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Sorry for springing this on you, but this was just sprung on me. I've been asked to step in and go on a business trip because the guy that originally was going to go tested positive for COVID. I was just tested as well, and so were the ones that the guy was in contact with at the other company. Provided that everyone is in the clear then the trip will go as planned. 

It's a good opportunity for me, so I agreed to do it. The details aren't finalized yet, and I'll know more either today or tomorrow. Again, sorry to spring all of this on you. I know I just had my vacation, but the trip could be really good for me when playing the corporate promotion game. To make up for it, if I am able to go, I'll count this as the October vacation. 

I'll be able to confirm if I'm going or not tomorrow, so I'll make another post when I upload the chapter for Going Native. 



I hope it works out for you man.


Good luck to you. Hope it goes well and you return home healthy.

Blair Shirley

Good luck Man! I hope this goes well, and don't feel bad at all about the lack of chapter(s) this causes!

Douglas Dees

Don't even worry about counting it as October vacation, you are doing a wonderful service for us and we are happy to help provide as we can in exchange, but let's get you moving up in the world where you want to be.


Woot! Earn some green! See some sights! Suck some corporate cock! Have at it m8

David Wayman

No worry's and good luck. And, if you feel real bad you could if us double chapters, just saying. But seriously no one should or would complain about taking a business opportunity.


Be Safe.


You don't have to apologize after all life and work come first.


No problem at all, just stay safe. As for October Vacation don't worry about it take it anyways the last thing you need is burnout

Eldar Zecore

Congrats!! This sounds like a good work opportunity for you! I hope that everything works out and that you stay safe and healthy!


Thanks for keeping us in the loop, do what you gotta do man

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

I'm sort of more worried about you getting sick while traveling...