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Update Schedule Poll

  • Two weekly stories and one bi-weekly story 133
  • Two weekly stories and two bi-weekly stories on rotation 21
  • Two weekly stories and a third vote 12
  • One multi-week, one weekly, one bi-weekly 9
  • 2020-05-18
  • 175 votes
{'title': 'Update Schedule Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Two weekly stories and one bi-weekly story', 'votes': 133}, {'text': 'Two weekly stories and two bi-weekly stories on rotation', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Two weekly stories and a third vote', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'One multi-week, one weekly, one bi-weekly', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 18, 14, 59, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 175}


So, I've been giving my update schedule a think since I've been back from my vacation. I don't particularly mind my current set up now, but I wanted to get some feedback from all of you on what you would want because there are other options that you might prefer more.  

There will be a second poll once this one concludes that will decide between the most voted for option and maintaining my current schedule. The options are the following:

Two weekly stories and one bi-weekly story: Two of my stories would maintain their current update speed and word count but a third story would be updated every two weeks for a large chapter. My chapters tend to be around 5-8k words long, so the bi-weekly update would be closer to 12-15k. 

The bi-weekly spot would be left to a vote, but it could be temporarily filled by another story. An example would be for Going Native -- if there's a large scale battle that I can't fit within 6k works, then it would be the bi-weekly for that update. Then it would go back to the story that gets voted for the bi-weekly slot.

The update schedule would look like this: Story 1 - Story 2 then next week would be: Story 1 - Story 2 - Story 3 

Two weekly stories and two bi-weekly stories on rotation: With this choice, I would be starting a fourth story. The fourth story would be decided by a vote with a list of ideas that I have. I would maintain my three chapters a week update schedule, but the two bi-weekly stories would switch each update. 

So it would be Story 1- Story 2 - Story 3 one week then the next it would be: Story 1- Story 2 - Story 4 then back to Story 1- Story 2- Story 3.

Two weekly stories and a third vote: This one is a bit weird. I would maintain two stories that would receive regular updates, but the third slot would be chosen through a vote. Once a month I would hold a vote that would determine up to four additional stories that could be updated and in what order. 

Here's an example. On 1st, there's a vote on several story ideas. Story 1 receives the most votes, so it would be updated on the first Wednesday of the month. Story 2 received the second most, so it would be updated the next Wednesday and so on.  

So the update schedule would look something like this: Story 1 - Story 2 - Story 3 one week. Next week it could be: Story 1 - Story 2- Story 4. Then the week after that it would be: Story 1 - Story 2- Story 5.

Additionally, stories can be voted for twice. So, provided that it receives the votes, a story could be updated with a second chapter that month. It would look like something like this: Story 1 - Story 2 - Story 1 - Story 3. 

With this option, I would have a variety of projects in the works and they'll all be up to my usual quality. 

One multi-week, one weekly, one bi-weekly: For this option, one of my stories would receive up to three chapters a week of around 2-3k words, another would stay the same at weekly 6-8k words, and one would receive bi-weekly 10-12k chapters. 

The schedule would look something like this: Story 1 - Story 1 - Story 2 - Story 1 then the week after that would be: Story 1 - Story 1 - Story 2 - Story 3 - Story 1


Kabir Kumar

At the end of the day, you should do what you think will be most sustainable for you in the long run

Original Name

Whatever works for you.


As long as i get my weekly chapter of Going Native im fine ^^

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

I tried my best to take that in for a time, but then my mind started wandering towards my recent issues with a stiff neck(queue headache and dizziness). I tried to focus again, but just found myself thinking of other things like some fullblown, heavy duty ADD case. So I just let it go. If we keep getting content at basically the same pace as before, or faster? We'll probably be fine as long as it doesn't take months. Though it's probably best to feed us reading addicts regularly, and with somewhat satisfying meals(a good amount of content).

