. It's fun.<

2B still had doubts, but she nodded all the same. In this matter, it would be best to defer judgment to the one that had the most experience. She and Cassandra entered the shop, a small ding announcing their arrival. She swept her eyes over the interior of the shop -- 2B had come across similar scenes before, but ten thousand years had wiped away all the context behind what she saw.

There were racks filled with clothing that were separated by style and color. Music played in the background as ambiance. A human sat behind the counter, offering them a greeting that she returned with the seriousness such a greeting deserved. Cassandra simply waved her off and headed to peruse the clothing.

It would never get less odd seeing a human in such a demeaning position as a simple sales clerk. Though 2B’s attention did drift to the phone she had in her hands. Her cloth HUD let her easily probe the device to find that the girl was watching a video. One of many discussing Vergil and his actions. One that criticized him, causing 2B to frown, only to see that the human was downvoting every comment that agreed with the video's points.

It was an interesting way to display loyalty. Cassandra, however, quickly took back her attention by grabbing her hand and forcing her to march forward to inspect clothing. Cassandra looked at her expectantly before she began to sign, >Find things you like. Express yourself. There are more ways to do so than just words.<

To prove that point, Cassandra gestured to herself. A long sleeve shirt with a wide-open neckline, enough so that one end of it dipped towards her shoulder. Black and yellow striped. Blue jeans that had been sandblasted to gain a faded look for some reason, and Converse sneakers.

2B still failed to see the point, and it showed. So, Cassandra switched tactics. >I'll pick out clothes. You try them on. Then we'll see what you like the most.< She decided, and 2B nodded in compliance.

Which is how minutes later, she found herself standing in a dressing room in front of a full-length mirror. Her appearance was never something she cared for. It had always mattered little. She was designed to look how she did, like all of the B models she was pretending to be, so it never mattered to her.

It still didn't. However, she had noted in the past that her appearance was drawing attention to Vergil when they were in public. He had dismissed her concerns, so she had let the matter drop. Yet, Cassandra insisted that she should express herself.

Express what? What was there to express? She was an Android that was created to serve humanity. Did she express that she was becoming increasingly disillusioned with humanity? That she had been designed for war and conflict and instead found this? That she was lost?

Cassandra threw the first load over the door for 2B to try. Dutifully, 2B stripped down until she was naked in front of the mirror. It was an unusual sight, admittedly. She wasn't often naked for any reason. Typically, if her clothing was so damaged that it required changing then her body would have been long destroyed.

Her body was the color of cream, making the pale pink nipples stand out. Her breasts themselves were large enough that she couldn't quite fit the entirety into her palms. The nipples themselves were sensitive. Her stomach was flat, her hips wide, and her thighs thick, yet there was a small gap between them. A cleft ran along the bottom of her groin. A vagina, untouched by anyone, including herself.

Humanity had created Androids in their image. So, they retained it. Even if it was no longer strictly necessary to do so. Even if they didn't understand why humanity had done so.

Now, 2B suspected that it might be for human enjoyment. She followed Vergil most of the day, every day. He attempted to hide it, thinking that she would be embarrassed, but he frequently had sexual relations with Tifa. And, in recent days, Cassandra. Which was often prompted by her displaying her body to him.

2B tilted her head, inspecting her body. Would Vergil have the same reaction if she displayed her body in an attempt for intimacy? Tifa and Cassandra seemed to enjoy sex very much. And Vergil always seemed happier afterward. If sex equaled happiness, and if Vergil's happiness was her priority, then it stood to reason that she should have sex with Vergil. And Tifa. And Cassandra. And Revy. And Miranda. And all other humans that were on her priority list.

She entertained the thought, but the idea of it made her chest ache. In her mind's eye, 2B saw S. Snow white hair, boyish in build, wearing a black long sleeve military-style coat and shorts. Her partner. Her friend. Who she killed so many times.

The lighter memories of the time they had spent together were tainted by the truth. She was not 2B. She was 2E, an executioner model. Yet, Androids were designed to last. Despite her best attempts, not every death was clean. Instant. Some… some he lingered through.

The confusion as to why she had killed him. The betrayal. The hurt.

S never hated her, though. And that made it infinitely more difficult to kill him when he inevitably delved too deep and found secrets that he shouldn't.

2B shook her head, attempting to dismiss the thoughts as she mechanically dressed herself. A white blouse. Black skirt. Shoes. This was not something that she would find the answer to on her own. She opened the door to see Cassandra waiting on the other side, who wore a slight smile that became smaller as she looked at her.

>You don't like it. Try something else,< she instructed, and 2B did so. Sunny yellow dress shirt. Blue jeans. Different shoes. That received the same response as 2B continued to put on and take off clothes. After a few failures, Cassandra stepped inside of the dressing room and began inspecting the outfits before she tried them on to save time.

>Why do you enjoy sex?< 2B asked as she stood naked, Cassandra holding up two bras to see which one that 2B was leaning towards. Even if she herself didn't need them or know her preference.

Cassandra answered without missing a beat and without any shame. >I feel closer to Vergil and Tifa. I can see their care and love. For each other. For me. I've seen sex before, but with them, I see making love. I feel it. Experience it.< Cassandra explained as 2B mulled over the answer. It wasn't what she had expected. >Do you want to make love with us?<

2B considered it, but Cassandra shook her head. >Your heart is heavy. I am sorry for your loss.< She said, tenderly reaching out to her, wrapping her arms around 2B's bare shoulders as she stood behind her. She looked at the sight in the mirror, wondering what exactly had given her away.

This, however, was why Cassandra was superior to most humans despite her disability. Or, rather, because of her disability.

>You won't heal until you let yourself. Forgive yourself,< Cassandra continued, making 2B go still. >Anyone that cares for you will never want you to be sad.<

S wouldn't. But letting go wasn't so easy. Especially when she knew a version of herself would continue to be his partner. She would fall in love despite every attempt to not be drawn to him. Her walls would crumble.

Then she would be ordered to kill him. The cycle would continue. All for an idea of humanity that… that…

That wasn't worth their sacrifice.

2B said nothing in return, regretting that she had asked. Cassandra, sensing that she was dwelling, quickly tried to take her mind off of it. She showed her what must have been every article of clothing in the store. They were in the room for hours, but Cassandra didn't stop until she had assembled a complete outfit.

A black sleeveless blouse that clasped together at her neck, leaving her upper back exposed, and flowed into a short skirt. Her legs were covered by black stockings, leaving a small gap between the skirt and stockings. Lastly were her normal combat boots with their six-inch heels. It looked… a lot like her combat uniform with relatively small changes. The only real difference was the white highlights and floral designs imprinted on the surface.

2B looked at Cassandra, a silent request for an explanation, who smiled before she reached for her face. Cassandra took off the black blindfold that served as her HUD. 2B blinked a few times -- she spent most of her time with it on, so the absence of information was noticed. >Now look.<

Puzzled, 2B did as instructed and looked at her appearance without the HUD and with her own gray-blue eyes. A hand tentatively went to touch her face where her blindfold once was.

>You like it!< Cassandra stated, a pleased smile on her face.

Cassandra was right.

She did.





This was delightfully introspective and cute.

Eldar Zecore

Great chapter! I hope that Virgil makes sure to keep an eye on Luther and whomever he tries to bring to the expo. Luther tends to have his scientists snap / have “accidents” at these types of things. Usually with anti-Superman weapons