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So, after a day the results are in. They are the following:

Biggest Tipper: 10% voted yes and 90% voted no.

Bigger Tipper: 6% voted yes and 94% voted no.

Big Tipper: 24% voted yes and 76% voted no. 

Tipper: 26% voted yes and 74% voted no. 

So, by a landslide victory, Neo will be staying in the story. The people have spoken. That being said, I have taken the negative feedback into account because I noticed a common trend with it -- the main issue people seemed to have with Neo was how she was introduced. 

It was intentional for her to be brash, reckless and chaotic, but I think I might have  gone a tad too far with it. I've slept on it, and I've decided to rewrite chapter nine of the story. Depending on how much I rewrite, there is a possibility that next week's chapter might be delayed, but I think it's for the best. I'll also take the time to make some edits and when I'm done, the new chapter will be posted here along with the edits that I've made. 

Thank you to everyone for your feedback. 



Looking forward to it. Take your time.


That's fine just make sure that she's been told that some people have superpowers that can see through illusions since Neo is actually smart that would make her more careful to act up

Anthony Maxwell

You forgot it's opposite day IdeasGuy.


It’s Opposite Day, so by saying it’s Opposite Day, you’re saying it’s NOT Opposite Day XD