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So, as you all know, I keep backlogs for my stories. Some of you have heard already, but I had a crash on my computer that corrupted most of my backlogs about three months ago. Since then, I've been writing nonstop to first keep my promises to all of you, and to build up my backlogs again. 

It's because of this that Going Native is only two weeks ahead and Darth Hiki stopped updating because I chose to focus on my two more established stories. Eventually, Be a Dragon replaced it because I needed something to blow off steam and it ended up becoming its own story because rewriting things is both not fun, and it's painfully slow. 

Recently, I've gone over the past couple of chapters that I've written for some of my stories and I can see the drop in quality. It's just good enough for me to publish here and move on rather than the quality that I strive for or the quality that you're paying for. 

A big part of it is that I've been writing at every opportunity for about three months. Which was fine because I kept bouncing between projects so I never really felt the burnout build up. However, since the lockdown because of the pandemic, writing is pretty much all I've done, and the burnout shows. I'm just forcing my way through scenes to get to back where I was, and what I'm writing is 'good enough' when I want it to be great. 

So, what's the point of all of this? 

Since you're all technically my bosses, I'm asking permission to take a small break from the 1st of May to the 8th, so about a week. This would mean that there would be no update in that time period, but they'll resume right after on the previous schedule. 

Sorry about having to ask this, but I figured it would be better to ask now than end up dropping a story because of writer's block. 


Lucas Gallant

Take care of yourself and enjoy the break!

Eldar Zecore

If you want to take a week off of writing I say go for it! I would much prefer you taking the break and coming back refreshed with better quality, rather than you be stressed and steadily getting worse

Kabir Kumar

Hey, that's absolutely fine, dude. Take care of yourself.

Razorfloss razor

Take a break. It's no good forcing yourself and having the quality drop. We don't want a season 8 to happen and you end up hating the story. Hell dbza ended because of burnout and they didn't want to overstay their welcome

Christopher Sampson

You do you man. Take a break if you need it. None of us want you to burn out on the stories


Take a week off man. You deserve it.


We understand you need your rest, go for it, take care of yourself


Take as much time as you need! We love your writing and would hate to see you burnout for good.


Everyone deserves a week off here or there. And with how much you work you deserve it.


Take care of yourself first. If you need the time off go for it.


I've much rather you took a break instead of burning out and not wanting to write anymore, get some rest man.


Begone dear writer. Return when you're rested and ready! Seriously though, no problem take a breather.


IG, best buddy, love of my life! Take some time off. Take care of yourself. Relax, maybe learn to do a backflip or something.


Treat yourself, dear author


Everybody deserves a break bro

The Epitome of Eccentricity

I dunno. One of your coworkers called in and we REALLY need you to cover this shift.

Ciaphas Cain

I saw on QQ that you had some problems and lost your files! I'm patiently waiting for the day when Dark Hibi will be updated again. you are the author you are free to take a vacation especially if you need it, no need to justify yourself ^^ take care of yourself and see you soon


Take care and be safe

John MacKellar

Have fun and relax my dude.

Darin Ehrhart

I agree with Eldar Zecore. Take the time off, we will all be better off for it. Thanks for writing and sharing.

Skia Vasillias

Yes, please take care of yourself! Don't burn out just trying to catch up and get back to where you were. Take your time and do what you want.

Blair Shirley

Yo man, take yourself a break for a week or two and just relax as much as you can. You'v been doing amazing, and quite frankly, some of us are debating giving you a promotion.


Take a break if you feel it is needed, as taking care of one's self is rather important after all.


Go right ahead, better to rest and recharge then to burn out


Take a break, better to return to this with charged batteries.


That’s chill dude

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Consider a cloud or personal backup sever for what you write in the future. Anything can happen, but chances of losing your writings then would be slim to none. I have my own personal NAS, for EVERYTHING.


You've been writing good shit on a consistent weekly basis since I first starting reading on QQ. All you're asking for is a week, and nobody's gonna lose their shit, especially if it keeps you from burning out.


Take break, have fun, you've earned it


Take some well deserved vacation time. Your health is the priority.


And, you know, confinement. There's only so much to do after a while...


Go right ahead. I completely understand why you need it, and can wait a week while you relax and recharge.


Please take a break


Take the break, no sense in trying to force the muse.

Taryn Myst

Take a break. Mental health is damn important.


I don't have a problem with it. Burn out has ruined some great stories.

The GrandMage

Everyone deserves some paid time off. Keeps you from burning out.


I'd be fine with you taking a break.


Take a week off.


I'd be happy if you did so. Keeping yourself miserable isn't good for anyone.


Go ahead and relax. Enjoy some quarantine gaming or something.


Enjoy the vacation!!! Read a book, watch a movie, do something fun!!!!

Douglas Karr

Go ahead dude, quality over quantity


Take care of yourself.


Nothing wrong with taking care of your mental health. Thanks for the heads up


Everyone gets a vacation, if your lucky you usually get 3 to 4 a year. Just because you are self employed doesn't mean you shouldn't get one. If you need a break, then take a break. Burnout will destroy a story faster then anything else.


Yeah vacations are good so go ahead


I don't think you actually need to ask. Instead I'll thank you for the heads up.

Canadian Tick

You don't even need to ask, though the heads up is appreciated.


I concur, it's not really necessary to ask, but I understand why you did. It's important to take breaks to avoid burnout. Make sure to take care of yourself.


Dude, everybody deserves a vacation. Even if this is a labor of love, it's still basically a job. If you need time off, take the time you need. It'll only hurt productivity and quality of your work if you don't take care of yourself. You've definitely earned this. Thank you for providing us with such amazing entertainment up till now. Now go off and enjoy some free time, and we'll be happy to welcome you back when you return well rested.


100%, dog, take a break. You're more than owed one.


It’s all good man take your time, enjoy your break


For only a week? That's it? Hell, I probably wouldn't even have noticed without the heads up. Go for it, chief. Have fun.


Don't stress about burnout, go take your break. Just keep in mind not everything can be as perfect as we would like it to be, sometimes "good enough" will just have to do so don't feel bad about a drop in quality. Forcing through a burnout will only make it worse. Take your time, we'll be waiting.


Do it. To be honest, I was considering dropping my subscription (Paltry amount though that may be). Darth Hiki and Power Corrupts were my primary reasons to sub in the first place, and with Hiki not updating, and PC going to Skyrim, i've been less enthusiastic. That you've honestly and truthfully reached out means a lot, and I'll be keeping my sub at the current level for now. I hope you get back to a place where you enjoy your writing. Also, depending on your workflow, I highly recommend Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud. It's painless to set it up to be syncing automatically in the background, where you wouldn't even have to think about it except in the case of a crash, then you'll find everything you synced still safe. And for text, free tier should be enough.

Zephraim Dotson

Do it, burnt out is a death knell for a story.


Work Harder Slave!!! Authors begging me to stop, I won't let em! Labor conditions in my box? I don't sweat em!


Go right ahead.

Lazy Wizard

You honestly didn’t need to ask. Do what you need to do. I think most would agree when I say we’d rather you take a break now instead of burning out and dropping a story. We’ll be here, waiting (somewhat) patiently. Have a nice rest.

Alexander Murray

Aye, enjoy your week off, lord knows more than a few of us are lazing about.


Go for it. Enjoy yourself and have some fun because it sounds like you've been cooped up too long. And back up everything, though you probably already did a while ago. Don't know how that's such a common story, losing files... Feel like Cloud and such is practically common sense nowadays lol


I primarily store anything I write in Dropbox and that way whenever I make a change with Scrivener it auto saves an updates.


go ahead, we all need a break sometimes.


Go for it man! : )


I'm totally fine with you taking a break if you feel you need to.

Gremlin Jack

Feel free, breaks are important

Addison Adams

Yeah I love your stories but don’t put your own needs behind then. Take a break if you need one.


Consider setting a week(or however long) every month where you post nothing? Worth considering even if you are treating this like a full-time job of sorts; having a planned time you could look forward to where you can just do other activities would be a good idea. You would know best the kind of schedule that works for you so I'd say just experiment a little

Donovan Young

You should set up a week every month where you take a break. Especially during all this pandemic stuff. 👍🏿👍🏿