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Winter was already proving to be a pain in the ass, I found as the mountain pass to Helgen was already snowed over. In about… a day since I left. We had caught the edge of the snow at Riften, but apparently, it had managed to snow about two feet in the mountains. The higher elevation and the fact the road was located in a narrow valley probably had something to do with it, but that didn't mean it wasn't annoying.

"Go through it or go around?" I asked, eyeing the snow like an enemy. Aela and Farkas got out of the wagon. Farkas spared a glance at the snow drifting down from the sky and the heavy clouds that it dropped from.

“Normally, I would say to just go through it, but, with you, it might actually be faster to go around the mountain,” Aela remarked, sinking up to her knees in snow. I saw that she had gooseflesh raising on her arms -- even as a Nord, the cold was getting to her. Probably because she just wore a thin piece of leather that was loosely tied up to cover her breasts, but I wasn’t going to say anything.

I looked around at the snow -- everything was covered in a thick layer of white. I was fine with traveling through the snow. Between my height, and my strength, two feet of snow wasn’t really anything to worry about. The most irritating part was my pants getting wet. It was the wagon that was going to cause the trouble. And the fact that Babette was hanging underneath the wagon to travel with us.

Pushing through the snow would slow me down considerably. I was tempted to just lift the wagon and rung through the snow, but if we went around, then I could drop Aela and Farkas off at Whiterun, then run down to Riverwood, then to the head up the mountain alone. It would be simpler that way without anyone to slow me down.

“Alright, we should head around. Hopefully, the roads won’t be as bad,” I muttered the last bit to myself. I spared a glance behind me -- the snow had thickened up a while ago, but the further east you went the thinner it was.

Farkas nodded, “It would be good to see the Companions again. And buy some winter clothing,” Farkas remarked, giving Aela a pointed look. She punched him in the shoulder hard enough that I winced at the sound of it, while Farkas just laughed. I was glad that he said it, not me. I was cold just looking at Aela.

“It would best be getting a move on. If it’s a cold snap, then the paths to Winterhold are going to be ten times worse. And in the dead of winter, you won’t find much luck with a ship captain willing to test the waters,” Aela said, and that wasn’t a concern that I had really thought about.

I nodded, “You’re right -- let’s go. Get ready for a bumpy ride,” I said, speaking just as much to them as I was to Babette. They got into the wagon before I turned around, giving up the progress that I had made towards Helgen. And a second later, I took off sprinting. Snow flurries were kicked up, the wagon suffering the worst of it, but as the snow thinned out a bit I was able to return to my top speed.

Winter was settling in. Snow gathered on the ground -- the further I went around the mountain and the lower elevation, the less snow there was but there were still patches of it gathering up. My game system told me it was about thirty degrees, but just the other day it had been hovering around the low sixties to fifties.

Hours ticked by as I went around the mountain. It was impossible to tell the time based on the sun, but it was nearing noon according to my clock when I first caught a glimpse of Whiterun. I had run past the city a few days ago, on my way to Riften. It looked a bit different with snow over the rooftops and gathering on the walls, and it served as good motivation to pick up the pace. I didn't bother slowing down much as I sprinted to the front gate -- and it was there that I saw that there were plenty of other wagons lined up waiting their turn.

"T-Thane Jericho, this way please," a guard greeted me as I approached. Apparently, people were recognizing me on sight so I didn't have to flash my badges of office. And I still had no clue what was so special about them, but after collecting five of them, it was way too late to ask. Still, being Thane had its perks, I found as I skipped everyone in line to enter the city.

Parking my wagon, I looked to the guard, "Is Jarl Balgruuf available?" I asked, catching a glimpse of Babette crawling from underneath the wagon to disappear into the shadows. The guard offered a hasty nod but didn't speak for a few seconds. What was with him?

"Er, he is, my Thane," the guard stumbled a bit over his words as Farkas and Aela got out of the wagon, groaning as they stretched out their arms and legs. "I will inform him that you are on your way," he said before he turned around and broke off into a sprint. I watched him go, feeling a bit puzzled before Farkas explained.

"Seems like news has finally caught up to you -- they've probably finally heard about Falkreath," Farkas said, making me blink. Falkreath? That felt like ages ago.

"The news from Markarth probably won't make the rounds until winter ends. If the passage to Helgen is already snowing over, then it'll be a hundred times worse there," Aela added. That, I could easily believe. Markarth was nothing but mountains and narrow paths.

I just shrugged my shoulders, "Just surprised, is all." I was used to outrunning news of my deeds, so the reaction caught me off guard. "But let's go meet the Jarl," I said as I started walking.

"Actually, I'm going to head back to the Companions. Catch up with them and see how they're doing," Farkas decided, earning a nod from Aela as well. "And standing around telling what happened really isn’t my thing. I leave that to the Skalds."

Fair enough, I figured as we went our separate ways. They went to the fortress of Jorrvaskr. while I continued on to the keep. It really did look different with some snow gathering on the ledges -- it was a massive and daunting building, but the white snow made it look more picturesque. As I walked up the steps, I saw the guards push open the doors for me.

The keep might look a little different but a month wasn't enough time to make Jarl Balgruuf change in any noticeable way. He sat on his throne, standing as I approached with a slight smile on his lips. "You've returned at last. From the tales I've heard, you set out and accomplished everything that you needed to."

It was a warm welcome, judging by the people milling about, looking at me with awe-filled eyes. And I suddenly felt a little under dressed -- I wore black, snow-covered pants, snow-covered boots, and a gray sweater thing. Everyone else was all dressed up.

"It was a pretty wild trip with plenty to do," I agreed, making the Jarl chuckle.

"Any truth to the tale that you defeated a thousand Orcs with a single punch?" He questioned, and I was pretty sure I knew what he was doing. There were plenty of people moving about -- servants, guards, and maybe a few guests. He was trying to talk up his Thane. Because, as much as I was the Thane to five Holds, he was the first to Thane me.

"It was three hundred Orcs with a punch each. It could have been more, but I wasn't going to start punching children," I answered and there was a shift in those that were listening. The rumor mill made mountains from molehills, so that's what they were assuming that happened. Only the molehill had been just a smaller mountain instead.

Even Jarl Balgruuf seemed impressed, "Sounds like a fine tale," He said before his smile slipped. "My apologies, but I cannot offer a feast to celebrate your return. Winter grows closer every day."

"I wouldn't ask you to. The people must be fed," I returned, knowing my line. Jarl Balgruuf nodded, looking pleased before he gestured to the back area, the war room.

"My thanks for your understanding, but I would be remiss if I did not offer hospitality to a warrior such as yourself. Please, drink with me," he said, and I simply nodded before I followed him into the backroom. In the back stood his friend and housecarl Iirleth and the Court Wizard Farengar. Both stood at a table covered with a map, and this time it hadn't been cleared.

"Pageantry aside, I meant what I said -- you seem to have made a fine reputation for yourself, Jericho." Jarl Balgruuf stated, offering an approving nod. "But tell us, what has happened? From what rumors would say, it seems all of Skyrim is falling apart."

I scratched at my cheek, wondering where to begin. "That's probably not too far from the truth," I said. Then I began right from the beginning -- the trip to Falkreath, then the ordeal at Markarth, then finally what happened in Riften. And, as I spoke, it really sunk in just how much had happened. Some pieces were left out, like hiring the Dark Brotherhood and the like, but the story was a long one.

Jarl Balgruuf nodded on the occasion, and when I began to wrap the story up, he spoke. “That explains some things. We received a letter from Solitude explaining that the city was under siege by ‘Revelry.’ I think every Hold received them. It was an invitation to a party by Sanguine. The King sent a letter stating that the city was fine,” he added when I appeared nervous.

“The Order of Stendarr held the city. I’m not sure what happened, but it seems that the group ended up dispersing when they ran out of food and ale. Sanguine is currently imprisoned in Solitude's dungeons,” Jarl Balgruuf explained, and that was a relief. And it was the first time I had heard of a god besides Hestia being anything other than a pain in the ass, so that was nice.

“What about Falkreath?” I asked, wondering what would happen to the city. “Did they decide on a new Jarl?”

My hopes were dashed when he shook his head, “No, they haven’t. It’s a deadlock. Half of them want to make you Jarl, and the rest is split between voting for themselves.” Oh, that did not sound good. “Are you certain you don’t want to become the Jarl of Falkreath? From the sounds of it, Divine Hestia has already taken the matter into her own hands in Helgen.” Meaning the reason I was supposed the become the Jarl of Helgen was already taken care of.

I shook my head, “Honestly, I’m not sure I want to be a Jarl at all anymore. From what I’ve seen, it’s a colossal pain in the ass.” I admitted, though that wasn’t the whole truth. I wanted to live in the city that Hestia was building, and I didn’t want to have to run back and forth to see her. They were selfish and petty reasons, but I was a selfish and petty person.

Iirleth scowled, “You’re the clear choice in Falkreath,” she pointed out. I could guess what she was doing -- she wanted another friendly Jarl. Hestia would follow my lead, so instead of being the lone neutral Hold, there would be three.

“Given the circumstances, I do believe it would be best if Falkreath chose another Jarl. Rumors of murder would taint Jericho’s reputation, true or not,” Jarl Balgruuf offered, backing my stances. “By stepping away from Jarlship in Falkreath, he proves that he is innocent.” To that, Iirleath scowled but nodded, seeing the logic in it.

“Falkreath is being shipped food by us and Helgen. Markarth, however, seems to be on its own for the winter. Even if the trails haven’t snowed over, they would by the time any grain could be shipped,” Jarl Balgruuf didn’t sound happy about it, but there wasn’t much that could be done.

I offered a shrug, “If anything can be sparred, I can try to make a shipment. The snow will bother me a lot less than a normal person,” I offered.

Jarl Balgruuf nodded, looking thoughtful. “I will see what can be done… still, Falkreath and Markarth. The gods do enjoy their messes… but your efforts in Riften are an interesting prospect. Your thoughts on Jarl Ulfric now that you’ve met the man?” He asked, his tone taking a cautious edge to it. Which was fair, I guess.

I had plenty of time to think about my opinion of the man on the run over. “How much of what he said about the Empire is true?” I asked instead of answering -- I wanted to separate my opinions that formed from meta-knowledge. Just in case they tainted who Ulfric Stormcloak really was.

“For the most part, yes, much of it is true. He paints the Empire in a poorer light than they deserve, but at the heart of the matter, he’s correct. Had you fought in the war, you wouldn’t be likely to see battle. You would have been deemed too important to risk carelessly, so you would have been set aside for your own protection until it was too late,” He explained. “There are good men in the Empire. Great men, even. And it was an honor to serve with them, but… good and great men in the empire don’t tend to live long. Their lives cut short, if not by politics, then by the Thalmor.”

Hm. That sounded… like a problem. “Before I left Riften, Ulfric said something to me about the Thu’um -- how learning a word can change a man. He warned me about it, but… I think he’s falling prey to what he warned me about. The Unrelenting Force -- Ulfric sees himself as the only man that can do anything, so it’s up to him to make the hard choices, and nothing is going to get in the way of doing what he thinks is right.”

That’s the impression that I got from him. I know there was a dossier from the Thalmor about him, but I never actually bothered to read it. I just knew what it said -- that he had betrayed the Empire under torture by giving up sensitive information, that he was their agent, and so on. I had no idea how much of that was still true, but when I had looked at Ulfric, I saw a man that hated the Thalmor. Real hate. The kind I had felt for the Soma familia.

If he had ever worked for the Thalmor aside, I didn't believe he was still working for them. Willingly, at least. But that didn't mean he didn't serve their interests, and beyond all of that, I didn't care for the racist policies he spouted.

The trio blinked at that, "It fits," Iirleth remarked with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I can believe it as well. Jarl Ulfric learned the lessons of the Greybeards, but it seems that he did not learn their wisdom," Jarl Balgruuf said with a small shake of his head. "But, the man aside, you are Thaned five times. Do you intend to be Thaned in every Hold?"

To that, I offered a small shrug, "I might as well. Already halfway there at this point." Though, based on the look that I got, I'm guessing that I missed something important. "Unless I shouldn't?"

Jarl Balgruuf let out a huff of laughter, "It depends -- you would gain the title Thane of Skyrim. Only those that have been Thaned in every Hold can gain the title, but… actually, I don't think it's ever been given out in anything beyond an honorary measure. Usually postmortem for a great hero." That was probably the secret title the system was talking about. "Provided that you live to use the title, I don't know what it would mean. Thanes are second only to their Jarls or the King -- as the Thane of Skyrim, in theory, you would be second to the King."

I blanched at that, earning another laugh from the Jarl as he continued, "In theory. The title is an old one, but it is too new to know what actually having it would mean. In truth, I believe you should aim for it. It will give your voice more weight than any Jarl at the Moot. And if it is going to be as chaotic as you believe, then having a strong voice that all the Jarls know to call for unity will surely be a boon."

Despite his words, I was suddenly less sure if I wanted the title. Being the Thane of Falkreath apparently put me in the line of succession. Being King… part of me liked the idea. That part of me that used to entertain fantasies of all that I would do if I became king of a nation in the medieval times, this time… but that part of me was silenced by a month of pure bullshit. And all of that bullshit being my problem rather than shit I dealt with.

"If it happens, then it happens, I guess," I hedged. I wasn't aiming for it anymore, but… there were a lot of problems in Skyrim and I knew by now that I would end up solving them. "But, with all of that taken care of, what's next?"

Farengar spoke up for the first time, "Your companion dropped off the dragon stone some time ago -- all of the corpse locations have been marked on the map." he said and when I looked down at the map, I saw that they were. "The one north of Whiterun has already been dealt with. As has the one near Helgen."

"The rest, we are forced to leave to you," Jarl Balgruuf said. "My men can't dig them up without it looking like we're invading. Your mining company, on the other hand, is quite capable of excavating them. Especially considering you're the Thane in most Holds." He had a point there.

"I'll take care of it then," I said, thinking about what this would mean. I would be getting my hands on dragon bone. Probably one of the toughest materials in the game. Most of it would go to Helgen to act as bait, but some could be spared to improve my armor.

I had an idea to improve my good set beyond the Ebony that it was. Dragon bone, Aetherium , and the possibility of upgrading it to Daedric… I would need it to take on Alduin.

"What about you?" Irileth questioned as I memorized the markers, which transferred themselves to my map. My map was filling out nicely, though the top half was pretty sparse. But, comparing it to my memories of the game map… everything seemed roughly in the same place, just spread out a bit more.

Meaning that I could probably triangulate a few odds and ends that were worth picking up.

"I'm going to the Greybeards to recruit them," I said, "Or to learn the Thu'um. Based on a conversation I had with Sheogorath… it might be possible for me to learn the Thu'um a bit easier with Akathosh's blessing."

Jarl Balgruuf seemed to expect that kind of bullshit from me, so he simply nodded in agreement. "Then you had best leave now. A cold snap will be felt far worse at the throat of the world than it will be here. If you don't, then you might have to wait until winter ends."

I think I would probably be fine, but I did agree that the sooner the better. "Then I'll head out now. No point in wasting time," I said, earning a nod from the Jarl. He held out a hand for me to clasp, which I did, and inadvertently engulfed his forearm with my hand. The intent was clear, though.

"It seems there is no rest for a good man -- godspeed to you, Jericho," Jarl Balgruuf said, squeezing down before he let go. I offered a smile in response before I turned around and started walking away. That was good. I had a bead on the next task, though some things were left in the gaps, they could wait.

I knew where to find some dragon bone, and I was likely to spend the next few months with the Greybeards. Not exactly my idea of a good time, but needs must. With that thought in mind, I realized I should probably say my goodbyes. For now at least, because I wasn't sure if I was going to be leaving the mountain before spring.

Rolling my shoulders as I stepped out of the dragon keep, I made my way down to the home of the Companions, Jorrvaskr. It seemed my brief sighting was enough to gather up a small crowd because people stopped and stared when they saw me coming. Some of them looked like they expected me to… I dunno, give a speech or something. They were disappointed because I just ignored them and made my way to Jorrvaskr.

I stepped through the gate, going to head for the door, only to stop when I saw Aela rounding the side of the building. Her expression was set into an unusual scowl and she seemed to be marching somewhere without looking where she was going because she seemed shocked to see me when I spoke up. "Aela? Something wrong?"

She nearly tripped, my voice caught her so off guard. She blinked before looking up at me, her lips parted but she failed to answer for a few seconds. Then her lips thinned, "Do you still wish to lay with me?" Aela asked bluntly, making every instinct scream trouble.

Was… this a trick question…?

"Yeesss…?" I confirmed with some hesitation. Those weren't bedroom eyes. Those were 'I'm about to shoot and kill something' eyes. And since I was the only one here, I'm guessing I would be the target.

"Good," was all Aela said before she closed the distance between us. She stood on her tiptoes while grabbing my shoulders to lower me down the foot and a half distance separating our faces, and slammed her lips against mine. I was a bit taken back by the suddenness, but I guess I did leave her wanting for about a week, so I quickly recovered and kissed back.

Kissing Aela was different than nearly every girl I had kissed before -- some girls were more skilled and experienced, others let me take the lead, and some had dominated my mouth on accident. Aela kissed me hard, hungrily almost, with a savage intensity. Once I was at a proper kissing height, she ran her hands through my hair, her lips demanding and intense -- if I had kissed her before became an adventurer, I'd probably be sporting a split lip.

Then, almost as soon as it began, Aela pulled back and I saw her golden-yellow eyes were narrowed into a glare. "Follow me," she demanded, not giving me a chance to answer before she led me by the wrist to what appeared to be the cliff wall that supported the Skyforge. But, appearances could be deceiving because she pulled a rock that acted as a lever and a passageway opened up.

The stairs that the Companions had made their offer to join their covenant at. Aela closed the door behind us after lighting a torch, which she used to light an oil trench to illuminate the secret area.

"You… seem a little… angry," I noted, wondering if she brought me down here for sex or to murder me. But I couldn't think of a reason why I had pissed her off, and the question was answered by Aela pulling off her top to reveal her bare breasts. My gaze dipped down, ignoring the sound of her metal shoulder pauldrons hitting the ground. She tore off her vambraces and the green sleeves as well.

She didn't answer for a moment, though she paused to take off her leggings and skirt.

"You were right," she snapped at me, making me blink.

Okay. "...What was I right about?" I couldn't help but ask. I probably could have answered the question myself, but I was a little distracted by the sight of boobs, and blood was rushing to the wrong head. The last time I saw Aela's breasts, it had been in the middle of the night, and I hadn't been able to make out much detail. The flames made the shadows darker, but I saw her dark red, pebbled nipples standing upright. Though, I couldn't tell if it was from arousal or the cold based on the goosebumps that seemed to cover her skin.

That was the wrong thing to say because he glared at me like I was supposed to already know. "Skjor," she snapped at me, her anger not quite enough to stop her from pulling off the leather skirt that hung at her waist. I was more distracted when I saw that the carpet did match the drapes -- her groin was covered in a somewhat tamed bush. Given we spent the last month on the road, I'm guessing she didn't have many chances to womanscape, as it were.

Who in the hell was- "Oh. He has feelings for you?" I asked, somewhat dumbly. And based on the look that I got, I could tell that Aela also thought it was a dumb question. "Did you talk? What did you say?" I questioned, starting to wonder what this was. This had all the hallmarks of spite sex to her ex, rather different than how she tried to just hook up with me out in the wild.

Aela tore off her boots, so she stood before me completely in the nude. She didn't have her grease paint on either, since there wasn't much of a point with the snow. She met my gaze, appearing annoyed that I was asking questions instead of dicking her, but… this was an issue of shitting where I eat. If this turned into a drama thing, then at the very least I would be making an enemy of Skjor. I could end up alienating myself and Aela from the entire Companions.

"He wanted to lay with me when I got back, but I told him that I wasn't interested. I thought that would be the end of it, but… he started to act all possessive -- as if I were his wife," Aela's lips thinned, appearing a bit upset. "He said that he does care for me."

Right. Shit.

I took in a deep breath, "Do you care for him?" I asked bluntly.

Aela looked away, "I… no. I don't." There was some hesitation there, but she sounded more ashamed than anything. Like she was ashamed of not returning his feelings. "I told him as much and…" I'm guessing some things were said that pissed her off.

"Aela," I started, stepping forward as I began to undo the Hestia Armor. "If you're looking for me to tell you you should go back to him… then you've come to the wrong guy," I told her, tossing the armor aside.

In the end -- I liked Aela. I spoke to Skjor all of one time, and he got rejected. He might have feelings for her, but those meant pretty much nothing when they weren't returned. I was reminded by a trope in Hentai -- how a guy will like a girl that was getting dicked by a guy with a huge dick and no face. They were always labeled as NTR, but that always struck me as weird. In the end, if there was no relationship to NTR away, then it was just a case of some audience stand-in not confessing soon enough.

I was in the clear. I wasn't a hentai NTR protagonist.

Aela stepped forward, grabbing the edges of my sweater before helping me pull it up. Once it was off, she ran her hands over my chest, caressing the muscles as her hands dipped lower to run over my abs, then down to the buttons of my pants. "Good," Aela responded as she started to undo them. I returned the gesture by allowing my hands to dip low, cupping her ass as I effortlessly lifted her off her feet.

The bowl meant to catch the blood of a werewolf was petty much the perfect height, so I set her down on the edge, while I leaned down to kiss her as she tore at the buttons of my pants to free my erection. She gasped into my mouth as her hands ran over its length -- they reminded me of Tiona’s. They were rough and calloused, but not in a way that didn’t feel good as she ran her fingers over my length.

She spread her legs, guiding my cock into her, but the action caused me to pull my head back. “No foreplay?” I questioned -- Aela was wet, just not the level of wet I preferred girls to be. I couldn’t prove it because I only had the one test case -- girls in Skyrim didn’t seem to operate under hentai physics. By that, Hestia was able to take all of me despite being fairly small, but Dibella had been able to take in half at best.

“I’ve waited for this for too long as it is,” Aela told me, giving me a hungry look. So, foreplay was a no go. Still, I wanted to lube up just a little more. Looking down, I gathered up and spat on my cock and spread it out a bit. The spit would help, and the aphrodisiac in the spit would help more. Aela sighed breathlessly when I lifted her a bit, angling myself so that the underside of my dick dragged itself over her lower lips.

Her eyebrows drew together, likely noticing something. When she looked up at me, I offered her a cocky smirk, “A perk of having a falna,” I explained. Her lips tugged up into a smile, and I saw that the aphrodisiac was working its magic. Aela was hardly gushing, but she was noticeably wet.

“I can’t wait to join up then,” Aela said, taking my cock and guiding the tip of it to her lips. She sucked in a sharp breath when I began to penetrate, and instantly I noticed the tightness. Just the tip was in, but her pussy was trying to force me out with the tightness of it's grip rather than draw me in.

God… fucking… shit god damn motherfucking shit fuck.

“You’re too big,” Aela realized the issue. I… I could use a perk point to solve the issue. Snug Fit would take care of the problem, no issue. But…

Saving the world or getting laid? Risk spending an incredibly valuable perk point that could determine the fate of the entire world… or fucking Aela’s brains out?

Choices choices.



Getting laid is the obvious choice off course. Snug fit it is!

Douglas Karr

What are the chances snug fit can be applied to non sexual things and as a result be a good thing?


Oh wow This chapter is going to set QQ on fire in 2 weeks :)


Not even gonna start on the rant of why Snug Fit wasn't chosen in the first place.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

How fkn thick are his fingers O.o? Skjor is a fully grown and well trained Nord(typically almost 2 meters tall/6.4 feet), with bestial traits from his lycantrophy. If his dick is even nominally propotional, then our MC basically has something between Hagrid, and a Skyrim Giant/HP Troll's digits. He might need a 2nd form altogether. Being that large can very inconvient for all kinds of detail work. Even smithing would get very tough(I'd know, I have that very problem. My chest and arms are too broad, and it's hard to get the right angle while hamering. Got even worse when I let myself go, and gained some weight).

Eldar Zecore

All in favor of Snug Fit ... ✋