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Should Jericho learn the Thu'um or Magic?

  • Greybeards 130
  • College of Winterhold 62
  • Both 58
  • 2020-06-27
  • 250 votes
{'title': "Should Jericho learn the Thu'um or Magic?", 'choices': [{'text': 'Greybeards', 'votes': 130}, {'text': 'College of Winterhold', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'Both', 'votes': 58}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 27, 17, 41, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 250}


Figured now that all of my patrons have had a chance to think about the question, I should put up a poll. The plan is that Jericho will be spending two months with either the Greybeards or the College of Winterhold. 

If Jericho goes to the Greybeards, he will be learning three Shouts -- Unrelenting Force, Dragonrend, and a third Shout that will be determined by another poll. With this option, Lili will be the one going to the College and she will go there to learn Support magic. Restoration, Alteration, and Illusion. 

If Jericho goes to the College, he will focus on two schools of magic: Destruction and Alteration. Lili will go with him, and they'll have a Hogwarts experience. 

Then there's a middle ground. Jericho spends one month with the Graybeards and one month with the College. Jericho will dabble with the Thu'um, learning one Shout, and with the College, Jericho will focus exclusively on Enchanting. 



I was gun-ho on the Voice earlier, but if it means missing out on scenes with Lili, I've got to send our guy to College


Ideas guy: asks us to choose-magic school or voice monk training? My answer: Yes.


If you are planning to follow what elder scrolls lore says can theoretically be done with the voice go all in if not mix it up (I am assuming that we can still go back and learn either or both to a further extent later on?)


Of The Two magic schools, it's far easier to level Alteration then any other magic like Destruction or even the Thu'um as you need enemies to level it while Alteration can be done with spamming spells like Water breathing in shallow waters, constant Telekinesis on an object, and later Mass Paralysis on a group of enemies over and over. This is a plus with 100 Enchanting Magic Regen and Fortify Alteration effects put on.


I'd rather Jericho not learning overt magical all, just stick to enchants and estoric shouts like dragonrend


Can we have Lilli attend the college full time even if we choose "Both" for Jericho? Honestly, even if we send Jericho to the College full time, he should still have Enchanting being one of his Schools. It's simply too useful to pass up.

Ramon Diaz

I voted for magic. But like another user mentioned, I think support magic such as enchants maybe some status effect magics, at most telekinesis so he can do things like throw his sword or do force pushes or chokes and have perhaps Lilly learn the more offensive magic, the rest can be covered by a few specific shouts.


I don't see Jericho as a flashy spellslinger. The Thu'um will help more I think. Sad to miss out on more Lili interactions.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

That other was probably me, as I've said it quite a few times. I am for both, but I'd prefer it if he trained in magic first. I think that should be the real question. What should he train first. I'd say magic. It is a better timing for that story-wise.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

It's not about flashy spellslinging though. It's about using magic to boost himself, protect against other magic, learning enchanting and using it to boost his training. Training in the Thu'um would actually be more like flashy spellslinging, except it coming in forms of shouts. It does not intergrate into his fighting style in the same way. What you speak of is if he goes full destruction(not just to boost his enchanting/weaponry), or starts using illusion magic. I don't think any of us actually wants that. What we want, is magic that boosts his fighting style.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

I don't mind adding all that in time. But for the sake of stable story progression, should he not go for magic to boost his combat skills for now? He's not gonna be come Talos in a couple of months. It is the ideal category to lvl up, to use to intensify his physical training, and to boost his defenses against magical attacks.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

I personally prefer burden, and defensive spells. Which are the ones he'd have the greatest use for in combat later anyways. Perhaps the Open Lock spells as well. Kinda surprised he'd forego restoration. It's such a usefull tree. Destruction can be of use as well, but... It's not really an equal comparison for a melee character like him. He'd be better off focusing on Alteration and Restoration. But I suppose Lili needs to have a real role later on...

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

You do realize alteration magic can simply be used for boosting his physical abilities? Pretty much the same with restoration. You can skip all of that overt stuff, I'd even recommend it with his focus. The only reason he might want to bother with destruction, is to improve enchantments on his weaponry. I'd probably skip it in favor of enchanting, resto and alteration though... Only so much time, and those 3 are so much better focused towards his toolkit.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Guys, I think you're forgetting that magic doesn't have to mean any overt stuff. Like fire, arcane energy, ice, lightning etc. It could simply mean physical boosting, like burden/lightfeather(increase/decrease weight), buff up strength/speed/agility/endurance, increase your magical resistance(passively and actively), increase your physical resistance with such as "Ironskin", or "Ebonyskin". It could also mean enchanting, or healing magic. I don't think any of us wish to see him suddenly switch to a mage fighting style, but do any of use really mind him using everything available to boost his fighting style? And that's all without even mentioning that the Thu'um is way more likely to mean actually using "shouting"(magic), overtly. Chaning his fighting style to spew fire, or call down lightning.


Every Skyrim si seems to go for magic. I'm actually enjoying someone actually embracing the uber Nord cultural mystique.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Yes, but they go for making magic their focus. Ignoring magic completely, is simply stupid, it's giving up on an asset in combat. It's like incapacitating a leg. Can you still win? Yes, but you're NEVER gonna be the best. And far, far from the best you could be. Remember, it doesn't have to have the slightest connection to fighting with the magic, you can simply use it to boost your capabilities in combat. Like buffing, enchanting, healing, magic resistance, etc.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Ops, changed my mind. College, if he only learns enchanting otherwise, then the college. Alteration is essential to his build. He can skip everything else, as long as he learns Alteration. It's the most essential part to complete his toolkit right now. Even more so than enchanting. The passive magic resistance alone makes sure of it. But add in its ability to actively increase his defenses(magic and physical), its ability to manipulate weight, and its ability to buff both him and objects. He needs it.


He Hass the talent to learn three shouts to mastery in two months? You sure he ain't dragon born?

Blair Shirley

I'm a bit sad that Lili interactions are locked behind Jericho going to the College. He brought her with him, but half of the time he is in Skyrim she won't be able to see him at all. Logically, the Thu'um, particularly Dragonrend, is necessary for Jericho otherwise Alduin can just fly and summon meteors, but in the process that means that the abuse victim is going to be stuck for 2/3 months alone with people that 100% are toxic assholes that will make her issues even worse. I selected "Both" simply because Dragonrend is necessary, but would it not be most effective to just use Hestia or Jericho's reputation/political power to get a good mage to come with them to the Greybeards so that Lili can still learn and not be alone with pompous assholes that are the exact worst type of people for Lili to interact with so soon into her recovery?

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

That just assumes he wouldn't learn Dragonrend after those 2 months, or that he can't learn it on the side during the conflicts. It's better to pick Winterhold now I'd say. Both for Lily, and because it's what he needs to compete is toolkit(enchanting and alteration, for magic resist, armor, improved training and buffs essentially).

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Starting to suspect the voting might be bot rigged...(by someone willing to pay to change the results) It's always way too intensely in the favor of choices that go against most comments, and liked comments. It has happened again and again. Going by the comments, most would be in the favor of "both". But going by the votes, that has the least votes. Not gonna say it is. But the voting for obscure waifu's upon occasion, the vote to abandon "Be a Dragon", and now this. It doesn't seem right. Could be horribly wrong though.


Magic seems like a better option, I'd like the actual dragonborn to be the lead in downing alduin. (if he takes all the quests its gonna make it hard to the dragonborn to level up though) 😅