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Hello everyone, I'm letting you know I'll be taking the 23rd to 30th off. Possibly. Maybe. it's a very real possibility, so I felt the need to give you all a heads up just in case. 

It's a mix of work stuff, personal life, and a bit of burnout. With work, it's taking a bunch of qualifications for a promotion -- so, a lot of memorization, and a lot of boring stuff that has turned my brain into mush. Personal life is I'm visiting my girlfriend's parents and... yeah. As for burnout, it's nothing serious. It's just a case of recharging my batteries and I keep getting distracted. 

So, it's just I'm going to be very busy that week and it might be better just to take a step back. 

But, it's not all bad news. I've talked about it before, but I've been wanting to add another story to my rotation. It was the cause of that poll a while ago about my update schedule. Nothing really came about it because I figured that it would hurt my patron to change my schedule, but I've been thinking about it again. 

I've decided to have an experiment. I'm starting a Quest. Everlasting Dynasty, hosted on Questionable Questing in the NSFW section but not for the reasons you think. It's a Fate/ Stay Night and Crusader Kings 3 quest, so if it wasn't NSFW then I would be writing it wrong. 

It's just an experiment, though. I want to see if I could in theory handle four stories. But since it's just an experiment, it won't receive a dedicated update day, but a vague promise that I'll try to update it at least twice a week to start with. And it won't be posted here, at least at the start, because if I feel like I can't handle it then I'll drop it like a hot potato. 

Though, if I do feel like I can handle it, the quest could be posted regularly and go P2W with Patreon tiers receiving weighted votes or something. We'll have to see. 

Either way, thank you for your consideration and sorry for the inconvenience. 



If there's even a moment of feeling like you need the break I say take it.


I'm usually not a fan of quests but I'll check it out since I know you have a history of quality writing. :) On the topic of a break, you're physical and mental health is important if you feel like you need to take a break be it a week or more then do so.