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The See No Evil Reaction thread is up over on QQ. Here is a Link! Sorry it took so long -- I tried making a discord server, but it was a bit too complicated for me, so I just made a thread instead. 

If you're interested in participating, then click the link. All that I ask is that you keep the metaknowledge to a minimum -- like no one but Vergil knows about how many cameras there are in Lowtown, or those that know he's a member of the Penguin mob aren't the type to broadcast that fact. Beyond that, I'd prefer it if the thread didn't devolve into pure Vergil wank. 

He's not the best thing since sliced bread, so don't be compelled to treat him like he is. I started the thread off with some talking points, so feel free to use them. 

If all goes well, we can look to do more of this kind of thing with my other stories. Earth's reaction to Tarble comes to mind. 



Definitely would like to see earth reaction to tarble and also what the public reaction is going to be when they find out that the justice league knew about him and owning Earth and never told anyone


Definitely. It's something I've been waiting for since he first got Earth!

Draconic Hermit

Welp, I'm playing a Slightly unhinged dude who got too close to a Magic Arifact similar to the Echo of FFXIV. Ain't Strong enough to mean much in the grand scheme of things, especially considering I'm not much for getting involved in people's affairs all that much, but it allows me to troll and hint about current events. It wouldn't even be too out there considering how nuts the DCU can get. Edit: I promise just to tease any knowledge that can be found out if you dig enough about it in-universe, as you can tell by me being vague as fuck when I hint at shit.

Draconic Hermit

Before any of you rip my throat out, considering this is us Roleplaying Citizens of This Fic, we can be whoever we want, so long as it doesn't effect the plot of the universe or the events of the story itself. Edit: IdeasGuy, If you need me to delete any posts from my Boomstick64 account, let me know.