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Bigger Tipper Poll for the September Prompt

  • Darth Hikitanti (OreGairu/Star Wars) 6
  • Frank Conversations (Going Native) 0
  • That's a Dragon? (Berserk/Witcher 3) 1
  • Perfect Practice Makes Perfect (DB) 0
  • Wasteland Blues (Fallout/Mass Effect) 3
  • Unexpected Vacations (Campione/RWBY) 2
  • Debriefing (Going Native) 17
  • Familia Troubles (Power Corrupts) 1
  • Overleveled (Power Corrupts/Mass Effect) 1
  • God Slayer (Power Corrupts/Campione) 0
  • 2020-09-03
  • 31 votes
{'title': 'Bigger Tipper Poll for the September Prompt', 'choices': [{'text': 'Darth Hikitanti (OreGairu/Star Wars)', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Frank Conversations (Going Native)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "That's a Dragon? (Berserk/Witcher 3)", 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Perfect Practice Makes Perfect (DB)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Wasteland Blues (Fallout/Mass Effect)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Unexpected Vacations (Campione/RWBY)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Debriefing (Going Native)', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Familia Troubles (Power Corrupts)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Overleveled (Power Corrupts/Mass Effect)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'God Slayer (Power Corrupts/Campione)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 3, 14, 55, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 31}


Darth Hikitanti (OreGairu/Star Wars): A chapter of my story My highschool adventure as a Sith is wrong, as expected (OreGairu/Star Wars), where Hachiman and Padawan make their escape from the Sith Empire. 

Frank Conversations (Going Native): Tarble, having spent some time on Earth, has been butting heads with members of the Justice League. Some more so than others. 

That's a Dragon? (Berserk/Witcher 3): Guts and Ciri wander the Path and stumble across a Forktail. Guts, eager to let Dragonslayer live up to its name, finds himself thoroughly underwhelmed while Ciri finds the entire situation hilarious. 

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect (DB): Leon Everyday, a bog-standard human born and raised on Earth, learns that he can never keep up with the likes of Goku. The raw power was just beyond him. So he would make the perfect techniques to carry him to victory. 

Wasteland Blues (Fallout/Mass Effect): Uniting Wasteland America was a near-impossible task, but with some help with the Big Empty and a handful WMDs, it was accomplished. Only it turned out to be the easy part as humanity once again turns its gaze to the stars only to find out that they're not as alone as they thought they were. 

Unexpected Vacations (Campione/RWBY): What do godslayers do when there are no gods to slay? 

Debriefing (Going Native): The Justice League learns of Tarble for the first time and Batman explains how screwed they are.

Familia Troubles (Power Corrupts): The gods and Aedra have descended and it's time to decide the rules. Compromises are necessary, but gods aren't used to compromising.

Overleveled (Power Corrupts/Mass Effect): Jericho visits a lower-tiered world for a spell and ends up punching out Kaju that keep interrupting his vacation. And anyone that can punch out a reaper is someone that Commander Shepard wants on her team. 

God Slayer (Power Corrupts/Campione): Jericho finds himself in the world of Campione, and his system really threw him in the deep end. Landing in front Nuadha, he has to become the sixth Campione or die trying. 



I would literally commission you to continue that oregairu/starwars cross.