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Power Corrupts Konosuba Poll

  • 1) Continue on 221
  • 2) Roll back and pick a new world 46
  • 3) Reboot Konosuba to resolve the bulk of the criticism 71
  • 2021-05-23
  • 338 votes
{'title': 'Power Corrupts Konosuba Poll', 'choices': [{'text': '1) Continue on', 'votes': 221}, {'text': '2) Roll back and pick a new world', 'votes': 46}, {'text': '3) Reboot Konosuba to resolve the bulk of the criticism ', 'votes': 71}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 23, 15, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 338}


I wanted to get some general feedback from the Power Corrupts audience to make sure the feedback I've been getting isn’t a vocal minority. Let me begin by saying that I knew going in that the Konosuba jump was going to be a risk. Pivoting from drama to comedy was going to be difficult to pull off, and it seems that I couldn't quite nail Konosuba's brand of comedy or my audience just didn't find that brand of comedy appealing. 

Regardless, based on the rather consistent feedback I’ve been getting about the Konosuba arc, it seems to me that the risk I took just isn’t paying off. And that sucks, but you live and you learn.

So, there are three ways forward.

1) Based on the feedback I get now, I see that it’s just a vocal minority and we continue on as planned.

2) We roll back the story, pretend that the Konosuba jump never happened. This option is a bit more complicated since another world will need to be picked out and I would need to build up a backlog for patreon chapters. So, what would happen is that I continue posting my backlog that I have for the Konosuba jump that I have written while I work on the new jump so those that enjoy the Power Corrupts story will still have something to read.

I’ll aim to make it a seamless transition from Konosuba to whatever world we go to -- Biggest tippers will get the first chapter for the new jump while Big tippers get the last chapter of the Konosuba jump, then that trickles down until the first chapter of the new jump gets published on QQ.

In this scenario, rather than being bumped off to another setting, Jericho finds himself back in the world selecter and Skyrim is marked through. He has the ability to purchase characters that were still living as of the time of his death, but no one that died. However, Skyrim is officially done. He can’t pick the setting again. No round 2 with Alduin, he just has to accept the events of Skyrim and move on. That way dying in a jump still has some consequences, and it heads off the worst of the depression via separation from the familia.

Additionally, I think there will be a vote to see which world we go to.

If that sounds confusing, then let me know. I’ll try to clarify.

3) I reboot the Konosuba jump. I take it from the top, take the feedback that I’ve gotten and give it another try. The bulk of the feedback seems to be -- Jericho is an asshole and depressed which isn’t fun to read. The conflict of interest of not B-lining the Demon King. And the lack of Hestia and other side characters. Those three seem to be the major ones, but if there are others, then let me know.

The same process as above would apply -- I post through what I have of my backlog, use the time to write chapters for the new jump, then Biggest tippers would get chapter 1 of Konosuba 2.0 first. The premise would be different to let the story feel fresh even if it is a rewrite of the jump.

Rather than a deal with Aqua, Jericho gets a random world selected for him and he has to go through it. He bum rushes the DK, ganks him, but with how easy it was, it’s not enough for his system to consider it an adventure. Running through the other threats proves to be similarly ineffective, so Jericho gets the bright idea to become the new Demon King and conquer the world.

The main cast clash against him and hijinks ensue until the world falls to Jericho.

So, those are the three options. Make your vote below, leave comments with your thoughts -- We’re still earlyish in the jump, so if I’m going to restart it or scrap it, then I’d rather do it now. All it takes is a bad arc to kill a story, and I’d rather avoid that if I can.


Darge Dakeri

I just entered the Skyrim part of the story XD so I’m just going to hope whatever y’all vote for is good to read when I catch up.


You've made an amazing story so far. I don't see a reason why you should deviate from your original plan. And does it suck that Jericho is depressed? Well yeah, but depression sucks in general and I feel like this just adds another layer to the character that he can overcome. So yeah. I trust in you


Jericho is acting like a moody depressed asshole because he is one. He's spent like a year stressed out of his mind and overcome with shame, guilt and worry. Him going to Konosuba and acting like a happy-go-lucky fun time guy would have made no sense. I personally think that this arc is fine as long as it's used for some character growth and reflection. A break to get his shit together and figure out who he wants to be without a world ending dragon or literal gods breathing down his neck.


So in option 2 he would have to rebuy all his friends and in option 3 he would become a silly LN demon lord parody, which is more OOC than him being depressed. I'd rather finish Konosuba, go back to finish Alduin, and then move on. There's really nothing bad about the Konosuba jump so far. So option 1 for me, then 3, and 2 a distant last place.


I think the skyrim arc was stronger but the concept you have is so cool and the writing is good enough that I don't mind konosuba. Please continue your hard work!

Darge Dakeri

But I have fate that whatever you planned, no matter how strange, is at least a 6/10.

Vincent Burroughs

I feel like you over sold the mood that Jericho would auve been in. Like the sudden desire he had when he said "fuck it" after the conversation with aqua didn't feel authentic and forced and it colored the feel of the rest of the arc. Him rail-roading Kazuma felt awkward and his attitude felt forced. He needs the light hearted atmosphere that konosuba provides but I feel like he's not enjoying himself as he "should". I feel that Jericho is just going through the motions as it were, having Jericho teach Kazuma instead of dragging him along would have made a much better narrative in my opinion, because Jericho knows the feel of a bad "gaming experience" as it were and I feel that he would force that on someone else.

Adrian Gorgey

Keep going. I personally have laughed out loud during these Konosuba chapters. I wouldn't want him to stay here long, as I would like to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, but I am enjoying this side-quest so let's see it through!


I think that to turn this around you need to give Jericho something to have fun to break up his dower mood. Miss Explosion seems like she might be a good start for that, maybe focus in on training her up and Jericho thinking she might be a good fit for his Familia, bring her back to Skyrim. She'd probably get along well with Hestia and Lili

Alex Wierzbicki

I'm torn between 1 and 2 mainly as I'm not familiar with this fandom. I'm not having a problem with his bitching though if I was him I would have killed the demon lord asap bitching all the way and then demanding to be sent back. I do however like seeing how a op SI can make the mc irrelevant. For my vote pick which ever you personally want.

Alexandre Ugalde

I feel the thing people have the most trouble with is Jericho's constant contradictions. Besides that, Konosuba humor simply isn't for everyone, many comments on QQ of people who quit the series after 1 episode. I am enjoying myself, and looking forward to getting at least YunYun and Wiz. The only thing I really want besides that is for Jericho to have a heart to heart with a 'veteran with PTSD' NPC so he can learn to deal with loss faster, thus allowing his temperament to properly match Konosuba's humor. Time is frozen in Skyrim, he should enjoy himself before going back to the grind.

Killer Pickle

Hey @IdeasGuy I've been meaning to read Power Corrupt but where do I go to see the earlier chapters I tried on Questionable Questing but the page didn't show. Also if its a fanfic could you post it on you Fanfiction account as well


I think the issue is we aren't use to seeing Konosuba from the straightman's perspective and the alternative PoVs are where it really shines in my mind with how everyone else rationalises things

Douglas Karr

I want to pick 1 but none of the three seem to actually address things dude, it's either ignore the issue, throw out the whole setting or scrap it and reboot, just find some way for Jericho to relax a little, snap out of his funk, he isn't in any hurry to get back to a world on pause. A vacation to unwind and get laid is what he needs, for God sake just grab the darkness and release some pent up frustrations. Hestia wouldn't want Jericho to be this way, she'd be understanding about his situation and it's not like things are strictly exclusive.

Kabir Kumar

I think you should tell the story from other character's perspective, not Jericho's. The Kazuma chapter was the best one so far.

Leif Pipersky

1 and 3 both seem reasonable to me. I think the issue is that Jericho being depressed means that the comedy isn't fun, and the Konosuba cast doesn't get to shine because Jericho is driving most of the action. He needs to do either one of two things. He needs to actually relax and try to have some fun (since time is stopped for Skyrim); this could be interesting if he finds that it is very difficult to do and he has to force himself and, maybe, learn something about himself. Or he needs to bum rush the demon king in a desperate attempt to get back to those he loves. The latter of those seems less interesting to me, as it would tend towards the dour mood that has plagued this arc, and some comedy and levity would really help the story at this point.

Cultivating Reader

I say continue on. I honestly don't like this arc since I find these brand of characters to be a hassle and not at all the trouble of dealing with. But I understand your doing this arc to better your writing which I support whole heartedly. The thing I would have done is just of had Jericho take control like he did with the gods. He's also killed one god why not another one with blue hair.

George Corser

Just want to say, especially for multiversal fanfics like this, you're gunna lose some people every time you jump when they're not familiar with the fiction you're making a fanfic from. Even when you keep it to a similar medium (like Anime, or Videogames), not everyone is going to be a fan of every setting you visit. That's my experience with the Konosuba jump, even though I am familiar of (and really enjoyed) the Danmachi and Skyrim jumps. My point, I suppose, is that your audience will change over time for a fic like this. I feel it's more important that you are happy with your work, and your vision going forward. While I voted to pick a new setting, I am not doing so for the reasons you laid out, and for far more selfish reasons (hoping you pick something I'm more familiar with, like Rising of the Shield Hero or Highschool DxD). In short; I voted to participate, but you do you.

Aspect of Chaos

Honestly, I haven't enjoyed the Konosuba chapters, but that's ok, and I liked the concept if not the execution. A lot of the constructive criticism I have has already been said, from his funk being a bit much to some of the humor falling flat (for me at least), but I like the idea of having him recoup a bit in a lighter setting and then get a round 2 with Alduin. Stick to your guns, @IdeasGuy, continue your vision.


Fuck my comment has been deleted. Don't know why.


I’m not a huge fan of this arc but I don’t have much against it, I think it’s just that you have quite a slow release rate for any given story so with a world less familiar to a lot of people it’s not gonna land as well. Best bet is just power through, I think it’d be fine if you could read it I bulk


It's still there for me -- Patreon gets fucky when there's a sharp influx of information. It's why chapters sometimes don't show up for a bit. Give it a refresh and it should show up.


the biggest problem I have with the konosuba arc is that Jericho is an Action Hero in a comedy world.


I think the way you started the konosuba jump was absolutely brilliant and that the reward for beating the demon lord being a time rewind to give him another go at alduin is really fucking cool as such I’m voting to keep going as is.


Can you comment on it to see if does something please ? Because I don't see it at all, with refresh or even on another browser or another device.


Stick with what ya got, Jericho was bound to clash with some of the world's he would end up in eventually


I'd stick with what you got and probably just resolve it soonish because Kazuma isn't going to finish this fast. This world just doesn't work with the current mood that Jericho is in and the genre that was done previously.

Christopher Harris

Id say continue onward but If you do decide to reboot I would recommend the MCU, Jericho would likely be on par with asgardians, can work toward Thor and Hulk Tier, maybe have some interesting interactions with hela (could get trapped in nifflehiem and have to wait until Odin dies before escaping. maybe) The agents of shield stuff has some great gear/powers, it might be possible for you to give your companions stuff like the centipede serum or the supersoldier serum. kinda think it hilarious watching jericho go through the movies, then after stark snaps jericho goes and snaps himself out of the universe on a trajectory towards skyrim(painful landing)


I see it as a vacation arc. I don't really know Konosuba well so I don't have any purist thoughts on it. I don't feel like Jericho is depressed or an asshole. He was already super stressed by the end of skyrim and he knows how konosuba works out. So, Vacation arc.


i say go on and thats despite hating Konosuba, story is still funny but there just does not seem to be any reason for Jerico to be there is he going to learn anything new there?

Darge Dakeri

Do you have a QQ account? I started reading 2 days ago. Power Corrupts is the tittle on QQ as well. It’s definitely worth reading


I'd say continue, but in my own personal views, this arc needs to end as soon as possible. Jericho isn't gonna change Kazuma enough to make prolonging his self imposed exile and depression worth it, he'll just snap at some point I think and say 'fuck it' and just wipe things out at that point. Honestly, trying to nurture a reincarnates is a task in and of itself for the simple fact, those that reincarnate don't want the cheat codes unless they get a cheat system. Power Leveling isn't a fun experience for those doing the leveling or the person actually helping. From my experience in MMOs, it's really sucky and saps the fun out of the story you are supposed to be going through. So, best suggestion...Speed run it. Do time skips, but just end the arc ASAP. Jericho is not the same without Hestia to temper him. Also...he really needs to remember that he can't learn combat skills here. He chose the crafting class, so that's another thing he needs to get done before the steamroll begins...speed running through learning all of the trades he can from the world

RJKY (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 00:10:49 Jericho should have an adventure at some point. He was starting to have one in Danmachi, then Lilli jumped the gun & it was all sad & stressed out since then.
2021-05-23 20:00:38 Jericho should have an adventure at some point. He was starting to have one in Danmachi, then Lilli jumped the gun & it was all sad & stressed out since then.

Jericho should have an adventure at some point. He was starting to have one in Danmachi, then Lilli jumped the gun & it was all sad & stressed out since then.


I don't see any problems in this Arc. Jericho is depressed. Konosuba is just as quirky and funny as usual. The characters are acting like they should be. Basically it's everything I could expect from it. If other people want to read something else vs what I see as natural progression of characters and plot, then they can wait until this Arc is done first and read or do something else in the meantime. I for one am eagerly awaiting all sorts of shenanigans a crafting Jericho can get up to, such as say exploring into dangerous places and hunting extraordinary monsters just to get crafting materials, or revolutionizing the world with ideas from modern technology, or even working with Wiz to turn the useless joke items she has that no one wants into incredibly lethal joke items.


I think its fine as it is.


This arc has been objectively funny, but it also has had some messy narrative tone management between the absurd humor going on and depressed characters reacting to it. Pretty anime, I guess I could say. Not as bad as Danmachi was though. Just speedrun it some more.

El Squidd

Jericho’s depression actually makes him more relatable. Him dealing with loss, even if temporary, gives him good character development.


I would say continue but end the konosuba arc quickly. The arc doesn't seem to mesh well with the rest of the story, and i don't see what Jericho's purpose in this arc is considering we don't get to see him brooding or dealing with his depression.


Sounds like a vocal minority. Good plan taking it to a poll, iGuy! I vote to continue, but now ALSO have a craving for Demon King Jericho 😅 Keep up the good work! PS: I genuinely lost my shit at some of the humour in these chapters, I reckon you’ve been nailing it pretty hard 👍


I agree. Finish the arc quickly and send him back to Skyrim to finish it properly. Maybe pick up a healing spell since it's a glaring hole in his skill set.


p.s. if you're taking requests, I'd really like for him to go back to DanMachi after that. I like the setting and characters as you've written them. Plus, he wouldn't be completely OP if he returned now which makes the next story arcs more interesting.


I think you should continue this comedy part of the story is awesome


While I will freely admit this has been the least enjoyable arc for me, it mostly comes down to the "misunderstandings cause wacky hijinks" trope, which I personally am not really a fan of. We've read along as Jericho has increased his stats, and his perception to be able to catch not just the obvious, but he's shown himself able to read into situations and other's actions to catch the real underlying meanings, not always, but at least enough that the continual obliviousness he's shown this jump has kinda frustrated me and made it harder for me to enjoy the rest of the jump. That all being said, this is my personal issue with the trope, not your writing or characterization, and in character with Jericho dealing with his depression and trying to get back to Skyrim and his Familia quickly with as little effort as possible makes this characterization more believable. Overall, while I don't find this jump as enjoyable as the previous worlds, I don't think it negatively impacts the flow of the story and as long as it continues on it's current plan to "sit back and let Kazuma deal" I don't think it's an issue.

Denis Safiev

I like the current Konosuba jump and have no issue with it continuing. But the concept of the third option is really great and I kinda want to see it happen too.


I find this...this choice really difficult. Without a doubt I'm not a fan of this current arc, and yet there's no question that I've read each chapter anyway. I believe that my love for your work in general is outweighing my dislike of the current plot. I WANT to read your story, to be how you wanted things to play out. So...even though I'm not the biggest fan... I'll keep reading. And I want you to keep going. No reset. No new world. Not yet. Let me see how you see how you wanted things to play out.

Eldar Zecore

Doubt anyone will see this, but here’s my two cents. I think the “best” way that Konosuba could have been handled considering the circumstance would have been with the Arc being from Kazuma’s perspective. Let things play out as they’d have usually, but with Jericho being there in the background like the Merchant from the new Resident Evil game. Popping up occasionally to sell you some shit and giving advice. Maybe have him give Kazuma some Real-Talk one-on-one to have him take things a little more seriously. Maybe through in some funny moments of Jericho being a straight boss like Yami from Black Clover (I.e. a shonen protagonist who’s already had their adventure and knows how this shit works). I feel the big issue for people I’d that Jericho literally went “I’m gonna mentor you, and then relax and practice my crafting while you handle the Demon King” and then power-leveled Kazuma and Aqua to lvl. 100 without actually MENTORING Kazuma. I feel this could have been a great opportunity for Jericho to learn how to help someone totally new to adventuring learn to do it, realizing that the way he does things (brute force mostly) isn’t for everyone. Which is important if he wants to make and grow the Hestia familia going forward. Stick with the current plan (option 1) but maybe review the back log and try and tweak things to be a bit more consistent with what Jericho’s character is all I’m saying. I doubt people on Patreon would bitch about having to wait for you to make changes. Hell, post the original back log while you make changes and the post the altered versions. We’d love to see how our input helped your writing process

Eldar Zecore

Really sorry for the rant, but I doubt anyone will actually read it so I let it out


I read it... The different POV angle is a good idea and something we see a little bit with Kazuma. The problem with that idea is that there is some character development that Jericho needs to go through and it's hard to convey that without his POV

Emma V.

Mmm, I’m not seeing mine either. I guess that explains it

Darge Dakeri

Ok, I’ve caught up now. I don’t see what everyone is bitching about. Jericho has spent less than one week in konosuba? Less than 10 chapters? He is some super duper depressed dude like I was lead to believe. Unless the thread on QQ ends early. He is making an illogical choice, sure. It would be faster if he handled the demon king as soon as possible. So he is actually making it take longer to get back to Skyrim. But he isn’t much different. Am I missing something? Clearly not, since most ppl seem to think the story should continue.